Sunday, October 21, 2012

OK City signing with Gena Showalter!
I'm going to crawl out of my writer's cave on Tuesday long enough to have a lovely signing in Oklahoma City (7:00 pm at the May Street Barnes & Noble) with my longtime friend, Gena Showalter, for our duology, AFTER MOONRISE. You can get more info by following the link to the OK City story. Hope to see a bunch of my paranormal romance fans there! XXXOOO PC


  1. Hi Pc! Why the epilogue of HIDDEN is available in the audiobook and not in the harcover or erbook editions? I can´t wait for NEFERET´S CURSE, I´m sure that it will be so emocionant.

    Emily or Emely? I don´t understand that very well. Best of wishes from Venezuela.

  2. :( aww have fun ^_^ can't wait till you come to france, i'll be going over from the uk to see you ^_^ xx

  3. Hi Ger - that was a mistake my publisher made. An expanded version of that epilogue is going to be released as bonus material between books. It wasn't supposed to be recorded, and that is being corrected right now. Thank you for letting me know.

  4. Ger - oh, and Emily Wheiler is Neferet's name before she is Marked.

  5. Ooh, thank you so much. That´s mean the epilogue is going to be released as bonus material between Neferet´s Curse and REVEALED, or something like that? Thank for answer me.

  6. Ger - Actually for foreign releases it'll be a prologue to the next book. For English copies it'll release before the next book as additional material, and it'll be expanded because what you heard wasn't my final version. So, you got a sneak peek!

  7. Oooh, that´s awesome. Because I ever bought the uk and us version of your books, as well the ebook (the print version was to my collection). It was like a sneak peek to REVEALED. Thanks for all your work. Best of luck with NEFERET´S CURSE and the deadline.

  8. Hi P.C. My name is Laura, all I wanted to say is that I have to congratulate you for HIDDEN it was amazing beyond words! to me this is the best book in the series! And thank you so much for the Lightness in your writing. It really opened my eyes to see that not everything is black n white and that its our choices that make who we r. Thank you :)

  9. Hey, P.C.!

    Who plays Zoey / who would you want to place Zoey in the movie?

  10. Ooh, almost forget this. PC in Neferet´s novella we´re going to discover how she created, or discover the method to create the red fledglings?

  11. Kara - I don't really have anyone in mind for Zoey. If I had my choice I'd cast the roles of the kids with unknown talent like they did for the Potter movies.

    Ger - in Neferet's novella you meet her before she was Marked, and then follow her through a major event in her young life. This event sets her down the path we see come to fruition in the HoN books.

  12. Oh, then we´re going to see her as human and high priestess or even fledgling, and then with that major event see her choose the path away from Nyx. I can´t wait.

  13. Hi P.C! I just finished Hidden and I love it. You are my favorite author. I can't wait for Neferts Curse to come out. :D

  14. P.C.-
    First off, I want to say how amazing Hidden was! It definitely kept me on my toes and I wanted more when I finished! Props for that!

    Secondly, I have aquestion for you. I'm almost done with my first novel, and I'm doing some research on how a first-timer can get published. One of the biggest pieces of advice I've come across is to get an agent. Do you have any advice on how I could get an agent who will represent me and my writing, and not just be looking to take advantage of me and my young age (I'm only 15)?


  15. Mock - I have an entire post in my blog archives dedicated to advice for aspiring authors. Best of luck to you.

  16. Aloha Ms. PC Cast,

    I dislike sounding pushy or forward but do you have a teaspoon (or more) of information on when casting will begin for HoN? Or where they will be held?
    Thank you very much.

    Blessed be!

  17. Tenemane - sorry, I have no new movie info at this time. When I do I'll post it.
