Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We're back from lovely Atlanta, and I'm hard at work on the last House of Night novel, REDEEMED!  See how serious Cammy is about helping me?!

Hope y'all are staying storm-free and semi-cool.  Oklahoma has been a windy, hot mess this summer!



Sarah L said...

Hope you had a great time P.C. Here in the Uk we have storms too, lets hope the sun comes out again.

Géraldine said...

Hello PC!

I can see several members of the Cast family are hard at work there! Little "Bossy" Cammy looks like he's saying "come on PC, hurry up, we've got soooo much work to do today!".
In France too we had huge storms and damages, in my area, mid west (water everywhere in my garage, violent wind, I was a bit scared) and south west (Bordeaux was hit by a severe storm and some areas were flooded).
Next week I'm going on holiday to the Atlantic coast: I'm taking with me the cats, the bikini, and a few books, among which "Warrior Rising", by a certain PC Cast...
By the way, the artist's pieces you posted on your blog are gorgeous!

Domonique said...

I don't want the HON series to end!!!

Unknown said...

Hi PC! From what POV begins REVEALED? The White Bull appears?

Unknown said...

Man, its coming to an end already! Well, thank you for bringing these books into our "crazy fans" lives. Also, to your agent who said those 3 amazing words VAMPIRE FINISHING SCHOOL. Lots of love from SoCal. Smoochies!!!

Name: Aine said...

Glad to see the end of the series coming along nicely. I know most don't want it to end, but an ending, a completion, is nice.

I was a huge fan of your work previous to HoN, and I was curious about what's going to happen next. A new Goddess Summoning book perhaps? Or a Partholon story? I completed Brighid's Quest a few days after that came out (almost 8 years ago!), and I've been waiting for Ciara's Destiny since. Any news on whether or not she'll get to tell her story?

GodsgirlJ said...

I just found out about this series about a month ago and I have already read books 1-6...I am loving it so much!!! I have book 7 coming in the mail and I just finished book 6 so I am anxious for it to get here! I was hook from the very first paragraph!

Anonymous said...

NO! I can't believe Redeemed will be the last one!!!! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! I'll die without Zoey and her gang :'(((