Monday, March 26, 2012

Paddeling my way through HIDDEN!

(Current Cammy View!)

Cammy said I needed to get some sea air to clear my head in the middle of writing HIDDEN, so we went out in the Cammy Kayak. Obviously, he's captain of the ship!

HIDDEN is coming along well...lots of craziness at the HoN. (All of you LENOBIA'S VOW fans will be Super Pleased!)

No movie updates at this time. Director and screenplay are being worked on. NO, THEY'RE NOT CASTING YET. I'll post when I know something.

May your day be Caribbean bright!

Back to work for me...


  1. I can't help but loving Cammy. I can't wait for Hidden and all this does is make me more eager. I can assure here it's Caribbean bright sense I live in the caribbean, it is not as nice year round. Hope the kayaking helped some, Cammy seem's to know what he's doing. Kayaking helps when one is in what I call Writing Frenzy.

  2. Maybe you could pitch Logan lerman playing the character James stark to who ever is in charge of the movie right now? I think he would be perfect for the part!

  3. The photos are beautiful!
    Remain closed at all times to writing is not very good =/
    I like writing and if I stay too long time closed, my imagination disappears! xD

  4. Love the pictures! Especially the last one! It looks so peaceful and serene! :) Good luck with Hidden! Can't wait! <3 :D

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    are there any more special HoN writing secrets that were changed in the writing process? (like when you said neferet was never originally planned to become evil)

  6. Captain Cammy seems to take his job very seriously: he looks super focused!!

    I finished Lenobia's Vow: I loved it (there was even a Marie-Madeleine, which is my mother's first name!), but it is sooo sad!

    I re read some passages of Destined, and realised, well, Travis, Martin...and now your comment...I mentally cross my fingers!

    Hope the ocean air fuels your imagination and brightens your hard work days!!

    Best wishes to the kayaking team,


  7. Geraldine - as usual, you're on the right track! (That's all I can say right now, though.)


  8. Thanks PC,that's all I needed to know (otherwise where would be the pleasure of discovering a new book?)
    And I know that your characters are living what they decide to live under your pen:)

    By the way the tattoo you have on your thigh seems to be very beautiful!


  9. I love Captain Cammys ears! He's a great sailor! ;)

  10. i love cammy too but when is hidden exactly going to come out?

  11. when is hidden going to exactly come out?

  12. Anonymous11:37 PM

    To P.C. Cast
    When the series is finished will there be a spinoff. I would love to read an adult version. Like the whole series starts out as young adult as it is now then when Zoey and her friends make the change (and I hope they all do) it turns into an adult spinoff series. Is there a possibility that could happen?


  13. P.C. i just finished destined and im craving hidden so bad. I cant wait for it to come out but i guess lenobia's vow should hold me off. You and your daughter are amazing!

  14. A spinoff a such a good idea I talked my mom in to reading them with me and now I'm waiting for whoever has burned to take it back to the library iv been reading them in 2 3 days tops and it been two days without a book (crying) :'(

  15. Ai adorei as fotos!! São muito bonitas pc! Eu sou do Brasil e eu e minhas amigas amamamos você!! Boa sorte com escondida(hidden) e eu espero que ele não seja o último livro da série senão eu morro!!
    * Wow I just loved the photos!! They're very beautiful pc! I'm from Brasil and me and my friends love you!! Good luck to hidden and I hope it won't be the last book of the serie or I will die!!
