Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BURNED Launch!

A giant THANKS Y'ALL to everyone who made last night's launch of BURNED at the Owasso Walmart so much fun! Our fans are The Best!

See you in Portland on the 29th!



  1. Hi Just wanted to say I loved Burned it was fantastic, sadly I read it to fast, I did not want to story to end yet. And I just wanted to ask if you had a general idea of when Awakend is coming out? All over online it is said that it will not be out until January of 2011. I hope they are wrong. Please let it come out sooner. You are some of the best Authors of this day and age. Thanks again for your books.

  2. Omg ok PC please! Tell me Erik is gonna come back sometime or another. Dont leave him out! Please I wanna know if Erik is gone.

  3. Morgan - AWAKENED will be released January 4th. I can't write it any faster. BUT there will be a lovely illustrated Fledgling Handbook out in October.

    Jimmy - I can't give away plot spoilers or my publisher will smother me in my sleep. You'll have to wait and see...

  4. Hi there. I just finished reading Burned and I loved it! I greatly enjoy the characters you and Kristen have brought to life. I can identify with Zoey on so many levels as well as all the other characters. You have done a wonderful job. Out of curiousity, how many books are you planning for the series?

    Thanks for the great story! Keep up the fantastic work you both do!

  5. I finished Burned and I totally loved it. I'm counting the days until Awakened is released. I love you guys books...your totally awesome!!!

  6. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I totally love the House Of Night series! YOU PEEPO RAWK! :D <3
    I'm still waiting for Burned to come out D: (gonna rush to bookstore when it does)
    And don't let Heath die! He's really cute (though quite dumb)(:
    and I heard that there would be 12 books in all?
    can't wait for the books to be released...this is killing me ! D:

  7. Ah! how I wish I had been there.

  8. Hi! jst saw the pics from the Burned release, I wish so bad that I could have been there :( wish u would come to the UK with it :( cnt wait to read it, but seeing the release date for the nxt one has made me scared of doing so cause i'll b waiting 4eva :( cnt wait though, u guys rock! :D:D

  9. well i just finished reading BURNED and OMG! i can't believe i we have to wait till january!!! I lurve the book soooooooo much and you left us all hanging on our seats beacuse there are so many un answered questions, like Dallas, and stevie Rae and Rephaim, and many more! I really can't wait!!! and I also can't wait till u caome to the UK, yeah i get it that i say that every time, but ireally can't! well done, you and Kristin are really the best writers I have ever known!

    Amber xxoo I <3 stark!!! he;s sooo sweet! xx

  10. Just finished Burned earlier this afternoon. LOVED IT! I actually will probably start reading it again ;-) Awakened is being released Jan 4, 2011 huh? Oh well - it'll be a long wait but soooo worth it!

  11. holy heck! im sooooo excited! i live in the middle of no where so i preordered my book. i just started it and can not, i mean no way in hell put it down. as always great job pc + kristin cast! i cant wait for awakened!

  12. Really wish I could have been there. Owasso is so close yet so far away on a school night.

  13. Hi there PC! I'm glad you guys had so much fun at your release. I wish I could've been there but I live all the way on the east coast in Pennsylvania. I did get Burned the night it came out (and finished it the same night, although I was tired for school the next day it was totally worth it!). Plus, my friend and I have been trying to sway our english teacher to read the House of Night in class but he's not very open to trying new things (so maybe our english teacher next year will be).
    So anyway thanks for writing awesome books, and for reading this really long comment that you probably don't care about.

    Have fun on tour!

  14. Hi PC!

    I literally just finished Burned, and your books get better and better, it's like off the scale awesomeness right now. I'm already all excited about Awakened. Also, I now totally get the tattoo of the black bull that you got, it's beautiful.

    I wish I could have been at the launch, but I live on the wrong continent. That's life though huh? I LOVE your writing, please never stop :-). And i just read there will be a fledgling handbook. AAHH, too much in one day.

    Love, Jazzie.

  15. I loved Burned it was a awsome book i loved the way everything pplayed out! I really want a movie though! Any updates with a movies coming out???

  16. Hi I looved Burned.. My two friends and I whent to chapters as soon as possible to get it. We read our books and LOVED IT!!! It was awsome.. When I got to the end of the book and it said there would be another one I was soo happy... I cant wait to read the next one!! :) You guys are my fav authors!!! <3

  17. Omg! Jan. 4th is my brothers birthday! If only it were my birthday! I'd ask a friend the only thing I would want is AWAKENED :D Haha.

  18. Hi, PC Cast :)
    I've already read Burned and i have to tell you that...i really loved it :)
    Congratulations to you and to yout daughter.

    Kisses :)

  19. I just finished Burned and it is amazing :) I really like the fact that Scotland played such a big part in the novel and because Stark is Scottish as I am Scottish too :) x

  20. hi pc
    i just wanted to say thanks for writing such amazing books
    and also on your house of night website the first chapter on audio for burned is actually the first chapter of hunted just noticed i thought you might of wanted to know
    rosie xx

  21. Hi P C CAST, just wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading Burned. Thank god for amazon UK, since it delivered it to my door and i could start it soon as i got home from school Cannot wait till Awakened.

    Just wondering, you know the fledgling handbook will it be out in england aswell and what kind of things will be in it?. Anychance that there may be a bit of awakened in the fledgling book.

  22. Hey P.C. :D

    I just finished Burned a bit ago. It was awesome even though it had a bitter-sweet end.

    My Stark fandom started to kick in throughout the book. haha. I do have a soft spot for Heath though.

    Are you going to continue the point of view switches through the rest of the books? I know the series started out focused completely on Zoey but I love the switches with Stevie and Aphrodite. I find myself wanting to be in Damien's point of view too. Him and Jack are cuties <3

    I also have this question. Can vampyres have children? and if they do, are they vampyres or humans who have to be marked as fledglings?

  23. Lindsey- I wish I could be so talented. I would love to write for a living and you truly has made a huge impact on that choice. I've created so many plots and ideas in my head that im not sure what to do with them!

    My one big questions is....
    For thing like the poem about Kalona and Stark. I would have no clue how to do something like that, did you know about it all along or was it something that came up in the middle of writing?

    I dont want to bombard you with how you should write your story because it drives me nut when people in my creative writing class tell me what to do with my stories....I feel you pain.....

    BUT PLEASE! if you ever do a movie do make it half ass.


  24. Anonymous4:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I just finished reading burned and loved it. I wanna see what happens to Rephaim and Stevie Rae, I think that it's cute that they're together...well...Rephaim is going back to his daddy. I write a lot of stories, hoping to get one published some day, and I want to let you know that you inspire me.


  26. Previous student Ashley Brown here!! Saw you at the signing in Owasso and you were my freshman English teacher in 1994-95! To think I was a fan of your books and never realized it was you until I saw you at the signing! I love the series and can't wait for the rest!

  27. I don't mean to get too personal but I was wondering if the pagan references in the HON books are founded just on research or is there a personal connection with paganism between one or both of the authors?

    I don't mean to ask your religion if you don't want to say so that's fine with me it is really personal I just wanted to know if there was more to it than just a bit of research. Does that make any sense?

  28. P.C. (& Kristen!),

    I just finished Burned and I just wanted to let you know that it was AMAZING! It was almost like having 2 books in one with Zoey's story line and Stevie Ray's "guy" problems. I have been Team STARK since the first time they met. They had such chemistry from the very beginning that it only made sense for things to play out the way they did. I look forward to many more HoN books!! Happy writing!

    ~Danielle (Omaha, Ne)

  29. Hey there Miss Brown! Great to see you after all these years!

    Sakura - Kristin and I prefer to keep our religious beliefs private. We don't view the HoN as a platform for religion, and use it in the books for plot and conflict rather than evangelizing. Regardless, I do more than a "bit of research" for all of my books.

  30. I apologize I shouldn't have asked such a personal question. It means a lot to me that you responded at all. I hope I didn't offend you in anyway. I had no such intention. My curiosity often gets the best of me. My curiosity was piqued so due to my own close ties to both paganism and christianity. That was not how I intended my question to come across but I understand your feelings nonetheless.

    Once again, I apologize for any offence I may have caused and thank you for your answer and understanding.

  31. yayyyyy! OMG yesterday I was in WHSmith and I saw like half the whole shop ccovered from head to toe in BURNED books! I was like omg i have to buy it!!...But then my bro was like 'sorry, you cant buy it!' I realised he bought it for me for my b'day! (on the 19th!) I have to wait soooo long!
    Thanks for being fantabiastic!
    <3 Katie

  32. I LOVED IT! Can't wait till Awakened!!! Is is ture there will be a new Goddess book coming out in December? I love all of your books and have not idea how you work so hard to get all of these books out on a short time line. How do you keep the story lines straight. Your talents are absolutely mind boggling! Most authors take a year or more. You are truely talented and I hope your ideas never dry up!

  33. Sakura - no worries at all! You didn't offend me by asking.

    Happy Birthday (early) Katie!

    Eastern Shore Mama - yep, GODDESS OF LEGEND will be out in December. I keep the plots clear because each book is a separate world all its own!

  34. Hi my name is Thais and I'm 21 years old. Brasilheira and am a big fan of you. Here in Brazil is still in pre-sale of hunted. Untamed finished reading in less than 20 hours, I am fascinated by the saga of house of night. Can not wait to have all the books translated into Portuguese. For it is better for me. Well it's very nice to leave this comment for you. Hyper kisses. And do not delay in launching new books. Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again! S2

  35. Hi P.C!

    like everyone else, i love HoN. my question is.. can you elaborate a little more on what is going to be in the fledgling handbook? is this a handbook on the characters? or is it going to be a story of it own? alrighty, thanks for all your hard work! I APPRECIATE YOUR BOOKS GRATLY :)

    ohhh, one more question.. that you may or may not know(or have decided). is it definetly JUST 12. or AT LEAST 12 books?

    lots of love,

  36. Jesskah - I'll have more specific info about The Fledgling Handbook very soon (like the cover, etc.). It is a super cool book that is the intro handbook students are given when they enter a House of Night. I've mentioned it several times during the HoN novels. It has chapters on the origins of major rituals, vampyre history, biology, astrology, etc. AND IT'S FULLY ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR! Ooooh! It's super cool! Release date in the states is Oct 26th - no, I don't know when it'll be released in other countries.

  37. Hi, I am from India and we have an awesome fan club in here started by my friend and I for you!!! We just wanted to know two things - Who is the one on the UK cover page (I mean the one without Stevie Rae) and I wanted to know when you will come to India ;-P!!!
    We LOVE you!!!

  38. Mrs. Cast I live in a small town in oklahoma and I am so inspired by you. I live a good distance from tulsa but go through there alot and I like how I can picture the things in your books with the town.

  39. Icant believe I missed you again!! Lol. I hv been waiting for so long for the signing and I missed u guys. I live in portland now (I moved from the san francisco bay area). I hope you guys come here again SOON! I hv been waiting to meet both of u. My husband just brought me Burned and I'm about to jump into excited. I have been waiting for this book to come out hehe.

  40. PC I love your books and i konw you need time to write them but could you please find time to come to Cincinnati!! Thanks love your books!!!

  41. Ok i was completely confused with just one thing in the story in chapter 30 on page 307 Zoey says "The only other guy I'd let feed from me had been Heath-my Heath." I don't understand that part. Heath is human and I don't remember him having to feed on her, is it a typing error?

  42. Yep, it's a typo. It should read the other way around - she fed on him. Sigh. I hate typos.

  43. PC and Kristen, thank you so much for another great book in the series! After waiting for months for it to come out I consumed it in less than a day. I just completed writing my first book so, even though I can't wait for Awakened to come out, I appreciate how much effort it takes to produce them. I was wondering if Kristen took on a bigger role in writing Burned than in previous books. The writing style, especially the connecting words used in dialogue, was noticibly different than previous books in the series; especially after chapter 3 or so. My wife serves as my editor and we have a lot of fun with it so I can only imagine what a special experience this has been for you both. BTW... I think House of Night would make a great TV series (ala Vampire diaries), but I will always prefer the books.

  44. Chad - nope, Kristin continues to serve as my teen voice editor. I do the writing. If it seemed the style is different in BURNED it's because I'm telling it from different characters' point of views, and the characters are learning and growing. If you read my other series you'll see that my writing can and does change.

  45. PC - I enjoy how your writting changes to reflect the growth of your characters. I believe it shows true ability in story telling. Keep it up! Can't wait for Awakened in January or the Fledgling (sp?) Handbook in October.

  46. P.C. and Kristen,

    My daughter is younger than most of your fans. When she wanted to read Marked last year, I was a little apprehensive about it. I decided to pre-read the book before allowing her to read it. Needless to say, I got hooked on the House of Night Series.

    I love that you are a mother/daughter team. My daughter and I have been catching up with the series over the last year and it's made us much closer too!

    We just finished Burned and loved it! We are dying to know what happens next?

  47. Thanks PC! For the early b'day wish! That means a lot! :D Omgsh..this waiting is horrible! Cannot wait!

  48. THANKS :)

    that helps with the whole curiosity thing!

  49. Hi PC!!
    Just wanted to say what a great job you and your daughter are doing! LOVE LOVE the series. You really know how to draw you readers in!!

    I didn't know ( for some reason) that burned was coming out, until I saw it in Wal Mart, and like a teenager, I screeched!!

    Would've been ok except I'm in my mid 30's!! lol!!
    Have turned my niece unto the series as well, so we are always chatting about it!

    I did have a question-- how come the books are only coming out in hardback? I have R.A., and it makes it hard to hold the books-- Not your prob. understandably-- was just curious!! Plus I hate breaking the spines on th HB books!!

    Thanks again and cant wait for Awakened--I will though patiently--lol!!

  50. =w= I like the pairing Stevie Rae and Rephaim. It's so cute... but will they be together? ):

  51. OMG i just finished BURNED and OMG is it soooooo and your daughter are amazing authors and your books have touched my life so much..


  52. HI PC Cast!
    just wanted to say that the books are GREAAAT! i mean i dont generally like fiction stuff but HoN is difficult to resist!!!!! so im a BIIIIG FAN of HoN series..n i LOVVE HEATH..i literally cried when he died :( n i really hope he will come back to Zoey. waiting 4 Awakended now... :) thanks for writting some really good books:)

  53. I love the House of Night series. I am a parent of young adults and I wish you'd clean up the language. You have a great story, so why not leave out all the f*bombs.

  54. Kathy - I use realistic language in the HoN and deal with realistic issues (though the books are set in a fictional world). That won't change.


  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I'm sorry I meant to say I hope the movie don't make the books look bad!!! I love the series!!!

  57. Im so confused! Is there going to be a movie series on the books? I think that will be cool! But I hope the movie doesn't make the books look totally weak.
    Because they are so good! lol by the way I think it's funny when you drop the F bombs. Zoey never curses and when she does its funny because it's usually "dog poopie".. Silly things like that is what makes a good character! :)

  58. Courtney, try reading the post devoted to movie news and your confusion should be alleviated.
