Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Clue #2 - it was 81 lovely degrees here today with a beautiful breeze, versus 111 and a furnace in Tulsa! Where am I? I just signed stock at one of the downtown Barnes & Noble stores! XXXOOO PC


  1. Are you in Chicago, PC? That kind of looks like Lake Michigan! :)

  2. Plz tell me your still in Chicago! Lol

  3. hey, what'll be the name of the 11th book?

  4. Yep! I'm in the beautiful Windy City! Returning to Tulsa today, though!

  5. Uhm... then Neferet was born in Chicago, like professor P.

  6. Check out the poster inside the cover of HIDDEN!

  7. Hey! You should come back to the East Coast. New Jersey or New York again. You know you loved us >.< Haha

  8. Hey P.c,
    I was wondering are you going to write a story for Kalona as I am very curious about his past life with Nyx, also I have a funny feeling that 'Hidden' is the last of 'A House of Night' Series am I corrct or will there be more to come. I finished reading 'Destined' last night and I wouldn't stop until I finished the ending was so exciting and I can't wait for 'Hidden' to be released.

    Next year is my final year of uni studying 'creative arts in theatre and film, and for one of my projects I what to design and build a set of one of the scenes from 'A house of Night' series, I will probably choose a scene from the first book as this is where it all began, I hope to be able to show you my work after it's done.

    Sarah. xoxoxo

  9. om nom nom on the poster :P just saying... hehe

  10. Hi Sarah,
    Yes, I am planning a novel that tells the story of Erebus, Nyx, Kalona, and his fall.

    HIDDEN is the 10th of 12 HoN books. That does not count an additional Kalona book, or the Neferet novella I'm working on right now.

    Happy reading!

    1. Oh my goodness thats purfect! I heard the rumur but i didnt know for sure.

  11. I cannot wait for the Neferet´s novella! Oh, and the St. Martin´s Griffin newsletter said that August 7 was going to be out the first lines of Destined.

  12. You were in Chicago?! Awww shucks I'm sorry I missed you!!

  13. Sandra!!! So good to hear from you! I would have called you, but I was just there for a couple of days researching. Email me! It's my old address...

    Miss you!

  14. So, I got the mail this morning and I opened it and it was the book "Accidental Magic" and I was all exited and was about to start reading it right then and there. I open it and read it relates to Misteria. I have every single P.C. Cast book and I have read almost all of them... Except the Misteria ones. My boyfriend keeps saying P.C. troll. <<
    Time to read Misteria!!!!
