Friday, July 08, 2011

Exciting News About Dragon's Oath!

Hey guys,

I have some fantastic news to share about Dragon's Oath!

St. Martin's Press did an interview with House of Night artist Kim Doner and me where we talk about the process behind the illustrations you'll see in the book. Kim and I have known each other for about 15 years, so it's better than just a Q&A - it's more like girlfriends talking about a cool project (which is exactly what it was!). I think it'll give you an interesting inside look at D'sO!

Also, on the House of Night site is posted a behind-the-scenes peek at the hard work Kim puts into all of her artwork. You'll get to see how one of the key scenes in the book came together from start to finish. You can read both here!

To top it off, you can enter for a chance to win a print of that scene (US residents only, sorry - I'm not in charge of this, it's something St. Martin's is doing), via my publisher's sweepstakes page here.

This is what the final illustration looks like - isn't it awesome?!?

More exciting news soon!


Critica said...

That illustration is magnificent! I can't wait for Dragon's Oath!

Jordan Clarke said...

it's gorgeous!!!!!! <3 can't wait to read it :)

Alba said...

WOW!! love it!

Katie.Wilson said...

I love the illustration, and I absolutely love the HON books. They are by far the best books I've ever read!! I've read all of them at least 5 times!! I don't think I can wait any longer for Destined!! I pre ordered it already!! You are my idol! I also can't wait for Dragons oath!


KirsteeOhx said...

Who did the illustration?

Domonique said...

I think it's just awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on Dragon's Oath. I would just love it if the illustration was made into a poster.

Anonymous said...

It looks gorgeous!!! It really does. Can't wait!
Also, I was wondering what happened with Zoe sister and brother after awakened (and the ending it has)?
You know, just wondering. Is just that all the characters feel so real to me!
Congrats on the illustration, is great!!!

Conor! said...

BRING BACK JACK TWIST I'M SO sorry but I loved him and Damien they where so cute together is their anyway you can make nyx bring the kid back. I love him and Damien when they where talking about being hot and sweaty from jogging it was so Adorable! if you could make it so Jack can come back as Jack not reborn or anything just Jack like maybe the black bull can makes him come back as a whole for a price that they pay maybe its to make Damien be bonded to Jack IDK! just I really want Jack back I cried when he died and its so heart breaking :( Please bring him back for your readers!!!!!!!! Because Jack is fully good we know that and maybe the black bull brings him back whole so there can be good in the world I don't really know but I hope you read this and find somewhere in your heart to bring jack back as jack not as a Different character! PLEASE

ps. I wrote this here because I couldn't get in contact with you any other way!

PC Cast said...

Honey, Jack's dead. He's frolicking happily with the Goddess. The end.

Louise said...

Hi! I was just wondering if you have any more Partholon books planned? I'm just about to end Brigids Quest and i'm gutted that they are ending! Loved the Divine series alot! Going to hit your Goddesses series next but was wondering if there is more to come from Parthlon?

-Louise, UK :)

PC Cast said...

Hi Louise - thanks for the question; I love my Partholon books and look forward to returning to that wonderful world. Yes, I have Ciara's Destiny planned, but I have to find time to write it! Oh, and there's a prequel to Shannon and ClanFintan's story in a collection called DARKNESS DIVINE. It's kinda hard to find here in the states, but you can order it from Amazon UK, and even maybe Harlequin's site. Happy reading!


Hayden said...

More news soon? Gahh! I'm gonna have to check back here every 5 minutes.
When is soon?

KirsteeOhx said...

Defying Gravity was a great choice for jacks sad ending, i think for when or if it becomes a movie it will be very emotional and very effective, it sure made my heart break! :(

Hayden said...

Also, PC, I just bought DRAGON'S OATH a few minutes ago -- so excited to start it! <3 Hope it's great, and I look forward to Dragon's character in DESTINED.
I'm on page 6.

GĂ©raldine said...

Hi from France PC,

Are the illustrations specific to Dragon's Oath, or are there some in the other books of the series too? Because in my books there are no illustrations.
And I'm waiting for Ciara's Destiny too ! :)

PC Cast said...

Dragon's Oath is illustrated, as all of the novellas will be. None of the big books are illustrated, though.

GĂ©raldine said...

Thank you for your answer!

KirsteeOhx said...

I bought my Copy today!!

Beth Blair said...

I loved Dragon's Oath, it ended too soon, but the insight to the role Dragon has played / will play in the HoN series was awesome to behold.

Looking forward as always to the next installments.