Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Burned - Video and Song!


  1. first to comment on the burned video what an honor lol LOVE IT! YOU GUYS ROXX

  2. okay so yeah, hi, i have just taken a break from reading BURNED, and i have to say OMG it is soooo good, I am the first one to get it out of all of my freinds, and it was a pain to get, well we went into the book store the day it came out, and they wern't on the shelves so we went to the desk and asked, and they said they did have some in stock which they hadn't put out, but only 10!!!! and it took them about 15-20 minutes trying to find it, and i wouldn't give up until had it, and it was worth it.... stark is sooo sweet, I <3 him, i am currently on chapter 20, and i am going to re-read it incase i missed anything.

    well done P.C and Kristin, you succeeded again!!!! the best one yet, and stevie rae and dallas.. so sweet!!!!

    on behalf of all my freinds and myslef, thank you soo much for writing the HoN books! it was well worth the wait! (since december for me) :)

    Amber :)xxxoooo

    carry on the good work.. can't wait for you to come to the UK :) xxoo

  3. I just want to say that I read Burned within hours of buying it. I couldn't put it down. IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! and I like this video. I absolutely heart me some BURNED!!!! And I heart Stark even more than I already did. I'm definitely getting me a Guardian Necklace. And to be quite honest I kind of like Rephraim. SURPRISED!!! Thanks for the great addition to the house of night collectiona and I am anxiously anticipating AWAKENED. You guys are great!!!!

  4. Great video and song. I hope you can get the past songs from the other books. Like the one for Stevie Rae for Hunted. I love that song. By the way Burned is great. I finnished it in one day.

  5. Hey PC (:

    I love the video. :D It helps me compare my character to other characters.

    I have been struggling picturing rephaim though. I picture him like this graphic novel character from Black Bird.

    Here's a link to the character from the novel I picture him as (It's a photobucket link I promise :) )

    Tell me if you think it's a good match or not :3

  6. *oops. i just realized my link got cut off. :/

    I'll just post a live link. (:

    Click Here for the Picture.

    xoxo. Julie.

  7. Thanx sooooooo much for posting this video!!! I guess once again that this video has nothing to do with the movie........??? Anyway, but I am glad to see it......I am still impatiently waiting for Burned to release here in India as they don't ship our copies here!!!

  8. the book was amazing! deffanitly the best one so far. i have the perfect theme song for stark, that fits him in this bool perfectly. please you HAVE to listen to it!!

    Breaking Benjamin
    Give Me A Sign
