Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Hey there to our Okie fans! Just a quick heads up about our launch signing for DRAGON'S OATH. It'll be Tuesday, July 12th, 7:00-9:00 pm, at the Books-A-Million off hwy 75 (south from Tulsa). If you need to GPS the address is 7404 South Olympia Ave, Tulsa, 74132. For more info call the store at 918-447-2702.

Hope to see y'all there!

p.s. Sorry guys, I'm not touring for DRAGON'S OATH. I'm working hard to get DESTINED in for its early deadline and early release date of Oct 25. And I don't have a clue about that tour yet. I'll post when I know something.


  1. Thanks P.C. I'm working hard on my own book right now too. It's almost ready to be put in manuscript format. I've been trying to get a book on how to format a manuscript because i keep getting different information online. I wish they would just choose a standard and be done with it! lol.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    can't wait for the book to come out!!

  3. HoNlover - just choose one of the formats you feel most comfortable with and be consistent with it. There really is no one standard (I know - I think that's strange, too.) Be neat. Follow all the standard punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc., rules. Double space. Number your pages. Begin each chapter about a third of the way down a new page. That's basically it. Oh, and don't use any weird fonts. Be professional and consistent and that'll be fine. Good luck!

  4. Thanks!
    Do you know how perhaps to do page breaks? I'm having a problem figuring that out because I have different POV's in my chapters and i have a page break for each new POV. Thank you.
    I normally wouldn't ask because I know you say I need to find out on my own but I really have been searching and searching on the internet for that kind of information with no luck. Thanks again.

  5. I honestly cant wait for destined, you are a fantastic author!!

  6. HoN lover - not sure what you mean by page breaks, and multiple povs per chapter can be very confusing. My advice is to read books in the genre in which you're writing - see how those authors structure their povs - and then just do your best. Sometimes it takes lots and lots of drafts, do overs, and bad first drafts before anything works.

  7. @hon lover: page breaks are different for different programs. Which are you using? ie- the newer Microsoft Word, go to insert & click on Page Break.

    @PC: I am so excited to see you again. Ever since I discovered HoN I have gone to every Tulsa signing I could get to!

  8. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I wish I could go!!! I'm dying to read it! I felt that last scene in Awakened, when Dragon chooses dark is soo intense! It seamed like he had a reason for doing so, and I cant wait to get to know the character more.
    Thats one of the things I love about you and this particular saga, you have given us the books that surround the main story, is like every reader's dream!
    By the way, I asked and they dont know when Destined is getting here but I'll let you know when I knowm if you're interested. For me, Amazon will do

    Anyway, all good energy for you and Destined! Can't wait!


  9. Thank you pc. I was debating on when to do different pov's because there's so much going on. I think now I might just do one pov per chapter. I've read tons of books from the sci fi fantasy genre. Thanks for the advice as always!

  10. omgoodness omgoodness!!! I cant wait to read DESTINED!!! Time is going by to slow! xD Cant wait to read it! your amazing PC! You've changed my life with this book and I've found myself a lot more.
    Blessed be <3
    ~ DaughterofNyx

  11. Wish I lived closer to Tulsa... but I don't (I live in Michigan). I also pre-ordered Dragon's Oath earlier today! I will either get it next Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

  12. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I will see ya there! I will be on the 12th for the book Signing :)

  13. I'm going to be at the signing!! (: So excited, I'm in Oklahoma for the summer, visiting from California and I've been dying to get to one of these! :D

  14. Wish I could be there, Ms. Cast. Cannot tell you how much your works have inspired me (aspiring author right here with a few book drafts complete)!

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    i can't wait for the book to be on sale!! and are you gonna be coming to Texas?
