Thursday, July 21, 2011

ComicCon Announcement!

Oooh! Sooooo, check this out: Kristin and I have teamed with the amazing comic publisher, Dark Horse! Starting in November of this year, the first of five House of Night comics will be released! There will also be a graphic novel collectable of all five comics! The stories will begin between MARKED and BETRAYED and weave ancient vampyre stories into modern day House of Night action! The amazing screenwriter, Kent Dalian, is adapting the stories to comics - AND YOU WILL JUST DIE WHEN YOU SEE THE ART! Joelle Jones is doing all the modern day stuff. She is awesome!

The Big Announcement was made by Dark Horse last night when they uncovered a massive wall with art from their three new series: House of Night, and Orchid (by Tom Morello), and Strain (by the super incredible Guillermo del Toro). The three of us did a panel today at ComicCon, which was totally fun!

Can't wait for you guys to see these comics! Ooooh!


Dawn said...

Hello PC I love your books. I just got done reading hunted and tomorrow my friend is letting me borrow tempted. I am 34 and I love the house of night books. jjThey are great to read and are very fun and intriguing and very addictive. Great job on writing them!!

Cássio said...

Hello my dear author !!!!!I loved the idea of ​​turning HoN in comic books !!!!!,but I have a great doubt about HoN,The series still goes turn into a movie? i Love his books, and thank you for making a series so wonderful!

KirsteeOhx said...

OH MY!!will the comics/graphic novels be released in the UK?!!thstleth

Vampii_Barbie said...

Thank you, You made my Friday awesome with this news. Im gonna pre order asap!!! Its a bummer I couldn't meet you at Comic Con in SanDiego this year, hopefully next year. =]

carla said...

Cast dear, this comic is about the maximum and have wondered as the movie is going to go or stay in the will ... Please go to the movie: D is what we expect ...
waiting for the comic in Spanish ^ ^

Descoladaa ;D said...

I'll buy them all! Super fan? Present!Merry Meet, Merry Meet Party and Merry Meet again .


Pyro316 said...

Awesome, I can't wait to read the comics. Me being a comic book nerd, loving anything to do with mythology, religions of the world and just about anything there is to do with vampyres, HoN is the perfect book series for me. I am looking forward to Destined as well as the comic series. Please keep us updated.

PC Cast said...

Comics should be released in the UK the same time as the US. Not sure about the rest of the foreign release dates...

KirsteeOhx said...

Yay! :)

Jordan Clarke said...

i love the books but i am not a huge comic book fan but maybe i can get my siblings to read them if they r in comic book form lol

KirsteeOhx said...

Hey Pc! I live in Scotland, and today I went into a shop called "Americandy" and guess what I bought? Lucky charms! :D they also sell twinkies and root beer :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! They look sooo great!! I think HoN would be a great graphic novel, congratulations!! I know they are going to turn up very very pretty, cant wait!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm a little girl from Norway, and I love you'r books! I am 11 years old, and me and my friend wonder, will it ever come a movie from the House of Night-books?

Sorry for bad english, but i don't trust Google Translater.

shaun said...

I'm kind of confused is the comic series about Zoey?

PC Cast said...

Thea (I don't trust google translator either!) I'm working on the movie issue and hope to have an announcement in the near future.

Shaun - yes, all of the nerd herd will be in the comics, as well as other characters from ancient HoN mythos.

KirsteeOhx said...

PC, I was just wondering, when you start to write a book, how do you research the things that you need? say for example you needed a hospital that was very old and was used many years ago that exists now, how would you find it? would you just google it? or someting else?

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! That is so amazing! Unfortunately, I won't be able to read them, unless someone reads them to me. I'll probably buy them as a gift to my boyfriend when they are released and make him read them to me. Graphics and blindness don't go well together *grrr*.
However, I'm so going to read Dragon's Oath. It's intresting with some history of the supporting characters. And I'm curious about Dragon. Because I was surprised by his actions in Awakened.
So, I have one theory that I'd like to share. I'm not expecting you to confirm this or anything PC, but I have to spill it anyway.

Kalona is not really evil. He has commited evil deeds, but he has been Nyx's consort, and even though he tries to deny his link to Nyx, it is none the less apparent how much he longs for her. His bond with Nyx makes him stuck to her like glue.
Kalona is capable of feeling love and compassion, even though he tries to deny this. That doesn't make Kalona himself evil, but his deeds.
Comparing to Neferet, who has allied herself with darknesss and has lost all her capability of feeling love and compassion, Kalona's innermost still longs for both Nyx, and his Cherokee Maiden, for whom he feels strongly, maybe in a different sense. But all the same, the conclusion is, Kalona is not really evil, he wants to be, but he failed to become evil! While Neferet wanted to, and succeeded to become darkness herself.

TheJennBooth said...

I know this isn't about house of night, but it is about one of your other series... I adore your goddess summoning books... is there going to be another one out soon? I'm having withdrawal symptoms... There are only so many times you can read a book, with out another in-between... :)any idea if you will be writing another one??


ridzwanfereroro said...

I'm currently reading Hunted:) i totally love this book and this is my all time favorite novel ever :) i hope i get to read more of your books soon in the future!!I'm also excited for the comic release and the movies !:)

PC Cast said...

Jenn - I would like to write another Goddess Summoning Book - the problem is time. But do stay tuned to my blog. That's where I make all book/movie/tour, etc., announcements.

Leonora - Interesting comment. I can't tell you the answer without giving away plot, but I do agree that there is a difference between accepting evil and Darkness, and making mistakes and taking a wrong life path turn. With hard work, one can be corrected. For the other, there is no desire for a change or correction because the choice for evil has been made.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation PC!!
I love the grafhic novel!

Cara said...

Dear P.C. Cast!
Great that you have a blog! I am Polish and I apologize for some of my mistakes but I do not know English very well, but I want to be a teacher of English to be able to read your books in English posts, and other things:) I really love you and your daughter! You wrote an excellent series of direct divine House of Night. With me in Poland is only 6 edition and thus perhaps even read. I would like to ask you if you can, or will be based on the movie House of Night? Is the official website of the House of night are just the Yearbook are actors who will play the characters from the book? I see that it probably was the replacement of Stark and the man was so beautiful! :* I loved it:) I love the series House of Night and I always will I love with all my heart only in the books, I cry like a beaver, or have a little moment of horror and fear! I beg you dear do not stop with Kristin to write the series House of Night! I hope my respond to the comment:) Yours

David said...

Will you be doing any book signings in Devon England for Destined.

PC Cast said...

Hi David,
I'd love to come back to the UK to tour, but that will depend upon my writing schedule. I'll post on my blog when I have tour update information.


honlover said...

hiii!!!!! i am 13 an absulutly LOVEEEE ur books. im almost done reading tempted and was just wondering if ur ever gunna make movies and cant wait for the comics to cum out!!!!!!!

honlover said...

hiiiiii!!!!!!!!! i just LOVVE ur books there amazing. i just finished reading tempted saving my mony to get the next book. ur books keep me on my toes. to zoes boy problems to stevie raes dramma. i was just wondering if u were thinking about makin the books into movies that would rly bring it to life. cant wait till comics come out!!!!!!

Cara said...

P.C. Answer to my previous question? I really depends on the ...

PC Cast said...

Guys - I have a whole post in the archives about movie questions. Please go there for your answers. When I have new announcements I'll make a giant post. I don't have any new announcements at this time...

Sabrina said...

Is the Stevie Rae/Rephaim relationship gonna be in the comics??? They are my favorite couple of any books I've ever read. I would be super sad if their relationship isn't in it :(

my space said...

Hello PC, i'm brasilian and i really LOVE the House of night series!The books are PERFECT Can you say how many books teh serie will have please??

Esra said...

I am a fan of you from Turkey. I read whole books(except Goddess of Light) which have come to Turkey (there are only HoN series and 3 Goddess books). And we have a site about HoN series and I translated this ComicCon Announcement to that site and everyone is excited about it. However we don't know if the comics come to Turkey. We hope that they will and I am waiting an answer from you :-)

And this is the site of the HoN series (don't know if I am allowed to do this. If not sorry):
If you want to visit my name is ...CarpeDiem... at that site.


Hayden said...

Hi, PC!
I had a dream I saw the cover of LENOBIA'S VOW and it was the same as DRAGON'S OATH except the woman had dark hair, and the background was black instead of purple.
Just thought I'd let you know. :)


Géraldine said...

Hello PC!

I'm about to begin the HoN series (I saved it as a treat for my holidays!!). I also bought the Fledgling Handbook 101. Is it better to read it first, or shall I begin Marked and read the Handbook after?
Congrats for the comic books!!

Valentina said...

Hi PC! I love the comic's thing. Really! Anyway, I was re-reading Awakened and a question pops in my mind. If Stark will die, Kalona will return immortal? And therefore under Neferet's control? If you cannot answer because it's a spoiler it's fine with me :)

PC Cast said...

Sorry Valentina - that's a plot spoiler.

Geraldine - start with Marked. You can read The Fledgling Handbook any time after that. (It's mentioned in the books.)

Esra - don't know much about foreign sales yet except they'll for sure be in the UK. I would imagine they'll eventually be in all the countries where the novels are published, though.

Li - 12

Sabrina - I dunno. Not in the first 5 comics. They take place to early in HoN time. Probably later ones, though.

hon lover said...

Hi P.C.
Someone stole my fan name. lol. :D
I am so sad because the only book store we have here in Yakima is closing because Borders is finally going bankrupt. But I got dragon's oath and a few other books that I can't wait to sit down and read!
I read all those books that you suggested for aspiring authors, and I'm starting a new one now called the idiot's guide to publishing fourth edition. It's actually been really useful to me. Tells me everything I need to know about how to write a query letter and proposal for my book (or in my case a synopsis). I'm only about half way through but there's a lot of information to process.
Thank you so much for your support with me wanting to write and be a published author. I am trying really hard to follow my dream. Now I just need a book on how to write in manuscript form and I'm good to go!
Halfway there!Boo-ya!

rebeccakolmodin said...

Hey, i read on wikipedia that there's people writing a screenplay for the HoN series, is that true? I was just wondering considering the great news with the Comic-books. And that it would be so cool to see a movie or a tv-series built around the Zoey Redbird world.
And if there's going to be something like that, are you going to be able to audition even if you don't live in the US?
- Rebecca

rebeccakolmodin said...

Ohh, this is kinda awkward, I just read all the other comments and i realized that I just asked the same question as all the other people here... sorry 'bout that!
- Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Hooray! That's great! That will be exciting.

Georgia O´keeffe said...

Are you gonna do a movie about all books ? :D

Lauren said...

I love love love your books! and I love the idea of comics/graphic novels! Now all of my Series will have graphic novels! I can't wait! But will they all be released at the same time? And are they out for pre-order yet? Man, I need a bigger book shelf.... But I don't care! Keep it up! And Thanks for your amazing writing!