Saturday, September 17, 2011


I'm sweating my way through the first half of LENOBIA'S VOW and my writing "help" is sleeping on the job! Jeesh. (And, clearly, she's not missing many meals...) Fired!

Back to work...


Petra said...

Sweet :)

Thales Moreira said...

Where's the cat? Try to find it. You're right in firing him, it's not right to sleep in work.

Elizabeth King said...

haha...Cute! ^_^

Emily said...


Kasia25ja said...

Oooh sweet cat :*

shaun said...

aaaaw cute whats his/her name?

KirsteeOhx said...

Hi P.C! You know, I recently read your "Goddess of the sea" and the funny thing is, that I was on a plane when reading it! heehee just thought I'd share it with you :)

PC Cast said...

Kirstee - a plane is not a good place to be reading GotS!

Shaun - her name is Allie.

Géraldine said...

Hello PC,

Cats are meditating, not sleeping
(PS: my cat made me write this...!)

By the way how are the kittens? What are their names?

Cool that you're working on Lenobia's story; I don't know her really well since I've just begun "Chosen", but I "heart" her!

Best wishes from France,

Zoe-Scarlett said...

There's no better cat than a fat one! It makes them all cuddle when you open the fridge ;)

At least that carpit isn't on the stairs at night, you have no idea how many times I've stepped on one of my cats because of a dark carpit.

PC Cast said...

Zoe-Scarlett - stepping on your cat because she's catmouflaged on your stairs made me laugh out loud! (Allie is laying on my Scottie's dog bed after kicking him out...)

Geraldine - Of course she's meditation and not sleeping (she made me write that). All but one of the kittens went to really good homes. I kept The At Cat out at the ranch (he looks like he has a big @ sign on his side).

Anonymous said...

I don't have a cat, but I adore my dog! Her name is Polly and I swear, she understands everything I say to her, and the other way around. I've always had a huge connection to dogs, when I was very very little I used to go around with 7 dogs following me everywhere.
That's why I loved it when Stark arrived with duchess, it makes me love him even more! Some dogs are just as wise as duchess, so it's really really cool how you describe her.
Anyway, my best to all of your cats from the dog-lover!

Géraldine said...

Good news for the kittens!
The "At cat", funny name!

My vamp cat, Carmilla, is all white and kinda plump too (to say it nicely). So she looks like a big meringue!
She sends big meditating thoughts to Allie for the writing process!!

Best wishes,

Ang from Oz said...

Allie's not fat just well loved. Well that's what people say about my cat Jem. She is definately well loved. She tells me its her fur that makes her look fat (my cat made me write that! lol)

Zoe-Scarlett said...

If only the cat decided to laugh instead of scratching me :( (I have 5 cats and their all boys)

Géraldine said...

Exactly Ang,
It's all about fur!

Ruby97 said...

My cat recently got shaved because of an infection on his back, and now every time someone comes near him with scissors he runs away! :) P.C, are you ever going to write another partholon book? I think there are alot of us who are wondering what happens to fallon and brighid :)
~ One of your biggest fans,Ruby <3

skfetts said...

I think it is cute that your cat's tail is placed in a perfect spiral. Looks like a lucky symbol to me. :)

PC Cast said...

Ruby - thank you for loving the Partholon books! I adore that world and those characters. YES, I have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. Now all I have to do is to find time to put it on paper. But don't worry - I will. Promise.

Ruby97 said...

YAY! that sounds great... The partholon books are my favorite series :)