Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dunkey Self Service...

I'm working so hard on DESTINED that the animals at the ranch have started feeding themselves! Now if I could just teach him to type...



  1. This is too cute! Love the HON series.

  2. Haha, that's so cute! Our horses try to get into buckets anytime that they can

  3. That's really cute! Now if I could just teach my cat to do my summer homework...:D

  4. Hi, P.C. I was wodeting are you going to do a novella for Stevie Rae or anyone else in the Nerd Herd?

  5. is very nice, I imagine the animals
    writing would be very tender distanados see
    jajajja ...
    Cast bless them both: D

  6. Hey, PC! Do you know when the DESTINED cover will be in finished form and ready for revealing?

  7. Anonymous1:32 PM

    hey i know you are working extremly hard in Destined and i was just wondering what the true release date is... because i have heard several different things and i know in Awakened it says Nov. and if that is true... November what?

  8. Hayden - the US covered is finished (I've seen it!), but my publisher hasn't let me know the exact reveal date yet. Stay tuned...

    drcullenfan - The official release date for DESTINED has been moved to October 25th.

  9. GMOs will be on 25 October that good news. PC Cast and
    definitive destination will be the last ... be charged
    excitement and drama as the other books?

  10. Carla, if you're asking if DESTINED is going to be as exciting as the rest of the books my answer is YES - or at least that's my intention. Actually, I try to make every book I write better than the one before.

  11. Yeah! I really cannot wait until October 25th .... It's Destined's cover amazing like all the others? When we'll be able to see it? :)

  12. Each of your books gets better and better, I'm loving the series and can't wait for destined to be released. The donkey looks so cute with the bucket. Is the release date the same for the UK???


  13. Hi Mrs. Cast,

    I am happily taking your advice about learning how things work in the publishing world for aspiring authors. I went to the local library to look for lists of literary agents and publishing houses and I have found numerous books about the publishing industry and how to put my book in manuscript format (some of which I have already found on the internet) Thank you for all your advice to people like me who have always wanted to write a story but didn't know how to get it out there.
    You are an inspiration to us all.
    Peace out. :D

  14. Poor little thing! My dog did something simillar once, it's quite funny. Though I guess the poor animals wouldn't agree! LOL.
    Well, I hope everything is going fine with the writing process... I trust your work and I am really anxious for Destined.

  15. Oh my gosh, you're such a tease! I am always excited for the HoN book covers because I know they'll be fantastic. They're my favorite book covers. Ever.
    Can you tell me which gender (m/f/both) is on the cover? That way I'll know before the big reveal?

    Thanks so much.

    And, which cover is your favorite?
    Sorry if I'm disturbing you while you're writing!

  16. Guilherme - Dunkey was eating the whole time and none of the horses could snatch oats from him, so I'm not thinking he's a "poor little thing." It's more like he's a chubby little piglet.

    Hayden - the cover has a guy on it. That's all I can say right now. My favorite cover is MARKED or BETRAYED. I thought both of them were spectacular.

  17. Sarah - I think the release date is the same as the US, the last week of October.

  18. Ok awesome, thanks P.C :D

  19. Thanks, PC!
    My two favorites are BETRAYED and BURNED. And TEMPTED. And UNTAMED.
    Dang, it's hard to choose! Lol.
    Best of luck with writing/editing DESTINED. I completely understand how much stress you're under right now finishing this draft, and I just want to say that if the date of release has to be delayed, all of your fans will be right here supporting you, no matter what . . .
    Sorry. Didn't mean for that to be so deep.
    -Hayden :)

  20. Can you say whether or not he's shirtless? :)
    (Please be no!)

  21. I can't wait to see when the tour starts! I'm excited and hoping that you get to come to the US of A pretty soon as I have my license now and can drive all the way up to seattle if I wanted to. I hope all the same that you can come to Kennewick. It would be so amazing! I hope I get to meet you both! :D You have both been an inspiration to me while writing my book and trying to get it published.

  22. hi p.c.!!!! i luv the hon series! ive read every single one of them! my favorite character is rephaim i have every single book! youve inspiered me to write ive written two books already and im 11!! i just luv u ur my rolemodel! i luvd DRAGON'S OATH! I WAS WONDERIN MAYBE U SHOULD WRITE A BOOK BOUT KALONA WHAT DO YUH THINK?


  23. If only PC If only.I actually feel a little empathy for you because me and my mother both write and read and we know what it's like having things like mind block and having to think about what your fans will be expecting from you..... And I have to say your doing a good job.... I love this series and I read it over and over and over again. I wonder how by the way you write the stories it seems so easy to do a 3nd party perspective and the view of Zoey.... It just seems so easy for you.
