Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And the UK cover, too!

Thought y'all would like to see the British/UK cover, that they also unveiled today. Which do you like better? I'm torn...



Royce said...

YAY! im so excited for this book to come out in the UK...i like both covers the american confused me but i like them both....i really hope you get your london tour dates soon PC cos i really wanna come and see you and kristen...LOVE HOUSE OF NIGHT SOOOO MUCHHH! hopee tempted is as good as the other books! :)

Ban said...

Gonna go with the UK cover - the American one is really nice, like the set up and it's very graphic but the main male does nothing for me. Ah well, we're all entitled to our opinions...

Vidya said...

I like both covers, your very talented and I can tell you thought alot about them GOOD JOB ;)Note: I got my name from the internet, i would like you to look it up and maybe use it in one of your books hee hee

Unknown said...

Hmm.. I like both covers a lot! But I think that I might like the American version better, because I'm a big Stark fan and I think Heath is cool too. :-D But I really like the UK version, and the font that the title is written in! LOVE the House of Night books!!

Anonymous said...

I like the American one better, cuz Zoey's hotter... even though you cant see her face... *sheepish grin*

Blair.L said...

YAY! I cant believe Tempted is coming out soon! I live in singapore and the books are actually released rather early!! I LOVE both covers by the way! But i like the UK one better! I love the HON series!

Amy said...

Yes I can not wait for Tempted to come out I prefer the UK cover. I can not wait to see your tour dates.

softballgirl93 said...

i love both of them but i like the american one better. i can just tell from the american cover that there will definetly be more drama between Stark and Heath. Can't wait til Tempted and all the other books come out. love the house of night series!!!!!

Jana Oliver said...

Yup, my vote is for the UK cover over the American one. I wonder how many sit-ups the model had to do to get those abs. Has to be Photoshop. Yeah, that's it. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Hey PC, I really like the American Book cover for tempted and the British one. But, I think the American one has some edge cause the guys are on the front. All I have to say is, AWESOME JOB with the covers!! I can't wait to get my hands on one of the books when they come out!!
I <3 House of Night!

Cinnamon said...

Oh, I am so in love with the US version. Stark is a hot on the cover.

jj said...

i like both covers a lot but i would hav to say the american one. oh n my friend asks why isnt erik on the american cover wit the rest of zoeys bfs? an wow stark looks hot in that cover (shy smile)!!!

PC Cast said...

You'll see why Erik's not on the cover when you read TEMPTED. I can't say more than that without giving things away...

Anonymous said...

You kinda sorta give us an idea already... PC...

Anonymous said...

AAAAAHHHHH, you make it so hard to choose, I can't wait to see who zoey ends up with (hint hint: I like Erik, he can always change)

Royce said...

what? I'm team Erik PC! ahhhh I actually can't wait to read it! Zoey has to end up with Erik! She's gone though so much...I'm not fond of stark or heath...sorry team stark or heath fans :( but....I HOPE SHE GETS WITH ERIK! I'm a guy and Erik has the best intensions with Zoey...she deserves to be happy for once...

PC Cast said...

Guys, keep in mind I'm consistently on Team Zoey. She's too young and inexperienced to find her "one and only" at seventeen.

Bamajr15 said...

Then again...most girls at 17 aren't dealing with issues like changing species, saving the world, and trying not to be murdered by evil beings ;)

I'm likin the UK cover, except that they make Zoey look way older than 17. I mean dang, I don't even wear shirts that show my stomach and I'm older than her!

Sarah and Dave said...

I prefer the UK Cover. I feel it has more continuity with the previous covers than the American version does.

Bekah1204 said...

is this the last one cuz the cove is soooo diffrent theres more people than her and u can see the faces

Anonymous said...

but still Erik is the type of person that can change and him and Zoey are just too perfect together, I mean starks ok and I just don't like heath, but erik is well...erik and the picture in the house of night yearbook is totally HOT

PC Cast said...

This is not the last House of Night book

Re: Erik and "changing" people in general. Staying in a relationship with the idea that "he/she can change" is not wise. And no one, especially not Erik (or me, or Kristin, or Zoey...), is perfect.

PC Cast said...

p.s. And being with someone because he's/she's "totally HOT" is silly!

Anonymous said...

very true, and you guys may not be perfect but you might be as close as it gets, I really love your books theyre amazing

PC Cast said...

Trust me, honey, Kristin and I are FAR from perfect...

jj said...

I myself am on "Team Stark" all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok fine, but you can't deny the fact that you are geniuses (forget my horrible spelling)

Anonymous said...

ok ur not perfect, but u cant deny the genius behind ur writing

Vidya said...

PC your such a MOM lol, and i was relieved (sp?) to read that Tempted isn't the last book YAY!!!

CALBABE86 said...

I just wanted to say I am team Heath all the way! There aren't to many fans of him, so I gotta stand up for the guy.

Amber Lynne said...

I have to agree with JJ I'm team Stark! ;D

I feel sorry for Eriks, but mostly I feel sorry for heath!

jj said...

thanks. GO "TEAM STARK" !!!!!!

and to: calbabe86
i like heath to cuz he wouldnt try n hurt zoey n hes sweet. but i feel sorry for him cuz he really loves her but like zoey said he doesnt fit into her new life.

Anonymous said...

i know, heath and zoey were like ment to be. but erik might find someone else too. at least im hoping so, cuz i so want stark and zoey to be together, starks been through so much.

Anonymous said...

i really like both covers but i find the american confusing cuz they used diff. models. and the uk cover looks a bit, idk, but i like them both, alot. the american provides mystery, and the uk suggests suspense. i love them both!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I love Erik, and I don't think that's going to change, well it might if he keeps being such a jerk, ya know it's his fault she fell in love with stark anyway so if you love stark you should thank Erik

PC Cast said...

I can assure all of you that we're not done with Erik, though I think you'll be surprised at what happens with him.

PC Cast said...

p.s. You don't find out what happens with Erik until later books...

Jilly bo Billy said...

finally they show her face! lol

Anonymous said...

he doesn't get killed does he? cuz that would really suck

Amber Lynne said...

JJ, most deff [x

So what about heath 0_o?

Omfg, theirs all kinds of ideas thats running threw my head about Erik!

:D Ahhhh PC, when does the first chapter come out?

melissa10191 said...

i love the american cover better but still like the other cover 2.

Pariah164 said...

I like this one so much better. The US one... It's nice, but... It kind of breaks the trend of only having Zoey on the cover. This one is much more suiting.

Also, PC, why on earth did your publishers choose to have that gorgeous poster from Hunted on the inside of the book jacket instead of something separate?! I love the poster, but I can't put it up anywhere because I need the book jacket. It's completely unfair!

Unknown said...

Ahh! I am definitely Team Stark! And I really like Heath, he's so sweet, and I feel bad about him 'cause he doesn't have a real/fair chance with her cause he's human, and she's ya know.. a vampyre fledgling! I think Eric is okay too, I used to really like him but his possessiveness kind of turned me off! And PC! You shouldn't have told us that we'd find out in later books.. Now that'll be on my mind for a VERY long time..;-( hehe.

PC Cast said...

From what I understand my publisher is releasing selected lines from TEMPTED in August and then in September they'll post chapter one.

Amber Lynne said...


Unknown said...

I cannot wait for this book, I have loved the others in the series since my friend literally MADE me read them!! Now I wouldnt live without these books, but I love the UK cover more than the American, as it matches the rest from the series.

KayleighCoubrough said...

I like the American cover better. My friend and I were annoyed when we realized that the UK cover was different and were going to get that one instead of the American one which we both prefer. I dislike the UK one and wish the American cover was also the UK cover!
I love the books and can't wait to read Tempted!

alexwalsh said...

Im gonna buy the US cover cause its cooler. cant wait for the first chapter!

Karen said...

i don't no.I like them both because the men don't look anything how i picture them but he the cover seems to go better with the books and the rest of the covers of the other books and the uk one just seems to different but i guess it go's with the name. I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT YAAAEEE

Karen said...

PC... please give me some kind of hint with whats going on with Erik!!!!!!!!!!!


Nadine said...

i think i might have to go on amazon.com and buy the us versions aswell. i love both the covers and cant choose its so unfair! but it will make my collection bigger :D

Anonymous said...

i don't think we're getting any hints i already asked

Casa da Noite Brasil said...

OMGoddness!!! I love You PC!!! ^^


Kss from Brazil,

PC Cast said...

Nope, not giving spoilers/hints. You'll have to wait (impatiently). Hees.

Anonymous said...

we still love u, hey will u have any book signings in north Carolina soon PS: is there a chat room we can talk in, like every body here together

PC Cast said...

As I've said before, I don't know our tour schedule yet, but will post it when it's finalized.

Sorry, if I'm hanging out in chat rooms I'm not writing. This blog is really the only place I post consistently.

Anonymous said...

ok dats cool

Unknown said...

Much prefer the UK cover - lucky since I love there!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait for the book to come out ive been waiting 4 it forever! and personally i like the UK covers better for all the books except maybe betrayed i havent decided which i like better for that.

Unknown said...

I like the UK cover better. She looks more dangerous. I guess. And I would not like to focus on her boy problem. She's gotta save the world. Or...something like that. :)

Alana said...

i like the uk cover better than the american one.

Vampire_Fanpire said...

Well I like background of the American cover more, but I think the writing on the UK cover is better. So I guess I like them both alot!

Anonymous said...

I might be kinda late for the argument but im on TEAM ERIK!
i don't care if he probably won't be "the one" for Zoey but oh boy he sounds deliciouss!!!

I like the American cover better although the girl on the UK's has a rockin body ( im no lesbo )
its still pretty creativee!

Athena said...

I like the American cover better even though Erik is not on there :(...But it looks cute

prttyfce10 said...

I AM SOO READY FOR THIS BOOK!!! I CANT WAIT, both covers are awesome but of course I like the one with zoey, like A Lafont _ Lurver said zoey is hot!! YOUR BOOKS ARE AMAZING CONGRATULATIONS ON ALL THE SUCCESS.

Traci said...

I like the American Cover better.

Patti said...

Def. the UK version!!
Can't wait to read it. Sure you can't move the release date up a tad, I'm sure others wouldn't mind..lol!!:)

Anonymous said...

I have to say i like the american the best, mostly because i am a huge Stark fan. I also like that in this one there is more than just Zoey. it was starting to get boring have the some character over and over again. i am in no way saying the other covers are bad but it is just nice to have a change.

Unknown said...

I like both but in my opinion it looks more like Erik in the background instead of Heath from how hes described in the book. But i still like it.

Josie Bray said...

i generally like the uk covers more than the american ones(maybe because i live in the uk) but i have to say that i like the american tempted. i know all the other books just have zoey on them but i like the fact it shows that the boy troubles have continued. i am definetely a stark fan though (: i also like the girl on the american coves rather than the uk. xx

XxXGinaxXx said...

I like to UK cover!!! I really look forward for TEMPTED to be publieh..Its best if can be flim into movies