Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Here is it! Love it love it love it!

Yes, it's Rephaim (as he saw himself in the fountain at the end of BURNED).

No, I can't tell you anything more about AWAKENED. Not sure when they're going to post chapter 1 yet, either.

Oh, and it doesn't look like Kristin and I will be touring the US in January for the release of AWAKENED because the weather is so crazy during that month, but I am going back to Scotland with Seoras just after the holidays so I've asked my lovely UK publisher to set up a few signing events there. Don't know exact locations yet, but I wouldn't be suprised if one of them is the wonderful bookstore I heart so much in Sterling!



Looksie Lovitz said...


Hardcore Baby Dyke said...

WOW! I love the cover! Can't wait to get my hands on it. :D

Will you and Kristin ever visit Sweden? :)


Leslie said...

YAY!have a great time with your honey!

GothMisfitjazz said...

Oh my*** I love it!!!!!!!!!!! so cool can't wait to read the book read every one of them and I love burned the most I have no clue why but I love it..
Tempted was A okay book it just made no sense going back and forth between people so at the end (after I read it 4 times) I understood it :)

Tina B said...

I am so excited to add this to my collection, the covers of the HON are amazing! The inside is just as yummy as well!

Royce said...

Hey pc :) I'm SO excited for AWAKENED to be released! I was just curious about what you thought of the novel in comparison to the others? What's your opinion of the book? Your favourite book so far?- this cover makes me wonder why rephaim is on the cover?- big plans for him I guess? :) and I really hope you'll be coming to London soon!

Dimtris said...

This cover is great! I love the colours.

Can't wait to get in my hands. But till then I'll have The Fledgling Handbook 101(can't wait to get this either!). :)

Hugs from Greece!

Michelle said...

I'm sad you won't be doing a signing here in OK, but I understand about the weather. You never know what it's going to be like from on minute to the next. I'm sure we'll see you on the next tour. We can't be stingy and keep you stuck here in the US. Love the cover too. This is my favorite one out of them so far.

Unknown said...

It looks incredible! Can't wait to read it =)

Question: will the Fledgling Handbook be released as an ebook? I'm reading everything on my Sony Reader these days.

Thank you!

Stephie said...

hey when does the book come out? i really love them all im so excited for the next one!!

Sissel said...

You need to tell us as soon as you know the dates for your UK tour, because I live there and I would love to go on a booksigning!!

Domonique said...

OMG if this is how Rephaim sees himself at the end of Burned.He is smoken hot.I always love the cover of your books.Still can't wait to read Awakened.

Jessica said...

It looks great! I can't wait to read this book.

Remy said...

This was my face when I saw it 0_0! hahaha not exaggerating
I saw it and at first I thought it was Kalona but then I looked closer at it and said nope it has to be Rephaim!
Another beautiful cover! I love it!
There must be big plans for Rephaim, I wonder what they are.. Can't Wait! Very excited :D

Hayden said...


Hayden said...

Oh, and PC, what's the OFFICIAL (as exact as possible :-)) word count of AWAKENED?????

Arren said...

I absolutely love it! I can't wait to read Awakened. :)

Beth Blair said...

intrigue. I am looking forward to it.

Courtneylee07 said...

Oh man, Rephaim looks pretty hot. Good choice for the cover. I'm so excited to read this book! I am in love with all of your House of Night Series.

Courtneylee07 said...

Oh my gosh, Rephaim looks so HOT! Haha, good choice! I am so excited to read this book. I have read Burned about 3 times now, and I'm so excited for Awakened. I love your House of Night Series. Keep making them!
With lots of Love, Courtney

Yuyumari said...

OMG!!! i love it!!! Is Rephaim!!!! wauuuuu amazing!!!
Greetings from from Peru!!!

Erin said...

That cover looks awesome. I so can't wait to read it. btw the Fledgling Handbook is Awesome as well.

Did you get the designs for the bookmarks? Please let me know what you think. *bows*


Anna D said...

OMG! I absolutely love the cover!!! Makes me want the book even more. Can't wait for Jan 4!

stevie rae said...

omg!!!!OMG!!!!I SOOOO ;LOVE D COVER!!!! :D

Allay said...

Oooh I can't wait! I thought it was rephaim but then I thought it was Kalona because Rephaim has a beak? Thankyou for clearing that up for me!
Can't wait to read it!
My sister and I love the House of Night series!!!

Unknown said...

OMG! I love it! It's soooooooooooo awesome! :D

Jess F. said...

I agree ... I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to find out what will happen next!! =0)

BBaxxy said...

AHHHHHHHHHH, REPHAIMREPHAIMREPHAIM! I adore it! Counting down the days until Jaunary 4th within the OCD House-of-Night space in the back of my mind! Well, there, and on a calendar. It's great, I'm dying, thank you. :D


menna said...

wooow!! i love the cover <3 cant wait for the book
cant u come Egypt u have alot of fans here and we all gunna be happy if u came :D

menna said...

wow !!! i love the cover
<3 i cant wait till the book is released

can u please vist Cairo,Egypt u will make alot of fans happy

Samm said...

i want it, i want it , i want it, i want it! haha .. i cant wait till i get this book!

Unknown said...

OHMYGOODNESS!! LOVE the cover...soooooooo excited to read this book!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!

Brianna said...

That is awesome, I love it! Any chance you guys will be coming to Ireland any time soon?


Laken Guess said...

Hi im Laken, and just like to say that i absolutly LOVE your Books! cant believe that the cover of "Awakened" is so cool! 1 thing is i never get the covers of the books but i always get the title (at least) OH and cant wait to read it. 1 more thing if you ever go on a tour in the USA come to Tifton,GA me and my friends would freak if you cant we all love your books!! <3 <3

Laken Guess said...

Hi im Laken, and just like to say that i absolutly LOVE your Books! cant believe that the cover of "Awakened" is so cool! 1 thing is i never get the covers of the books but i always get the title (at least) OH and cant wait to read it. 1 more thing if you ever go on a tour in the USA come to Tifton,GA me and my friends would freak if you cant we all love your books!! <3 <3

Cait said...

this is amazing! i love it!

Miquella said...

this looks fantastic, and he has a cute nipple xD
i cannot wait to read this!

Vamp Chicka said...

OMG! That cover is AWESOME! Will the UK cover look just as good?

Unknown said...

wow..... it's so nice! i hope the UK cover will be just as amazing, do you know when that'll be released?
oh and will you be visiting Edinburgh on your visit to Scotland? i live really close to there so i would defo come to see you :)

Naomi McGregor said...

If you're going over to Scotland, COME TO NORTHERN IRELAND!! I love your books so much and I'd love to get them signed, my friends love your work also.
Fledging Handbook 101 in the post :D
Really excited to read Kirstins' book, I've just bought it.
Can't wait until AWAKENED comes out, the cover is AWESOME by the way! <3

Carol said...

My god!!!

Hopefully not linger to be translated into Portuguese, for we here in Brazil we are waiting desperately for the last two books in the house of night.

Kisses I love your work!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Seriously, I'm in awe!!!

Ms Mutable VampFire Angel said...

omg......i love the cover alot....
adnd that rephaim!!!!!wow,thats really cool....im really looking forward to this last book....and thank god its gonna be out soon....!!!^^

Jordan Clarke said...

Absolutly love it! He is so HOT!

Stephanie said...

It would be great when you would do a signing tour through Germany :) I would love to speak to you both :)

I really love your books ♥
Thanks for giving us the chance to join that world.

Anonymous said...


Guillermina C Ponce said...

Ohh im very happy, i love it!
(And anxious)
Ilove It- I love It!!!!!

I have to be patient, in Argentina only went to "Indomitable"
I wait, I wait! :) (Patience jeje)

♥♥Success!!!!!!! my dear PC!!!!

Jordan Clarke said...

Hey PC, again i love it, is the date of relese different in Canada then the US?

Jordan Clarke said...

You should do a singning in southern Ontario some where :p

PC Cast said...

Jordan - The release dates are probably the same. Kristin and I love touring in Canada, but January is not a good month to do that...SNOW. (Victoria is one of my very favorite places!)

Guilherme 7530 said...

I would give all the hair of my head just to see Kristin and PC here in Brazil. But I'm kind of accepting it will never happen :c

iloveHON ;) said...

YAAAAAY i can't wait, seriously! it comes out 19 days before my B-day, so i have to wait till then to get it :( oh well, it will be worth the wait :)

oh, and P.C, do you know whether you are going to be touring in the UK at any time???

thanks :)
amber :) xxoo

Alaa Jasim said...

Hi! I just finished reading the fledgling handbook and its AWESOME. It's really interesting, i love how the whole biological aspect is explained. Lovelovelove it!


lindsey said...

Love it!!! I hope you can read the blog i wrote to you.. My best friend and I got a tattoo from the Handbook I truly hope you can ready it and tell us what you think! :)


Sara Oliveira said...

Oh my god Oh my god! Its GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can´t wait until its released!

Unknown said...

OMG I cannot wait until January, what a lucky month!!! But you really need to come over to the US and visit WI like north central WI, yes there is a lot of shotty weather, but I know you have tons of fans here!!!

rhomitz said...

Hi PC. I have a question for you. My daughter Shauntell absolutely LOVES you and Kristin's HON books. Is their anywhere that I can get the key necklace on the front of your The Fledgling Handbook 101? I would love to get her one for christmas. She would be so excited!!! Please, please, please say you have one?
Please e-mail me at srshmitz@comcast.net or you can Facebook me to let me know. Just search my name on Facebook, Rhonda Mitzel. Thx again!

Mommy Amber said...

i cant wait to read it!

looks awesome!

ever since the raven mockers first appearance ive wondered what they look like through your eyes

but this is still good if its what he sees himself as in the fountain. man im gonna have to reread ALL of the books before i start on this one when it comes out!

you guys have beautiful imaginations

MrsONeill said...

Hey Ms. Cast

I have a few questions and I was wondering if you would please answer them. First when Loren and Zoe imprint, didn't that mean there had to be some kind of emotional connection there for them to be able to imprint, especially over come her and Heaths. could it have just been her feeling all the emotion or did he fill something for her even though he would of never admitted it to Neferet. Or was it just completely physical. And my next qustion is could you please tell us the title to the next book after Awakened and when we can maybe expect it to come out?? PLEASE!!!!! I am so excited for Awakened. And I knew it was Rephaim on the cover immediately. Which made me all the more anxious to read it. I know it is strange but I like him after Burned. I am excited because there has only been a guy on the cover once and that was Stark (I LOVE HIM) WITH Zoe. So when it was just Rephaim as the Indian boy which Aphrodite seen him as in her visions I thought OHHHH this is gonna be so good. I know I am writing a lot but I am excited now that I am actually writing about it to you. If we were actually talking right now I would be talking your ear off. Also when you first introduced Stark I just sort of had this feeling about him like he was going to mean alot to Zoe and be very important to her. So when you wrote and had Zoe thinking that maybe they were soul mates I personally think that is a great direction. To me they have a lot in common. They mess up and make the wrong decisions sometimes but they both have their hearts and minds in the right place. Than I have one more questions and I promise I am done and I will leave you alone. I like Eric and this will not change my opinion of that character but did he actually have sex with Venus??? I think you guys are great, Have a great holiday with your Sweetie and Happy Birthday Kristen.


Yuyumari said...

WAU!!! REphaim is so HOT!!! so beutiful!!

Erin said...

P.C. It looks like he has red Vamp markings? Very nice mix on the cover.

I sent you the design ideas for the bookmarks. I do hope you got and like them.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited
Can't wait for read!
Rephaim hot!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this cover book!

Rudi May Hart said...

I love the cover and if you can pretty please come to Manchester if you tour the UK me and some of my friends are really big fans I love the books they are always a good read.

HaleyHoN said...

I lurve Rephaim, I hope he doesn't go bad.. or stay bad I guess haha, that would make me sad :( Whenever you say that you made yourself cry it makes me think of so many bad things that could happen! Like Dallas, Stevie Rae & Rephaim, Stark & Zoey.. the list is endless! And if Victoria is one of your favourite places, you should definitely come back when you can for a signing! I'd love to see you again, plus I need my Fledgling Handbook signed now, and I will soon need Awakened signed! :):) So be sure to come back, we heart you guys! Oh, happy early birthday Kristen! :) <3

PS: Thankyouthankyouthankyou for keeping Heath a part of Awakened.. even if he's only in small parts! :)

hon lover said...

OMG! Don't know if I can wait until january to get this book! AHHHHHHHHHH! I love it. :D I love the fact that rephraim is on the cover this time instead of zoey. Not that I don't like zoey, but it shows us how he saw himself if he chose the path of good (or at least that's what I think lol). I guess I will have to while away the days of waiting with my percy jackson and heros of olympus books. . . so sad. If I've waited this long though, two months more isn't that bad. :D OMG and rephrame is soooooooooooo hoooooooT! lol! Can't wait.

sammigurl27 said...

I have just recently started reading house of the night novels and in just 2 months im on the 6th book. I must admit its truly exciting to read. I was hoping you would make it a movie for those who don't like to read could enjoy what you have created.

jessicapupo said...

Can you do something really cool? Please right a blog about the meanings of each cover and title. I mean I know its random but its been buggin' me for a while cuz' I think Betrayed would be a better name for Chosen since there is alot of betrayal in it. Also who is it in the background of Tempted? I mean I know that it's Stark and Z in the front. Anyways I know you and Kristin have your reasons so thats why I'm asking.

LOL just finished the series for the third of fourth time today now I really can't wait for Awakened !!!!!

Deeaannaaaa(: said...

Hey. I just wanna find out when's th release date for The Fledging Handbook 101 in Singapore cuz me and my friend can't find it at all.


PC Cast said...

Deanna - sorry, I don't have a clue when (or if) The Fledgling Handbook will be released in Singapore (although my guess is a local major bookstore could tell you).

Jessica - The meanings of the titles differ. There is no one right answer for each one. Mostly, they're thematic. As to covers, they, too, just carry the general theme of the book. I had more input on AWAKENED than any of them, and you should understand it after you read the book.

jessicapupo said...

Thanks P.C.!!!!!!! It's so cool you answer some of your comments!!!!! Luv u and Kristen!!!!!!!!!!

Keep writting!!!

<3 House of Night Series!

Deeaannaaaa(: said...

Thanks for answering. I really thought you wonldn't answer cuz you're really busy! Anyway, love you guys!

Have fun publishing th book! :D

Anonymous said...


House of Night in Thailand
You both have many fans :D

Scarly said...

OMG. Fit-it-it is all I can say to Rephaim.

Is the cover for UK the same do you know, because I think up till Hunted both US and UK were he same.
Got The fledgling handbook WOW awesome, read it the day I got it. =D

If you do tour in the UK has anyone ever mentioned Nottingham... Home of Robin Hood.... Just saying, you could sign there... Don't know anyone who live there that might like your books... *HINT* haha.

Cannae Wait for Awakened, Is Scotland featured in it more, because I heart me some Scotland =D

Scarly x

Danielle said...

Hi, I am Brazilian and I read the seven books of the HON, now I'm waiting for the launch of Awakened, praying they will not take too long to be released in Portuguese. I would like to congratulate them for the show and ask if it is true that you intend to write 12 books, here in Brazil is racing this rumor.
Thanks for letting us hold a world full of possibilities like the world HON.

Eden said...

OMG!!! Amazing!!!

CorrineWhitney_1 said...

Hello Mrs Cast,
I am a young reader and a BIG fan of a bunch of your books. I have read all of the house of night so far, and I have read the Divine series, and short stories by your daughter. I am positively in love with the House of Night series. I can not stop reading them. I have read them all at least 10 times, and I am super excited for this book to arrive. It comes out right before my birthday in January, and i just wanted to tell you how my your books have changed me as a person. Before my mother had gotten me your books I wasn't really a fan of reading, but since I have read your books all I can do is read. I have even started(& finished) reading other series. So I would just like to thank you for making the House of Night books.

Unknown said...

I cant wait for this book! I have read all of the others including the handbook. I'm dying to read the next one! 0_0

Krys said...

PC CAST, i just want to know if you will be going to York again, on your UK tour, York is bang in the centre of the england and is not that far away from me, and me and my friend who both enjoy your books wants to go to a signing.

Im looking forward to your reply and to reading all your future novels :).

PC Cast said...

Krys - I don't have places for my Jan tour in the UK yet, but I do heart York very much! LOVE visiting there!

Unknown said...

Ok, so, I love the books. Like, totally. And I'm BEYOND excited for Awakened to come out. But, I might be wrong, but I remember Rephaim complaining about his human form having no wings...? But, oh well. Wings are hot. :D 'Specially black ones. :D

Arjun said...

OMG - for the first time ever i like the us cover more than the uk.

Rachel said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS AND WISH YOU GUYS WERE COMING TO THE US.. you should come to minnesota :) Mall Of America, come and get you shop onn! :) but i understand :)

WHEN ARE YOU GUYS PUTTING UP THE FIRST CHAPTER?! sry im just too excited.. i just reread Untamed, Hunted and Tempted.. soon going to reread Hunted

Love you guys and your books!!! <3 rachel im sad you guys aren't having book signing in the us.. the last time there was a book signing for you was for Tempted, but i keep buying the books and waiting till the next time you come so you can sign them all!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

PC Cast said...

Rachel - my publisher is in charge of chapter releases, not me. So subscribe to the HoN newsletter and you'll know as soon as I do about releases. And Kristin and I were at the Mall of America a couple of releases ago. I can promise you we won't be in Minnesota in January, though...

Unknown said...

Dear P.C Cast,
I cant help but wondering if you will be writing another book after 'Awakened' comes out?

PC Cast said...

Yep, DESTINED will be released Nov 2011.

Jessi said...

OMG I LOVE THE COVER, I wasnet expecting it to be Raphiam at all, I still LOVE IT!! I can't wait to get my ahnds on that book andm read it. I am so excited...when doe sit come out anyways?

Jessi said...

I love the cover it's AMAZING! Icant wait till ig et the book...when does it come out anyways?

PC Cast said...

AWAKENED release date = January 4th

James Nieman said...

i am just a curious person lol
who knows how many books are going to be in the series altogether
i havent started reading them yet but i am going to start them here in a few days when the one i need is turned back into the library

ABMM said...

Dear Miss P.C. and Kristin,
Your House of Night books have changed my life and has turned me into a differnt person just by begining to read these amazing novels.
I can only imagine how many people are intrigued with the love war between Heath, Erik, and Stark.
It was horrible to know that Heath is gone because he too had given me a sence of home and happieness as he did for Zoey. Erik is just obnoxious haha, but he is needed by us all :-) Stark, wow I can't even put words for how you described the mourning Stark had for Zoey when her spirit broke, but it showed his love for her in more ways than any other auother would have been able to do. His determination and strong mind gave us all hope. You've made him a wonderful character. And Kalona, he frightens me but im very interested in him, he makes me wonder of his past and what hes really thinking now and what his TRUE destination in Earth is. The romance between Stevie Rae and Rephiam is amazing. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.
I love yall and I hope theres more books on the House of Night and please post more pictures of Rephiam and Kalona and Neferete because Im in wonder if they match my imagination.

cheeziphish said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! LOVING THE RAPHAIM pic...is that RED tats? My daughter and I cannot wait!

chal said...

ahhhh i live in the UK and would love this cover, gona have to ship it in its gorgeouse =]

Unknown said...

Omg i love the house of night series so much . I love the way Stark cares so much for Zoey and the way Rephiam cares for Stevie rae like they do for them . I cant wait to read Awakened, and is it true that u are writting a book called destined after Awakened? I just heart u guys so much and i hope that u write more to the series. I just cant beleive how they have made an impact on my life. Thank u so much!!!

Unknown said...

i love your series hon so much !

cscott25 said...

I just bought the book yesterday night and i'm already almost done!
i LOVE it!
you two never disappoint!
love from Canada <3

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Rephaim is so incredibly hot!!!!I just bought Awakened and I am loving it!!!! It is the best out of them all so far!!!!! Just curious though, if you ever go on tour, can you please please please pretty please try to come to winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada at some point? Or like Grand Forks? Winnipeg would be better cuz i live there but my mom would definately drive me grand forks to meet you if you went there. I hope you can some time!!! Your awesome!!!

honfreak96 said...

omg all i can say is that dude is totally hot & on the inside cover i showed my friend she agrees he is totally well hotter than oklahoma in august

Amber W. said...

i love the cover and just brought the book amazzing

Amber W. said...

i lover the cover and i just read the book amazing

Dimitri said...

what font text did you use to get that crazed writing. I loved the book I drowned in it several times in a row!! Please tell me you are writing more. There in powereful talent hidden within the depths of your book. YOU ARE A GOD!!

Tristan Kathleen Kleinknight said...

Who is the model for the cover of Awakened?!! He is amazing!!!!