Saturday, June 25, 2011


Hi Guys,
Just coming up for air as I head into the climactic scene of DESTINED because I wanted to let y'all know the release date has been moved up to OCTOBER 25th! Oh boy! Yea for you guys - holy crap for me.

Oh, this is a pic of the "real" HoN. It's a lot prettier than this right now, as everything is green here in T-Town. I'll have to go by and take a more recent picture for y'all. Till then - happy reading!

Speaking of reading - have you guys read the George RR Martin books the HBO series GAME OF THRONES is based on? TOTAL ABSOLUTE AWESOMENESS! While you're waiting for the next HoN, check them out. Wow, what a fabulous author!

Back to work for me...
p.s. NO, I don't have a clue about our tour schedule yet. I'm still trying to get the book done... (Just as a shout out to our Canadian fans: Kristin and I would LOVE it if we could revisit Victoria this tour! Oooh! The brunch ferry from Vancouver! Yum.)


  1. Wow it's beautiful. I actually had it pictured a bit differently though. Thanks for posting! :)

  2. Hi. My name is Kaja and I'm from Poland. Since the series' house at night, "appeared in Poland, I am your big fan:) I would like to one day be able to personally meet with you, but judging from the distance which divides us is impossible - you are great:) But here in Poland are the only books Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, and Hunted, so I can’t wait for the next book in this series:)

    p.s. I can’t speak English well, so I’m sorry for any mistakes:)

  3. Hi P.C, I just saw the UK cover for Destined and was wondering if it was the real one? :)

  4. Thanks for posting the pic, its great to put an image with the description you paint for the readers imagination.

    And let me say a big WOOOOO HOOOOO! About the earlier release date, and I'm so looking forward to Dragon's Oath next month!!!

    (Love the pics of Dunkey in the previous post too lol)

  5. Wow looks amazing. :D

  6. I'm so happy that the release date has been moved up, though I can see how it's an even bigger rush for you.

  7. Very pretty, I bet it looks wonderful with all the greenery.

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    That's great news!!!!! I'm re-reading the whole saga now and can't wait to DESTINED!!!
    Question: Do you think the release date will be the same in other countries, like for example Chile? Otherwise I'll just have to travel to the US and get it myself!
    Also, the real HoN es beautiful! I've always pictured the place filled with snow glittering under the moonlight, like Zoe describes it. It hardly ever snows here (though we have the mountains very very close by) and it has always seem magical some how.
    Anyway, can't wait for DESTINED!



  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    You should stop by Toronto while in Canada! You've got a lot of HON fans here =)

  11. Thanks for posting the pic. Its nice to put an image to what was lingering in my imagination.

    I'm currently on book three of GAME OF THRONES. There are so many unexpected twists and turns. Just when you think you know where the Author is headed he completely throws you off. Are you reading them while writing DESTINED? That would be insane and amazing at the same time. I'm in love with Khal Drogo and the Hound. Khal Drogo's image on HBO brought me back to many of your romance novels. Gotta love the bruiting warriors. Happy Writing!


  12. Shannon - I'm on the second book CLASH OF KINGS, right now. I read before I go to sleep to shut my mind off. It's truly a pleasure to immerse myself in such a well developed world full of wonderful characters.

    Maca - sorry, the only foreign country I'm sure the date of release is the UK (which includes Oz). Check with your local bookseller and see if they have it in their system. If they do, they'll list a release date.

  13. I love the way you write all your books to me
    I read in two weeks that's because in addition I have to
    but consider that it would be ready two days in my
    mind ... I look forward to destination, I loved the photo
    : D and as you told the Chileans must Maca
    wait .... a publication until maybe next
    year, or buy it in English in the USA and bring it .. your books
    are great every time you write. Divine by Blood
    Partholon love but not yet read the 4 and 5, I wonder if 5 is the end of this saga? or
    think about writing more? thanks ..
    blessed be ...
    sorry for mistakes, not English well ...:$

  14. Hi P.C!
    Wow, you are such an inspiration. I love your books (HoN, Goddess Summoning, and right now I'm reading Brighids Quest). It's my dream to be an author, and everytime I think I can't do it, I think about you and your passion for writing and I keep going. Thanks so much, your books have made me see how strong and confident women can be! You've given me the confidence to believe in myself.

    I am counting the days until Destined arrives. My friends are getting sick me, it's all I talk about!!!

    Couple of questions. I don't know if you know the answers, but do you know when the cover for Destined will be released? Also, before Awakened came out I got emails with lines from the book. Do you know when or if I will get those again? Or are you not in control of that?

    Thanks so much, and good luck with your writing!!

  15. Hi PC!

    Thanks a lot for sharing these pictures! As I haven't begun your HoN series yet, I'll have a very accurate idea of the House of Night (if I understood well).

    And the pictures of your donkey: awesome!! By the way is he a clown or a donkey? What's his name?

    And good luck for your writing! Release dates must be some stress!

  16. OMg the HON is awesome! I'd love to be an extra on the set of the movie with that HON. Great character in the structure, and vintage it.

    HOly CRap for you. yeah for me! Love it. Hugs and prayers that you will get it done.

  17. I just finished Awakened last night and am even more excited for Destined! So when I read the title of the post, I was so scared the new release date would be later... But now I'm so happy! :)

  18. Im a HUGE fan of HoN and love your seiries. I was wondering if you are coming to NE on your tour and when is it. Just saying again I love love love your seires and cant wait for the next one/

  19. Does Kristen have a blog?

  20. Hi my name is Sage and im a young fan of yours, so i get the whole drama and suspence of the series. Can't wait for the new book im counting the days. And i will probably take a plane to canada for your tour. Love the series, never give up on writing.

    p.s. im on the third book in the game of thrones, but i lost it so know i have to go get a new one, thanks for writing. bye

  21. OMG! i love the game of throne books! I cant wait for his fifth book! and the show is doing great i cant wait for the second season to start either!

  22. WOW!!! love the pic and the new release date!
    can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Dear P.C. ,
    I love you. Untill i started reading the HoN books about a year and a half ago I didnt have a favorite author but I do now :). My mom my grandma and my sister are into the House of Night. Do you have any idea if there is going to be a movie? I understand if you don't but seriously the books are so good that it would be a crime not to make them a movie!But just to make sure the people watching the movie have read your brilliant books you should make them take a quiz! lol I cant wait for the rest of the books!

  24. have fun writing

  25. Hi, P.C.
    My name is Miranda...I was just curious to when you might release a excerpt(sp)for Destined...I'm so super excited....Im also from Oklahoma, Ardmore to be exact, but my dad lives in okc so I go there all the time; although I have never been to Tulsa I hope I get to go there soon, so I can see the beautiful scenery......

  26. Emily - I have a whole blog post on movie issues. Check out the archives.

    Miranda - there will just be little teasers and a facebook quest for D'sO. Releasing a chapter of a novella is TMI. Stay tuned for more...

  27. I love the picture! Thats how i imagined the school in my mind when im reading HoN lol As I wait for DESTINED to come out, i am reading divine by choice, then divine by blood and after those i start the goddess of the sea :) i <3 <3 <3 your books PC!!!

  28. Wow, It's amazing.....Loved it. And I am relived that Destined is going to be released sooner than we've expected. I'm totally dying to read it, cuz I just finished Awakened, and I have to say GREAT JOB! And speaking about the books, do you have any news about the movie stuff? Because I think if it really happen it's gonna be the best thing ever!! Answer me, please!!
    Thank you!

  29. Hey PC im a HUGE fan and just wanted to ask a few questions. can you give details on your tour and are you coming to NE and does kristen have a blog. am a huge fan and love HoN so if youd be kind anough to awnser my questions thanks. Also how many books will their be.

  30. Dotsy - no new movie news. When I have it I'll post it.

    Julia - as I already said, I don't have any news about our tour yet. I'll post when I do. No, Kristin doesn't have a blog. She's busy trying to get her first stand alone manuscript written and is focusing on that right now.

  31. Anonymous2:25 AM

    I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I love this series! The world you created, the dialog's freshness, it's great, fantastic! My mom saw the book in the library and she pointed it out to me, she said that I might enjoy it. Since she'd always had a good eye for books, I bought Marked and could let it down (and I had my SAT coming up... But I've still read it and hunted for more).
    I was also wondering if you two will ever come to Romania? I know what I'm asking, Romania is pretty far away and bad reputation probably follows us in the USA, and these old geezers that call themselves politicians will probably try and rip you, financially speaking. But, still, one can only hope...
    I've seen the HBO series and I liked it a lot. I've tried to read the books, but I was only interested Danny's story, so I only know that... However I'll try to read them wholesome. I really like the world the author created, though. So props for that!
    I'm also an aspiring writer, meaning I haven't published anything else besides blog posts and school plays or short prose. I was thinking to get published in USA, since there I can get a bit more appreciated than in Romania, so I'm kinda glad you have a few tips here. Thanks for that!
    And I wish you both good health and many books to come!

  32. hi Pc. my mom lives and tulsa and my aunt is currently going to ou. Im a young author and i would loveit if i could get some tips from you. HoN is my favorite series. (i personally think its better than twilight) I know your bussy but i would really like to meet you and i would love it if you could help me out with writing.:)

  33. I sure hope the weather doesn't stop you guys from coming back to Victoria this year! I need to get Awakened and then Destined signed, and this time around I wouldn't have to bring in all (at the time) 7 books aha :)

    Fingers Crossed!

  34. Zuzu - we don't control where we go on tour, our publishers do. With the additions of the novellas on my deadline plate I probably won't be going overseas to tour this year.

    Zred - I have a whole post dedicated to advice for aspiring authors in the archives of this blog. Best of luck to you.

    Haley - we'd love to return to Victoria! Such a lovely place, and the bookstore there was wonderful - great staff/friendly people.

  35. I can't wait til the new book comes out im so excited!!!

  36. Hey :P if you do come to canada, would you be coming around southern ontario? because me and my friends juts LOVE your books :)

  37. pc cast i love your house of night books, i am glade you move up the relase date... I hope one day to see your vision of there tatoos...

  38. I'm so excited about Destined coming out early! I'm currently on book 4 (A Feast for Crows)of Game of Thrones and I love them! Daenerys is definitely my favorite character.

  39. When you work out a tour schedule for 'Destined' can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try and come to London? You're awesome and I love you and all your books! Also, will there be a third book in the 'Goddess of Patholon' series? The ending to 'Brighid's Quest' made me scream!

  40. Hello Mrs. Cast!
    We don't mind the book coming out a month or two late! What's important is that you have all the time you need to make the book perfect :) Like the rest. Do you not have a control over the release date? That'd be frustrating! :( Though I can't deny that DESTINED coming out sooner than I could've waited for makes me happy. I'm a horrible person.

    Lotsa love <3

  41. hi P.C I cant wait till Destined comes out, Ive been looking forward to it for ages. I have a question that I really need to ask you- the other day I found something on the internet that said that Stark was origonaly ment to become Stevie-Rea's boyfriend, is this true or is it just a rumor???? xoxoxo

  42. hi pc, jst looking at all your comments and a cant beleive that no one has mentioned how amazing your patholon series's are, i am totally inlove with the world that you created in patholon and i loved every single character that you wrote about, i love the house of night, but got to say that the world of patholon and your goddess series's are by far in my eyes amazing!!! i have read dragons book and it was graet and i cant wait till oct for my next zoey fix, but my heart still belongs to patholon!! would you never write a short story on how cu and brighid are getting on with the new formarian children???? i hope so!!!! xxxxx
