Friday, April 27, 2012

An Awesomely Small World...

So, I get this email today from one of my very favorite ex-students, Dustin Chad Gann. He lives in NYC (I knew he'd end up there and be totally successful!). He was on the train riding into the city and he saw a woman reading one of my books. He snapped a pic. He and the woman started talking. He finds out she's a friend of one of my long time friends, and she'd just returned to NYC from visiting Tulsa. She proceeded to pull out her camera (she's an amazingly talented photographer) and showed Dustin pics of my ranch and me. He was all like, "Whhhhhat?? You know her, too???!" Such a cool small world... Yea for fabulous ex-students! XXXOOO PC

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Spring!

I'm more than halfway through HIDDEN! You will not believe what's happening!!! Hope y'all are having a wonderful spring. The bad weather has pretty much missed Tulsa and the ranch. It's been a wet spring, but the rain has been wonderful! Everything is green and growing. Makes for excellent writing weather! Wishing you love and light, PC

Friday, April 20, 2012

Follow Kristin!

Hey guys! Kristin has joined Twitter! Follow her at ChickenFrances! (No, I'm not going to tweet. It hurts my head. But yea for Kristin!) XXXOOO PC/Mom

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HoN Motion Comic!

Oooh! Guys! Check it out! Dark Horse has created a motion comic based on part of the first HoN comic they released. You guys will recognize the story from THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK! Awesomesauce!

Monday, April 16, 2012

HoN shirt!

FINALLY! The first of our clothing line is ready! Right now it's just one shirt available through Hot Topic on line. This is our test run. If it does well we'll release all the others ASAP (and you should be able to buy them from Hot Topic stores).

Here's the link!

Happy shopping!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oooh! Check us out!

Kristin and I are so honored and humbled by this.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'm out at the ranch writing writing writing, which I do all night and usually go to bed when the sun comes up. So I'm wandering around outside (thinking about how to fix a plot problem I'd just written myself into), and I walked around the corner to see this fabulousness! It looked like fairies visited my back yard! Oooh!

Back to my writer's cave...