Monday, May 03, 2010

Oh Heehees!

Check out this video I did for a blog while I was in Toronto. Also you can go to
to try to win a signed copy of BURNED. Thanks to Sara Gundell for making the interview so much fun!



  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Glad you came to visit Ontario :)

  2. Canada was awesome!

  3. What a great interview!!Thanks for sharing. I loved her flash questions. I'm a "GLEEK" too!!Do you think Chris Colfer (Kurt) would make a good Damien or Jack? and do you think that Dianna Agron
    (Quinn) would make a good Aphrodite or Erin? I've been having fun casting your books on Story Casting.Can't wait for your next installment and my twin now calls me a witch with a B (in a good way) because I introduced her to the series. (I told her it was better than Twilight and she wanted to prove me wrong cause she's a die hard Twilight fan).She said she could love both, and we do!!! Thanks for your WONDERFUL books!!!

  4. On man, that was great! I like the fact your interview depicted you as a normal individual with vices just like everyone else. Being a late (and I do mean late) twenty-something mom who loves red wine (Chianti, my fav!) and my guilty pleasure of reading your House of Night series, it warms my heart to know you're such a fun individual. Your interview made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing it with all of your avid readers! :-) Now Pu-Leaze get done with Awakened so I can curl up and hide from the kids and hubby while I get engrossed the the continuing story! No pressure, hahah!

  5. Wait, you were here in Toronto Today? Was it for a signing? No where did it say you were coming here.

    I may cry! :'(

  6. HHHEEYY!!! BURNED WAS BEYOND AMAZING!!! CANNOT WAIT FOR AWAKENED!!!!!! do you know when its coming out???? if you get the chance could you let me know when you do know? thanks PC youre awesome!
    Blessed Be

  7. Hello P C after reading your books that i love i have fallin in love with cats and i went and rescued a beautiful black cat that i haved named nyx!! My kids love her and she is a joy in our life, Thanks

  8. That was a great interview!! I bet you would be awesome to just hang out with and have a few bottles of wine. Anytime you are in the Omaha NE area just let me know and I can let you know where the best wine spots are in Old Market!! I was wondering: do you get much "time off" in between book releases? I can't imagine how crazy it must be to write a book, then promote it and then have to get right back in the saddle. Also, I know most authors in series like this sign contracts for a certain number of books, do you plan a timeline for what things will happen at certain points or do just write and write? And what happens if you hit the contract number before the story is done? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just curious about how crazy hectic your life must be!! Thanks!!

  9. Danielle - good questions! Nope, I don't get much time off between books, but being an author really is a job. How much time do "normal" people get off work? Not much. Same for me. I do have a contract for 12 young adult books with my publisher. I've planned Zoey's story arch, but my characters tend to have a mind of their own. They might need less than 12 books to tell their stories - they might need more. If less, I have another YA series I'm dying to write. If more, I'm sure my publisher will continue with the HoN Well, if y'all continue to read it! As for Omaha and the Old Market: I spent almost 4 years at Offutt AFB when I was active duty AF. The Old Market is my "old" stomping grounds...

  10. Thanking for sharing PC, that was so fun! Guess what??? My copy of Burned finally arrived today, I've started already!! Its going to be a sleepless night tonight! Although most people have already finished it... Us folks in OZ had to wait a little longer for it here.

    (any more news on the handbook yet?)

  11. I don't know if this is the right place to mention it but I could not find another place to get in contact with you. Who do I notify if/when I find copies of your books online?

  12. Soli - I very, very much appreciate my fans who are on the outlook for book thieves on line. When you find them, please send the links to my internet team at Thank you for understanding that downloading books free is stealing from authors, their families, and their publishers. And thank you for having integrity. May you be blessed ten fold for it!

    Ang! Hurry and read then email me!!

  13. that was great.. and I <3 your necklas!
    I never thought that Stevie Rae and stark would be together but hey, there we go! I watched AVATAR last night (totaly random) and it was awsome! if I couldn't be an vampire, I would be an avatar.
    one question okay maybe two... 1) if you could be anyone from the HoN sereis who would it be?
    2) ifyou could be anything you wanted, what would it be?

    thanks! can't wait till u come to the UK
    Amber xxoo :) :P xxx

  14. OMGGGGGGGG! I just cannot wait for my copy of Burned to come..well,i say come but i mean until i can unwrap it..:( I have to wait until the 19th..Yay its my birthday then..Gsh this is killing me!!!!!!! I just want to read it sooo badly! Everyone says its totally brillo, and I know it is even without reading it! omgsh this waiting is taking so long and I'm going to cry! Lool not really but i just want to read it so badly!
    Thanks for being fab !
    Luv Katie from the UK :D

  15. Oh yeah PC, do you know and more info about when your coming to the UK? I know you said late summer..
    Luv Katie

  16. Amber - if I could be a HoN character it would be Nyx. If I could be anyone it would be me. I like myself!

    Katie - no word on the UK tour yet. When I have dates/places I'll post them.

  17. Oh, Ang - I forgot to answer your question. The Fledgling Handbook will be released on Oct 26 in the states. I don't know about the UK yet. Thanks for reminding me. I'll check with my editor.

  18. awww i didnt know you were in ontario!!! i checked all the dates and none were anywhere near there :( i love 4 hours from toronto i so would of come and seen you guys! haha, that sucks. maybe sometime in the future you will come again, im gonna keep looking for updates on places ur gonna visit. so mad i missed that though :( if i could be any character on HoN it would probably be Stark (Cuz im into archery).

  19. We weren't in Ontario this time. We were in Vancouver and Victoria.

  20. aw, now i feel dumb. sorry i saw some people say you were :P but still, id so drive to vancouver if i had my new car! lol. you're the greatest author i've seen yet. and i read alot.

  21. Zomg! You have such a lovely personality and a great sense of humour. Burned was great! I hope I'll get to come see you if and when you come over to the UK

  22. Sent an email. Thanks for letting me know that.
    I have a lot of friends who are authors and can support themselves off it but don't make tons of money. I'm all for fair use but putting up a brand new book without an author's permission is just not cool.

  23. I love this!!! oh my god i CANT CANT CANT wait until i get burned. My BFF got it, im sooo jealous! i finished tempted the first day i got it, which was the third day it came out, but currently im grounded from getting new booksd and especially vampyre ones so :( cant wait till i gget it in the summer!!! THANKS!!!! (for writing the books!)

  24. Hi PC!

    This was a really nice interview. It allowed us to see the your nice personality! (you're really funny!) I was just wondering, have they released the cover for the fledgling handbook? I'm part of this one group on facebook and the person who owns is is saying that it's the official one and that it's coming out October 26. Is this true? (if you want to see it yourself it's:!/pages/The-House-of-Night-Saga/80146063090?v=wall)

    Thanks for all the awesome books! I hope I can come to one of your book releases and meet you some day!

  25. Ah, ok! Thanks PC :D Am so looking forward to Burned! Can't wait till the 19th! (partly birthday and partly i can read Burned!) Thanks for answering! Wait..places..does that mean you'll be going many places? Fingers crossed!
    Luv Katie

  26. Nope, that's not the cover of the handbook. I'll post it as soon as my publisher gives me the okay.

  27. Anonymous6:23 PM

    LOL lenhart! Sorry...I started the Ontario misunderstanding :)) ah well, we are all connected anyway so, Vancouver, Toronto..its still Canada ;)

    I have a question, how did you and Kristin start focusing on writing? I keeping saying "I'm gonna write a book one day"...but never how to start and keep focused!

    I took one creative writing class in highschool and loved it :) Now...if I could only remember the steps to writing! Its true, if you don't use it, you lose it!

    AND I really think its great that you blog with your fans! How cool is that? Well, I'm off to read more if "Hunted" before bedtime. Happy Writing!


  28. Dawn - I've written for as long as I can remember. I decided more than a decade ago that I wanted to be an author, and then like any other job, I focused on learning about publishing and writing. Then I wrote and wrote and wrote. Don't romanticize it. Look at it like a job. If it's the right one for you, you'll do it. If not, it's not the career for you. Good luck.

  29. Okay, so I actually don't think I fit into the demographic that the book was written for--I'm nearly 30 and the mother of two boys. However, my 14-year-old niece convinced me to try HoN. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I've read the entire series, "Marked" to "Burned," in three weeks! My poor husband is starting to whine that I love your books more than him and my house is absolutely falling apart (reading about Zoey's ill-fated adventures is far more fun than washing dishes!) But now I have a problem. I have no more Zoey to read about! When is "Awakened" due to be released?

    I also, I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful release from the monotony of being a housewife! While my children are my greatest joy, it is nice to escape to a world that not only is filled with magic, but also takes me back to my teenaged years when things were filled with excitement and wonder at what I would become, instead of the dread and wonder of whether I will ever see the bottom of my laundry hamper again!


  30. Great Interview!

    I have one question about Burned though. Is Zoey's spirit Brighid based on Brighid from Brighid's Quest?

    This is going to be a long rest of the year! Can't wait for Awakened!

  31. I can't wait for Awakened. I really love your books, PC Cast.

    Kisses from your portuguese fan :)

  32. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That is the best and most honest answer. Your right, the best advice about anything is to not romanticize about an idea. It really is a good way to keep things in perspective. Thanks! At least I know how I should be looking at it :)


  33. Hi Im a Huge fan of your HoN series. I've been hooked since I first read Marked. I just got Burned on Friday and finished it in 6 days!!!. I can't wait for Awakened. I wish it was out already!!! I'm dying to find out what more will happen between Zoey and Stark and Stevie Rae and Rephaim. Do you know when the release date for Awakened will be?


  34. PC I love your HON series so much. Honestly my life is about like Zoey's except i'm not that lucky to have good friends like she does, people aren't who they expect to be just like Neferet. I hope you visit Nashville Tennessee one day :] I hope you relax and the people that are stealing shame on them, it's pretty much what happened To Stephanie Meyer with the Twilight series :(

  35. Hi PC!

    I think Mylie Cyrus looks like a female version of a Raven Mocker in her new music video! Only with out the head of a bird. When I first saw the video that was all I could think of with the big black wings!!

    Hope you get to enjoy some you time in between writting!!! You work so hard for all of us!! By the way Happy early Mother's Day!

  36. Juliet - internet theft is a problem for all authors, not just best sellers.

    Jennifer - thanks for the Mother's Day wishes!

  37. Happy Mother's Day too! I never knew it was mother's day in mayin the us? Its in Feb in the uk..i think..PC! This waitng is really killing!! Anyways hope you have a fab day when it is!

  38. Hi Katie - Mother's Day in the US is May 9th. XXXOOO

  39. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Hi P.C!
    I must say I'm a huge fan of your House of Night books.
    I have a few questions about two certain characters. First off, what are Kramisha's and Darius's last names? Don't ask why I ask, I just love to know certain nonsense about certain characters. Haha. No, but seriously, I like having small tidbits of facts about them.
    And I would also like to know, how old is Kramisha and Darius? Have you figured out anything about their families before they were marked? If so, I'd really love to know.
    Last but not least. Since fledglings don't need to be at exactly the same age just because they are in the same year in the House of Night. How old are Stevie Rae, Damien, Erin, Shaunee and Erin? And by the way, when I asked about Darius's age, I meant how old he is in years? But if he is like centuries old or something, what is his approximate age?
    I would really love an answer to these questions. I have kinda waited through the series for these small pieces of info.

    Take care,

  40. This Christmas my boyfriend was at the store without me and noticed Marked on a shelf and now we are hooked! We are now in the middle of reading Burned and can't wait for Awakened! This series is responsible for bringing people together, and breaking social barriers and it's obvious by the many posts! Thanks so much!!

  41. This Christmas my boyfriend was at the store without me and noticed Marked on a shelf and now we are hooked! We are now in the middle of reading Burned and can't wait for Awakened! This series is responsible for bringing people together, and breaking social barriers and it's obvious by the many posts! Thanks so much!!

  42. Ah, ok, I hope you have a good day :D

  43. Lornora - when those details are important they'll be in the books.

  44. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Ok! But would you at least like to tell the last names of Darius and Kramisha?
    I don't need to know anything else right now. The other stuff I can wait for in the books... Some things need to be waited for :D


  45. O.Mi.GOSH!!! you were in toronto?!? noo waay!!! *cries* i swear, me and my besties sarah and trace looove your books! burned was OMG AMAZZZIIING!!!! ugh, stark is oh so hooot! i'm so excited for awakened!!! when's it coming out?!?!?! thank you so much for the awesome series!!!!!

  46. Oh please tell me you didn't go to Burlington ( Ontario =]) because if you did I missed it... if you didnt can you come?

  47. will you be coming to burlington? ( its the only place near me i ve ever heard you guys go to) =) you know.... you could always come to hamilton =P. Only a wish though. But, if you go to burlington me and my friends will totally come see you. ive been to a few of your tours spots maybe one or two? and they were fantabulouus

  48. Hey P.C! I recently got into your books when my mom gave me the 1st & 2nd book for Christmas, and then i HAD to read more! I love how you have Cherokee words & some traditions in it, bcuz I am 1/2 Cherokee & proud of it! I also love how it's based in Tulsa & i live like a hr away in Tahlequah, so it's relatable to me :) I haven't bought burned yet, but i'm dying to know what happend, can't wait to get it! I would just love it if you wrote my name in one of your books! lol :D OOoh, one question: Will there be a Marked Movie??

  49. We will wait you.. =) (Turkey)

  50. I never got the hype of Twilight until someone MADE me read it.. I finished the books in less than 2 weeks. Loved them!

    When I finished the last book I accidently picked up Betrayed. So I went back to the library, got the first and second books, two at a time until I was finished. HON was so much better than Twilight!

    Now I'm bummed that the library isn't up to date! :P

    What's hilarious is that I'm 31 (as of the 16th) and these are teen books. The books aren't just for teens, adults read them too!!

    BTW I loved your interview and please come to Stamford, CT soon!!!

  51. Hey, P.C name is Patrick and I love your books...I just finished Burned and I can't wait for read the next =D If you don't mind, can you please tell me when the next book of House of Night is gonna come out on internet??? Thanks!

    And never stop writing because this is your "gift"!

    Blessed be! ushahsuahushauhs =D
