Friday, March 16, 2012

From the ranch to the beach!

(Cammy's View!)

Exhausted from fighting fires in Oklahoma, Cammy has retired to "his" beach on Grand Cayman where he's donned his life jacket and is practicing safe swimming. I'm in my writer's cave writing...writing...writing... Actually I just realized I messed up a scene in HIDDEN, so tonight I'll be REwriting...REwriting...REwriting... Sigh.



  1. looks like he had a blast !

  2. I Love your books.. when I first discovered them i couldnt put them down! When I started I think there was three already out I read one love it went and got the second one then I read that one in a day and had to go get the next :)

  3. Oh, sure Frankie! Cammy's having a great time - I'm in HoN writing hell...

  4. Cammy is so sweet! *-*
    PC, good luck for your new book. You write very well! I love your books! I know does not matter but your books helped me in the most complicated times. Each time I was sad, just I sitting down to read one of your books to begin to smile and laugh and sometimes cry with emotion! =)

    sorry if the comment has a lot of mistakes but I'm a 13 years old portuguese girl and for me english is a little dificult. xD

  5. Oklahoma was glad to see you! I'll be attending the Saint Patrick's Day parade in OKC's Bricktown this afternoon. Thank you so much for representing our state so well. I love your books and can't wait for the next one! P.S. Your Cammy is adorable. I have two terrier mixes... what kind is he? Blonde Cairn? Westie?

  6. I just absolutely LOVE your books! The inspire me SO much! I hope that one day I can write as good as you! You're my favorite author for sure!

  7. Wow, so cute! I wish I was doing what Cammy's doing right now! :D

    And good luck with your writing P.C! <3 :D

  8. OMN I love HoN soooo much I got the first one and I could not put them down until I finished them. I can recite scenes from them from memory, and I read the entire series forwards and backwards three times each. Can you tell I'm addicted? :)

  9. Cammy is a Scottie! A wheaten Scottish Terrier. He says "Hi!"

  10. The pictures of Cammy are so funny! I suppose he knows he's famous all around the world! And you have another scottie haven't you?
    Good luck for your book! I'm so glad to be able to interact with one of my favourite authors (too bad the others are from the 19th century..) and have a sneak peek at your writing process!
    Now I've just received my copy of Lenobia's Vow (and next it will be your Goddess series). I'm all excited because Lenobia is my favourite character!

    Bon courage, as we say in France!

  11. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This dog looks like verry cute. =)


    Nico Bleith

  12. Good Luck with your book PC! :D Absolutely love them <3

  13. I love your work and would like to invite you to my blog for an Author Spotlight. I'm not seeing an email for you, so if you're interested please contact me via my blog. I appreciate your time.

  14. Hi RaeBeth, all interview requests go through my publicist, Sherry Rowland. She can be reached at


  15. Hi Geraldine - yep, I have a black brindle Scottie as well, but she's not photogenic. She prefers to be grumpy behind the scenes and Cammy loves the fame and photos! Oooh, you'll like Lenobia's story. It begins in France!


  16. Love the picture of the ears :-)

  17. Cammy is super cute in his life jacket.

    Just read Lenobia's Vowel, I am so behind of my reading (have 2 of Gena's waiting for me too) Don't tell her I read yours first lol!

    Wishing you smooth sailing with the writing!

  18. Ang, are you kidding?! I'm going to totally gloat to Gena! TOTALLY. Hees...

  19. the story of your dogs is so funny and Cammy is indeed a very cute boy!

    Yes, I began Lenobia's Vow and I read that it begins in Evreux. You even wrote some french! Well done!!

    Back to reading, as soon as I can!

    Best wishes from France,


  20. totally loving the pictures of cammy he is so cute. and i pretty sure that hidden is going to be as amazing and brilliant as all your other books are. xx :)

  21. Soo.... ummm... what part did you mess up on ?? :)

  22. Hi Geraldine! Well, my sister-in-law helped me with my French. If there are any mistakes, they are mine, though. I love your language, but have only had a couple of years of it way back when I was in high school. I need to tour in France and practice!

    HoNfan - here's how it goes: I write and then rewrite and rewrite and rewrite. So I'm constantly messing up and then fixing my mistakes until the book finally takes form. I think writing IS rewriting. Sigh...

  23. Don't worry about mistakes if there are some (and they're speaking 18th century french!). I'm sure your french expert and you did a good job. I would be delighted if you had a possibility to tour in France, and delighted to meet you! (the classic fan's dream!). As for me I live way south from Evreux, but also come from a county where many people left (Acadians) in the 18th.

    I understand it when you say writing is rewriting. This is why it's a job and why you're good at it!



  24. hello:)

    i happen to be a 19 year old girl in South Africa and i must tell you that i love your books i have almost of them so far i started reading them from when i first saw marked and i finish them way to quickly hehe it leaves me waiting months in withdrawl form your books. i hope you will be coming to South Africa soon its really beautiful here and id really like to meet you :).

  25. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I heard a rumor, was Stark originally supposed to be with Stevie Rae?

  26. Sasha - I'd love to tour in South Africa! My next big overseas tour is going to be to Australia, though. Maybe next time!

    ChristinaCarol - yep, my intention was for Stevie Rae and Stark to be together. This is just one example of my characters doing what THEY want to do. It happens a lot... I didn't even mean for Neferet to be bad!

  27. Cast P.C. My name is Rosana'm Brazilian. I'ma fan of several of his books as one of my teachers.
    I love dogs. He's pretty cute. I always wanted to have one of that breed.
    But I have a doubt. Almost all the books in house of night has a book trailer. Like their characters in a video. You want to have more videos to other characters? Leonobia eg, Dragon, among others.

  28. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm happy that Stark is with Zoey at the moment and Neferet is bad. It happened for a reason and I love HoN the way it is :)

  29. I hate to sound impatient, I'm just really excited for the movie. I was wondering, when are the open calls?

  30. I hate to sound impatient, I'm just really super excited for the movie. I was wondering when the open calls will be? I check your blog everyday, because I get so excited. I was just wondering when, and where they will be.

  31. Sorry, guys. Don't have casting news yet. When I do I'll post it here!

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    HEY i didnt know u answer back till i read the comments wich is uber cool but anyways I Freaking love the house of night books i would love to be in the nerd herd im at the end of destined right now (reading slowly so i dont miss a thing) but anyways i love stark and his quirkyness along with zoey and he rest i could go on and on but im not gunna waste ur time :) my favorite word is bullpoopie lol and i also cried when stevie rae died (corny ik) well i love u(for being well awesome and a great author) ur fan Hope

  33. I'm so excited that your coming to Australia P.C, I hope Melbourne is on your tour schedule. I don't care if it falls on a day that I'm at uni, as it is worth skipping uni to come see you and Kristin. Your my favourite author and a huge inspiration to me. I heart you xo

    P.S my westie x scottish terrier isn't very photogenic too.
