Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Check out the new book trailer for HIDDEN!


  1. Ohhh!! So cool. Love the tattoos! :) I opened my oracle cards and they are so beautiful. I'm planning to read Hidden today since I'm on fall break now, can't wait. :D

  2. OMGODDESS!!! I wish that can happen to me, opening the book and people getting Marked and meeting the characters and going to there world...I like no I love it and I got the same shirt what Stevie Rae is wearing hehe ^_^

  3. Hey this is the Springfield People just wanting to say "Thank You! For the poster and the shirt" we had a really nice time last night. We hope to be at more of your book releases soon!

  4. i saw it soo many times i wish i was the girl on the bench.... got hidden last night and it is amazing!

  5. I got goosebumps when I saw the video. Awesome! Got the book monday. It's really, really awesome, I loved it! But I suppose we have to wait another year for the next book. Can't wait for Neferet's curse though, and learn what's happened to her. Love from Sweden

  6. love the stevie ray, better than this amber terry girl, slightly, but she really looked like what i imagined ^_^

  7. Hello! i love your books, are the best, i really hope you still writing.
    Love Len Leb from Uruguay.

  8. Its absolutely beautiful P.C Cast! Gosh, my dreams are to be in these movies so bad. I really hope my dreams come true!! I live in Florida, but I'm willing to fly anywhere to have a chance in being in the movies! (If there is opencalls).
    I created a fan page to talk and share ideas and thoughts about your series.!/profile.php?id=168164233278613&__user=100000490574185

    When or if you have the time, please tell me what you think. :)

  9. Ah, can't wait untill I read it! Unfortunatly I have the whole series so far in paperback (except Fledgling Handbook 101), so I won't buy Hidden in hardcover. So I'll have to wait way to long before I can read it:( But your books are worth waiting!

  10. I Love u P.C Cast!!and Kristin Cast!
