Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Which is your favorite?

Oooh! Here are the next three tee shirt designs! Which is your favorite?? (They're not quite available yet, but I'll let you know ASAP when and where you can get them.) XXXOOO PC


Unknown said...

The first one is my fav. I love you and Kristin so much and of course the House of Night series I hope you publish more than 12 books!!!!!!

Zoe-Scarlett said...

Please tell me these will be available at UK stores/sites?

Sunny said...

The first and the third are the best! :-)

Sarah L said...

I prefer the first two but I would most likely wear the second one xoxoxo

Unknown said...

I like the Marked one :)

I'mAnnieI said...

The first one!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the first one! It's great! it really brings out the whole story how Nyx is involved with the moon and Kalona's from aboriginal legends! =) both pictures combined creates what Zoey Redbird is! =D I LOVE it ^^ I can't wait to finish your series!!!! all I have left is Destined and Hidden (which comes out in October over where I am)

Amber Terry said...

My favorite is the first one. It's a total Stevie Rae reminder. But the others a cute too!

Amber Terry for Stevie Rae Johnson! (:

Unknown said...

I love the third one!! All your books are fab.......really hoping you will release some more of the Goddess series and maybe them on audio book???

Unknown said...

The first and Third ones are my favorites.
But I'd more likely wear the third one.

Lexie Moon said...

PC, "Hidden" is the last book of "House of Night"?

KazEremos said...

I really adore the first one. I love moons and feathers and it reminds me of Stevie Rae and Rephaim with the red feather and the moon.

iz said...

Cant wait till they r on sale YAYAY

Unknown said...

I love them all BUT my favorite is the 1st one! ^-^

Unknown said...

I love the third one!

Géraldine said...

I like the first and the third, but the third would be my favorite.

Good job,they're really gorgeous!

Best wishes

Lana-Sonia said...

I prefere the second one and I totally wanna have it!

*~*The Shaffers*~* said...

I love the first one!!!

Unknown said...

i love the third one!, how can I do for get someone, if I live in latin america!?

Lindsey said...

I LOVE THEM!!!! Mostly the first and third! I would love to buy these!! Can't wait!! Xxx
Much love -Lindsey

missy.pereira said...

The first one rocks

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the First! I want to buy now this.

I'm sorry for my english but I'm french :/

Cassie29 said...

I like the third one, because I'm not a fan of those short shirts that you wear tank tops under. They look frumpy to me. I shall never understand modern fashion, no matter how old I get. XD However, the design on the first shirt is great! :)

Mock said...

The first one, definitely. However, I'm going to try and buy all of them when they come out! I hope that's soon.

Anonymous said...

Omg! I love them all! I love love love the first one! Very unique!!
Keep up the good work!

Only'sAngel said...

I can't wait for more HON shirts to come out!I so want one! lol XD
Love the "Marked" shirt!

HON Fan <3

Critica said...

I really love the first one and the last one :)

randomgirly19 said...

I love all of them but mostly the middle one for sure :)

Amber Terry said...

PC, do you know when they will put them online? Or place the others in the store? (: I really want these! <3

Amber Terry for Stevie Rae Johnson.

Jessica Guallpa said...


Tereza said...

GOD, ALL OF THEM!!! ;) But if I had to choose, it would be the first! :)

Sherry Rowland said...

Love them all! Glad they'll be available before long!

Brittney said...

Ooooh PC - love the crop top!

Unknown said...

I love the first and second one. I hope I can get this T-Shirts in germany too.
I look forward to your visit in Berlin this November. Your books are so great and fantastic. *__*

Krazy Choir Kid said...

I love the third one but the first one is good too!

Cole's wings said...

Hey P.C, I love all of them they look great! And I don't want to sound all "tough guy" but do have any shirts that would work for your guy fans too? (Like arrows or whatnot) I love the series and am probably the biggest guy fan you will ever meet lol! Love you two! Can't wait to get Hidden!

hugeHONfan said...

Love all three of the shirts would wear all three of them
Cant wait for the book, movie and shirts to come out

Love yalls work P.C. and Kristen

Xj549 said...

The last one is awesome but I kinda like the design on the first one too!!! And do y'all know when the auditions are gonna be and maybe when?

~BB~ said...

first one, definitely the first one

Unknown said...

the first one with the red feather

aleeex(: said...

They all look amazing! I freaked out and was so thrilled to see the shirts you had posted!
I personally like the first one the best.

Whenever they are available to order, I would love to order one :)

Unknown said...

Dear P. C. Cast,
HON was suggested tome by a friend of mine, she had told me that I would love it and I thought, "why not give it a try". But once I reached the third book, I was shocked at the uncanny similarity of my life to Zoey's ( except for certain "elements", of course!) I do not know how it is possible, but it is true. I thank you from the core of my heart to have brought this book out!

(And by the way, the first T-shirt is extremely beatiful.)

tanyaville said...

omg please send them out for people can by they are goreous!!! i luv them hopefully L.A. will get them they are soo cute!!

Mary0812 said...

I love the second and third one.

Unknown said...

Hi! Omg these t-shirts are awesome!!! I'm gonna get both of them (^_^). Btw, PC, can you please tell me when you will write the next installment in the Partholon series? I really loved the series (especially Elphame's Choice) And I totally want to continue reading!!!

Unknown said...

3rd one is the best

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE the first and second ones, they're both amazing and gorgeous.

Max Sun said...

Is there gonna be a male line of clothing too??? I hope so. :)

PC Cast said...

Aksheeya - I would love to return to Partholon and write CIARA'S DESTINY. I just have to find the time...

Max - I hope so!

Unknown said...

I love the first, I think that is so cute, thank you girls for the series, I´m in love with it!! Good luck!!

Unknown said...

the third is the best!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the first choice. I would buy it in a heartbeat. Please let me know when they're released and where I could get one! XOXO -Shantelle