Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Wishing all of you a joyous holiday season! I'm still on Cayman and two chapters away from being done with my Harlequin novella (title is AFTER MOONRISE and will be out in November 2012 in a duology with my good friend Gena Showalter). Then I'll take a little break and begin the next House of Night novel, HIDDEN, the first of the year.

Happy reading everyone!


Zoe-Scarlett said...

You look like who I imagine the statue of Nyx in that picture with your arms raised up!

Ger said...

happy holidayys

Anonymous said...

just a random question... do you every check out fan art for the house of night?

Domonique said...


Hannadam said...

Happy Holidays!!!

PC Cast said...

drcullenfan - because I don't read reviews of my work and rarely go on line for anything regarding HoN except my blog and/or sites, I don't see much fan art. I do appreciate fan enthusiasm and creativity, though. I especially like it when fans dress up for live events/tours.


Géraldine said...

Hello PC!

I wish you and your family (on feet, paws, hooves..) a fabulous Christmas and a happy new year from France!
And yes, on this picture you look like a powerful goddess (but you are one, right?)!!


Anonymous said...

PC - Have you ever read any of the Audio Books for HoN? If so, how did it feel to hear the narrater express different character voices etc?

Babygirl said...

Please tell me the next HoN book will be coming out next year......destined ended epically and I'm anticipating whats going to happen in the next book. When is Hidden going to be released?

PC Cast said...

HIDDEN's release date is early October (for UK, Canada, and the US).

xxAngelicWingsxx said...

Is there a website or could you help? Me and my friends are addicted to the series. The only thing is that we are conflicting on some pronunciation of the names. For example, is Heath, like the candy bar, or "heh-th". Also, the other names we are confliting against are Lenobia, Nefret, Rephaim, Aurox. I believe that is all. Thanks to ANYONE who can help me!!

ShannonBMamaO3 said...

Great Pic! I can actually feel the wind and peace. :) Happy Holiday's to you and yours! <3

Raven Mockingjay said...

Happy Holidays to you too!!Cant wait to read more of your books!!!

Glauber Minghetti said...

Venha passar as férias aqui em Brasil! Destinada está chegando!

I love P C Cast

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of your HoN series :) Just wanted to wish you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year..

Ang from Oz said...

The weather looks beautiful there!

Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

Are you writing the next book after Bridget's quest? I bought both the first and second, such lovely books! It seems though as if you left Bridget's quest open to continue if you wish.

Blogger said...

Hello P.C Cast. I really love you books, but I love house of night the most. I actually have a book blog where I write reviews, and I have commented all house of night books I have read! Can't wait till Hidden is released. Keep on doing your great work on the books. Thanks!

honfan11 said...

Are you going to write any more Goddess summoning books.
I read almost all of them except I think the Goddess of Love. And I gotta wait till Christmas to get it. Sigh, it is not fun waiting. :)

Babygirl said...

Do you know when there will be an excert of Lenobia's Vow on the HoN webstite or is there an excert on the website already?

Ger said...

An exceprt is available in the official page.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Hidden to come out! I really want to know what happens next. Anyways, I didn't know you were actually in Cayman. I live here and have alwasy wanted to me you. I just love the House of Night series and Divine by Mistake. I have Divine by Blood, Ephames Choice and Brighid's Quest signed by you. I'm on Divine by Blood right now and I can't wait to finish it.
Thank you for everything that you are doing. Merry Christmas!

Mental Nightmare said...

i SOOOOOO cant wait for the next HON book :D

PC Cast said...

Angelic - Heath is pronounced like the candy. For the rest - I'd say just sound them out and use your imagination. That's what I do!

Ang - so glad you like the comic! XO

trinerbeaner - I have Ciara's Destiny in my head. Just have to find time to put it on paper!

HoNFan - I don't have another Goddess Summoning Book planned right now, but I will be releasing an adult paranormal romance next year called AFTER MOONRISE.

Hi Christina! Cayman is my second home. I'm back in Tulsa right now and definitely missing the beach and the Cayman sun, even though the wind and the ocean have been crazy on North Side (where I live on Cayman) for the past several weeks!

Amanda said...

How would I go about trying out for zoeys role for the movie? And I wanted to thank you and your daughter. You two helped me tremendously with these books. I used to hate reading until I came across the HON novels. I was in such a deep depression and somehow these books and you and your daughter saved me :) I am beyond grateful. I have never wanted anything as much as to become part of the HON movies. You two are such an inspiration. I liked the twilight movies but these novels are so much more than twilight was. You two are truly amazing! Have a blessed holiday and new year!!

Akasha!!! said...

I have a question with the casting of the House Of Night movies, are you going to use the people you have pictures of on the for zoey and the rest of the gang or are you going to cast new people for the movie and try to get them to look like the pictures on the website?

Babygirl said...

I meant to day is there ever going to be an extended excreta of Lenobia's Vow on the HoN website or anywhere else online? Happy holidays!!!!

PC Cast said...

Amanda and Akasha - please look in the archives for all answers to your movie questions.

Babygirl - my publisher will put excerpts (short ones!) on the HoN site. I don't know their exact schedule. Just keep checking the site. As to more extended "excerpts" that would be people stealing from me and posting my work illegally, which is not cool and really bad Karma for anyone involved.

Jennifer said...

Merry Meet! I have found your blog! I am so thrilled that you actually read your blog comments and respond! Your novels are the only books that bring me to another world but yank me right back to reality mid paragraph. I am very excited to hear about an upcoming paranormal romance novel. Another hook you have in my side... Happy Holidays...

Your Fan

Anonymous said...

hey,hope Kristen's wedding go's to plan and hope you have a wonderful new year! it's nice to see that you took a wee break from your writing you deserved it! x

Anonymous said...

Hi PC!
Will the Goddess series be published in Audio Book version? It seems only the HoN series and those two other books, Elphame and Brigid are available except for the HoN books. It would be so awesome to collect all your books if possible!

take care,

Unknown said...

The Cayman breeze goes on and off but right now it is hot! But I miss it all. I've been living in Florida for six years and now I am back in Cayman, my home place. One thing I miss about Florida are the malls but what I don't miss, especially in the winter, is the cold. I'll stick with the hot sun on my skin than having my finger fall off.

Houchins said...

Merry Yule!
Also have a wonderful New Year! I can't wait for more books! You and Your Daughter are amazing writers. I hope I can get my books to be this great!

Blessed Be.

Houchins said...

i was wondering if you were making patches of the "degrees" for the students. I would love to sew them on a bag. or even make a Samhain outfit. something cool and fun to do.

Maddie said...

Wishing you happy holidays by the beach^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi PC!
I am big fan of House of Night books, I love them! I'd like to ask: How many House of night books will be there? I know about released nine books, one novella, The fledgfling handbook and Nyx in the house of night and House of night comic (I really liked it!)
The tenth book will be released in october and second novella will be released in January, right?
How many HoN Books will be together? Somewhere I've read it will be fifteen + three novellas and somewhere was wrote that it will be twelve HoN Novels and three novellas. And I don't know what is true.
Thank you for writing House of Night.
Your big fan from Anne.

Frankie said...

IM soo Excited for HoN !!

but quick question, is that October 2012 or 2013?

Thanks and LOVE your work !!


Sabrina said...

Hey I just finished a book and was wondering if you have any recommendations for a publisher???

PC Cast said...

Frankie - Oct 2012

Sabrina - read my blog post about advice for aspiring authors. You need to research publishers according to your writing and your vision for your own future career.

Anne - there will be 12 HoN books, 4 novellas, and a bunch of comics.

Destiny - we have a line of clothing based on the HoN tattoos/themes that will probably be available mid 2012. No plans for patches at this time, but stay tuned to my blog for more info as I know details.

Leonora - I don't have any control over the format in which my books are published. I love audio books, and I hope the Goddess Summoning Series will be available in audio format, but that's entirely up to Berkley.

Shaun - Kristin's wedding was lovely. Thank you for asking.

AKAlex said...

This is an astounding picture and I love it!

SunKissed by Le`Dawn said...

please do not break up zoey and start I will die

Guilherme 7530 said...

PC, I just recently read Goddess of the Sea, and more than once Christine says that only women can do magick. Even after seeing Dylan making magick in the sea, Christine says that. So I kept wondering about that. It seems a little sexist of her.
And a little question: In Awakened, it comes to a moment when Nyx says that in the Otherworld, all that matters is what the spirit bears within: Light or Darkness. A spirit of Light is welcome there, we saw that; but what about a spirit of Darkness? What would happen if Neferet, as an example, died? Would Nyx refuse her? I kept wondering about that too.
Thankyou if you answer, and thankyou if you don't, too. And I have to say, that's a great pic!

PC Cast said...

Guilherme - Christine means women are creators. It's not sexist; it's biological. Dylan can use magick, just like men can father children, but they can't birth either into existence. Darkness can enter the Otherworld. Kalona got there. But there is a big difference between entering a realm and being welcome and blessed in that realm.

Bree said...

merry meet PC! i love the House of Night sooo much! My friends and i were the characters from the house of night for Halloween.. i was Zoey! it was so fun! i love these books so much! 2 quick questions i'm in inspiring actress i go to Orange county high school of the arts.. and i know you said you will let us know when casting will be open for the movie.. do you know if the auditions will be in California? Also.. do u believe in Nyx? merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again! from you number one fan!

Guilherme 7530 said...

Thankyou for your answers, PC! That was very gentle and I understand now. Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning :p

PC Cast said...

Bree - as I said, I'll post movie news as I get it. And as to my belief in Nyx - I believe in many kinds of magick. The Divine Feminine is one of them.

honfan11 said...

So i just read Destined. Kalona goes to the side of Light? So what does that mean for Zoey and him? And what of his children? From what I read only some of them can barely understand English and speak it. Will Nyx forgive them?

Unknown said...

Hi PC, im starting a new website and ill be featuring your books, reviews and where to buy them, i was wondering if i could interview you or ask you a few questions about your house of night series?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Zoe-Scarlett is completely right!!! Happy Holidays P.C.!!

Maddie said...

Will we be seeing zoey's stepdad with his anti-vamp followers causing trouble in hidden?

Young Poet said...

hey PC was just wondering how on earth does your administrive assistant keep up with her work while replying to all your fan mail? you are certainly to busy to go through them.

PC Cast said...

Honfan11 – Nyx didn’t show up and forgive Kalona, which means he still has lessons to learn before he is firmly on the side of Light (if he ever is). Being able to speak English isn’t a prerequisite for forgiveness, neither is having a parent choose Light or Darkness. Each individual is responsible for his or her own choices.

Arlene – all interview requests need to go through my publicist, Sherry Rowland, at

Maddie – not sure about in HIDDEN, but Zoey’s step-loser is in one of the HoN comics.

Hound Hafling – keeping up with fan mail is difficult. My administrative assistant isn’t responsible for that - she handles internet issues. I used to have a PA who helped lighten the load with the fan mail, but recently I've decided it's better if my fans have to wait rather than have someone else send a generic response. And about pictures and such that fans send to me - many are lovely, and I keep a lot of them, but remember exactly who sent what is almost impossible.

honfan11 said...

But she did warn them of what is to come. So he is on the path to forgivness? Or was he even on the bus? I don't remember reading that part.

PC Cast said...

Kalona's on the bus - they all are except Aurox. Whether he's on the road to forgiveness is yet to be seen...

Sabrina said...

Ms Cast, I've read your archive on becoming an author a few times and I've begun research already but I am still at a loss on how to even begin looking. I wish I knew some direction of where to begin or what exactly I should be researching....

Anonymous said...

do you know who will be on the cover of hidden? if you can't tell, do you want to give us a hint? :D

Maddie said...

Okay thankx

PC Cast said...

Sabrina - start by reading the writing/publishing resource books I recommended in my advice for aspiring authors post.

HoNfanclub - nope, don't have a clue about the cover. Haven't even started the book yet...

Sabrina said...

Will do. Thank you Ms. Cast :)

Natalie Bennett London said...

I've read 'all' of your books and loved them all I've just re~read the Divine books and wondered if there was another on the was as I feel like I've been left hanging after Brighids quest lol
I'm looking forward to Lenobias vow!
I also think you need to tour the UK as I'm missing out on the HoN parties lol

Blessed be xx
Natalie Bennett London

lil lottie said...

Hi, I would just love to say i think the HoN books are all amazing . I can't put them down. as soon as i finish the series I have to start them all over again :) I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.

Rubey said...

What could someone doto get a story or short noval publlished? is the HON movie going to be out in OR any time soon? I'd love to wach it... i love your books.

Brianna said...

wow. a you look like a goddess.