Wednesday, September 14, 2011


(Keep checking for the next one...)



Elizabeth King said...

Yay! Can't wait! ^_^

Sarah L said...

You can't kill Rephaim off Stevie-Rae will be distraught.
Although it does sound exciting can't wait for Destined to be realesed! xoxo

sunbug33 said...

Wow have been patiently waiting for this next boom to come out. And this teaser just makes me more excited. Lol my 2 sisters and I have all read this whole series and can't wait to let them know the next book is about to come out soon. Woooohooo!!!!

sunbug33 said...

This is awesome and can't wait til the book comes out. Also my 2 sisters and I have read this whole series and can't wait to tell them the next nook is about to come out soon. They will be as excites as I am. Lol

Maike said...

Oh please don't kill Rephaim :(( he's my favourite character :(

Kasia25ja said...

Oh NO. Rephaim can't died no no no :( :( :( He's my favourite charakter! Zoey Stevie Rea and them friends must help him. Oh it's terrible!!!
I can't wait DESTINED.
Do do you ever add 1 chapter Destined, or that's it?

Domonique said...

I can't wait to read the book! I just know it's going to be out of this world.

Zoe-Scarlett said...


marzena said...

yipppp:)I can not wait.but tell me pleaseeeee rephaim will be lived.???? That would be terrible if he dies
(sorry for my english)

Anonymous said...

OMG can´t wait! Just last night I was thinking about how now Raphaem can be a real boy every night, and him and Steve Rae can now be together! I have to tell you, he is one of my absolute favorite characters in HoN, I think is just brilliant how deep you can go with a character like that, and his love story is my favorite too. I love how there's always some darkness in the light, and some light in the darkness in all your novels.
Anyway, I cant wait for the next one! This one was way too short!

Anonymous said...

this better be one of those visions that doesnt come true! i will cry even harder than the last time you killed off a character :'(

shaun said...

love a wee teaser! also P.C where can i see the UK cover for Destined

honfan11 said...

If he dies im going to cry stevie rae went through way to much. and i fear if he does die she will go bad and will go after Darkness and will get killed in the process and then the circle will get weak and somebody else would have to come along...... i just hope im not right me and my book buddies wont be to happy with you P.C. Cast.

KirsteeOhx said...

AHHHHH!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PC Cast said...

Sorry guys, can't give away plot spoilers. You'll have to wait and see what happens. Hey, I heart me some Rephaim, too. Of course I hearted me some Jack also...sob...


Ger said...

Hello, Ms. Cast. I'm from venezuela, and I don't know if you understand my english (a quite wrong), but I have to said this: this books are fascinating to me. I read them 100 hundred times, and I heart you because yo write a marvelous novels and yo have a incredible talent and imagination. My favourite character is Neferet (she's so dang evil and all, but she's intelligent and extremely fascinating). I only have a question to you: Neferet will do some bad things? She fight with some, kill some people In destined? I can't wait for this book.

Sorry for my english again.

Ger said...

I'm training my english reading your books.

Marissa said...


Desi Strasser said...

OMG this is awesome I can wait til this book comes out!!!!! This series has been keeping me on my toes ever sence I started reading the series!!

Lissa said...

Hi PC, I know Neferet is not good, but I havn't lost the hope that she returned to be the one that she was in Marked. Is it possible?
My name is Lissa, I'm Brazilian and I love your books!

Lindsey said...

YOU CAN'T MAKE REPHAIM DIE YOU! you just CAN'T! I'm going to bawl my eyes out if he does even harder than when Stevie Rae did

Emily said...

aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait! Me and my sis love the house of night. And poor Rephaim he cant die! Steveie needs him!

RS said...

No more killing...OK... hell i don't even want to see Kalona dying.. I always sense some light in him. Please... Please...please change him into good like you did with Stark...And Rephiam has barely got a chance to live... let him live please...

Marii rp said...

Pc, I'm in love with your books, but rephain can't die, he's too good for that... and CAN'T WAIT FOR DESTINED OMG!!!!!

Sabrina said...

NOOOO if you kill Rephaim I will be devastated! I am in love with him! Him and Stevie Rae are the best book couple ever!!!

Are there going to be more teasers? What is the next HoN book titled?

Oh, and have you read the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick? If not I highly recommend it. I adore Patch :)

You are the best author in the world! Keep writing!

Ritika said...

OMG!!!!Sounds sooooooo AMAZING!! But please don't kill Rephaim!!or anyone else!!Can't bear anymore deaths after Jack's in Awakened!!
Please post more extracts!!The suspense & wait is killing me!!!
I heart HoN!!!<3

Marii rp said...

PC, i was just wondering- is the release date of destined the 25th of September also in Spain?

PC Cast said...

Sabrina - There will be more teasers, but I'm not sure of the exact schedule for the release of them. Nope, the next book isn't titled yet.

Marii - the UK and US release of AWAKENED is Oct 25th. I don't know about the rest of the world, but your local bookseller would.

HeartingLovino said...

Truth for me is I'm only on Burned like... pg 76? but I sort of don't like the idea of what Stevie Rae did with Rephiam... Saved him, imprinted him...I don't think its right, but don't kill him. oh one last thing, I am a first time visiter and i wanted to know if there will be any movies or edpidoes on the books (i neeeeeed to knooow!) thaks! buh byes

HeartingLovino said...

ok hi's hi's! I finished reading awakened and it changed my point of view on Rephaim!!! Wowzies once i saw the cove i knew it was gonna be him but i didnt know when. my only complaint is Jack. D: he was one of my faves!! in all of the books i ever read jack is (and i do mean is) one of my top fives!!! (sob sob sob) i cried when he died he was soooo brave accepting it like that!!! i sort of kinda wished Damien got there faster. btw i can't wait for the new book! oh and im sad Zoey's mom died, and right after she found her real self again!! grrs ok byebyes!