Friday, August 03, 2012

Graphic Novel is Out!!

Oooh! The graphic novel is out and gorgeous! Check out one of the pages! I love seeing the nerd herd and the school come alive. Here's where you can find them:


  1. OMG!!! This looks amazing :) Can't wait to check it out. You must be so proud. Congrats again on such a successful Series. Love it!

  2. Awesome cant wait:D

  3. Really nice.

    I love partholon and all around it.

    I would love to able to actually SEE it on comics or other graphic technic

    Please think about it

    Thank you

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    so is there going to be another round of comics? i thought i heard you say there will be more but these are the first... maybe i'm mixing my wishes with facts. that happens to me too often ;)

    :-) :-) :-)

  6. the graphic novel is so beautiful ... any idea when it launches in Brazil?

  7. I bought a copy of the graphic novel and it was AMAZING!! Hoping there is still more to come....

  8. What is the name of the drawer? ... Wait, it could be more than one person who made this, how stupid I am! xD
    What is his/her/their name/s? :D

  9. Look there's me! (;

    Love the Comic book, PC. I even have it in one of my new videos. <3

    I hope you get to come visit Tennessee some time.

    HOUSE OF NIGHT FANS, am I your Stevie Rae Johnson? Then please like and share my page in help of me getting the role in the film!

    and my videos on youtube ^^ Thanks!

  10. The graphic novel artist for all of the present day HoN scenes (including this one) is the fabulous Joelle Jones. She did an amazing job! For each of the vampyre history stories Dark Horse used a different artist.

    Yes, we're working on future HoN graphic stories, as well as bringing to the graphic medium my retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

    Glad you guys like it!


  11. love this!! any idea if and when it will be availible in the uk?

  12. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I think the Partholon books would make AMAZING movies, I love them! It would be so cool to see that magic on screen :)

  13. I love the Partholon books too! Can you imagine the CGI it would take to make an awesome ClanFintan?!

    And, yes, the graphic novel is available in the UK. Check with your local comic book store, though I'm pretty sure you can get it from Amazon UK as well.

    Right now the graphic novel has been sold to Spain, Germany, Italy, and France. I don't have publication dates on those countries, though. But if you check with your local bookstore they should be able to tell you when they're available.

    Happy reading!

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I know! Maybe one day we will find out :) See that mythology would be SO cool! I'd love it! Seeing Epona would just be magical!

  15. Hey PC I have a personal question.. where's Kristin? I haven't much about her in awhile. I hope she's doing well.

    I also hope ya'll have had some amazing movie meetings lately. All HoN fans are going nuts!! Even me.. not to mention I'm running for Stevie Rae [and have all hopes of being considered to have early auditioning, maybe? A girl can dream ;]]. Do you have ANY new news? It doesn't even have to be big... I'm dying to hear SOMETHING. Like a exact filming date or heck anything you might want to add.

    By the way what did you think of the fan photo Britt Brady gave you at your last book signing?! Me and Sway are so grateful.

    Amber Terry for Stevie Rae and Sway Sherman for Zoey forever!!!

  16. Yay, IMDb has a tiny site with HoN! :D

  17. PC! House of Night wins in best ever teen novels! CONGRATULATIONS!

  18. I love this, two of my favourite things combined, HoN and graphic novels/ comics hehe, it looks really good and I'm ecstatic about the beauty and the beast news, belle is my favourite original princess and I can't wait for more news on that :D I love your take on vampires and can't wait to read your personal version of beauty and the beast. Also I'm the same as Amber, I'm constantly checking your blog for news, I can't wait for more movie news and to finally get money to afford your graphic novel and hidden, which I can't wait to come out hehe. But like Amber, I also would love an audition for Zoey or Aphrodite, my favourite characters, even if only by YouTube video like Amber and Sway, I'm sure I could lend a camera :P I love acting and have been studying it, living it and loving it for years now and would love to even audition. Anyway I hope you're doing well and enjoying yourself ^_^ x

  19. Fyi, did you know HoN has a Wikipedia? XD I was like Omg that's so cool :D needs more stuff on it though haha x

  20. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Oh and I've been meaning to ask, how is Kristin's writing going? I can't wait for her book to come out! Super excited! Hope she is doing well :)

  21. Kristin is awesome! Thanks for asking. She's decided to finish her degree and then probably intern in NYC for editing. She's still working on finishing her first novel, but school is definitely getting in the way...

  22. I loved this. The graphic was very beautiful. I am looking forward for more. I love the House of Night series. I am so addicted to it. I am looking forward to Kristen's first novel.

  23. Yall should make a movie out of the series of House of Night. It would be totally awesome! So please consider this.
