Thursday, October 18, 2012

Live video chat today on Goodreads!

Hi guys! Today is our live video chat through Goodreads! Here's the info: Date: October 18, 2012 RSVP by: October 18, 2012 03:45PM ET Venue: US Type: author appearance Website: Added by: Margo description Join us on Thursday, October 18 at 7pm ET/4pm PT for a live video chat with bestselling author duo P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. We'll be discussing Hidden, the latest in their popular House of Night series. Don't miss it! Here's the link you can follow to RSVP and get more news: Hope to see you there! PC


  1. i am sooo coming i just created a good reads account <3

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    nothing will be spoiled, correct?

  3. Well, I can't control what other people will say, but I never give away plot spoilers.

  4. Why do you pronounce his name as Ruh-PHY-um if it's spelled RephAIm?

  5. i just watched it! i cannot wait to finish hidden! i was also wondering when REVEALED will be released

  6. So I literally just got done watching the Goodreads web cast and OMG it was amazing. Thank you sooo much P.C and Kristen!! You two are my heroes. Also, my question didn't get answered. But I was wondering if you were going to maybe write some kind of series about Nyx, Erebus and Kalona and maybe even something about Shekinah? It would be awesome to know the past and more about the general religious aspects like that. It would be amazing!!

  7. Hi PC! I´ve heard the chat but because I´m from Venezuela I didn´t understand some things.

    The question about the actors. You said that you like Angelina Jolie for Neferet? And Lenobia? I miss that part. :(

    What actress do you think that can represent young Neferet? Because NsC will be launching I wish now this.

  8. Hayden - because that's how I hear it inside my head.

    Iz - thanks! I'm not sure about the release date for REVEALED. Just trying to get NEFERET'S CURSE done right now...

    Bennbr - Thanks for participating in the Goodreads event! I do have a book in mind that tells Kalona's story about how and why he Fell.

    Ger - I'd love Angelia Jolie for Neferet at any age! And Kristin Chenoweth would be awesome for Lenobia (especially because she's from Oklahoma).

  9. Ooh, thanks! And the real name of someone (I´m not going to ask that question very directly because the spoilers) is Emely or Emily? Sorry for my bad english and for ever answer to my questions.

  10. Oh ok thanks:) i cant wait to read neferets curse.... I havent got to read the other novella dragons oath but LOVED lenobias vow!

  11. I totally agree with Kristin Chenoweth for Lenobia, i can really see it, but for Neferet i would prefer Megan fox, she's so beautiful, whether she can play the role, that's a different matter, but looks wise, definitely x

  12. Because of situations is the video going to be uploaded anywhere so people who couldn't see it can?

  13. Check the Goodreads site - if it's available that's where you'd find it.

  14. I have a question for you PC,

    I noticed in destined that johnny b is mentioned (atleast) twice... One time as a part of zoey's group and once as a part of dallas's group. Hes mentioned in hidden as part of zoey's group again if I'm not mistaken...
    Whose side is he on?

  15. The video is available on the Goodreads site, I watched it two days after the event.

    Great chat PC and Kristin, it's always a pleasure to watch you on live chats!
    (Nice necklace by the way PC!)

    Best wishes,


  16. I agree that can be Kristin Chenoweth for Lenobia, which I may not know who she is but I saw her pictures. I can really see it clearly Angelina Jolie for Neferet and when I first read Marked I know she perfect to play her role. I be so happy to her see in the movie and PC I'm glad you agree that Angelina Jolie for Neferet.

    PC do you agree if Ruben Cortada play as Kalona that's if he going to be there? and my other question(s)is it going to be one big movie or its going to break down like and is it going to follow the book? I didn't get to watch the whole thing cause mom was calling me that day
    - Shari ^_^

  17. Sarah - Johnny B is a red fledgling on Stevie Rae/Zoey's side. He chose to be on Stevie Rae's side when she regained her humanity.

    Thanks Geraldine!

    Cleopatra - I don't really have a Kalona choice. There will be multiple movies, but I'm not sure how they're going to break them up. That'll be up to my producer and his screenwriter. I think it'll be interesting to see how they do it.

  18. I think Olivia Wilde would make an amazing Nefert! Just another suggestion :)
