Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Researching for NEFERET'S CURSE

I'm out of town researching for NEFERET'S CURSE. Apparently, they have pigeon jails here... Guess where I am! XXXOOO PC (Just kidding about the pigeon jails - but it does look like it!)


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    new york? lol that's the first place i think of with pigeons :)

  2. Where? LOL pigeon jail

  3. No! Not NYC, although that's a good guess!

  4. Ger, you're soooo smart!

  5. Thank you, thank you :)

  6. Omg!!! PC CAST IS IN CHICAGO!!!! I so want to see you! That would be so awesome!!

  7. You're in Chicago?! Please please tell me you're having a book signing or something of the sort. It would be amazing to meet you :)

  8. Aww that's totaly my luck. I leave Chicago like the day before you go there. Even if none of your fans see you while your there still be cool to say that one of my favorite authors is somewhere around here. Haha Love your books! My dad went to your book signing in Tulsa a while back and just sent it to me. CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT! Trying to be patient but as each hour goes by I get more and more excited. :) your are a fantastic writer, P.C.!

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I sooo wish I was there!!!!! I can't wait for Neferet's Curse! I've always wondered wat her story was... Is it true (Because I only saw it in Wikepedia) That you're writing another Novella called Kalona's Fall?
