Friday, March 05, 2010

Our cool German publisher & author photos!

Today Kristin and I had a blast! Our cool German publisher, Fischer, sent a fab editor, Julia Schade and the mega awesome photographer, Jorg Steinmetz all the way to Tulsa to take author photos of us! The weather was perfect - sunny and in the 60's. Jorg is an incredible photographer. I think he managed to transform us into art! One of my friends was hanging around and she snapped a few pictures of Jorg taking our pictures, and Kristin and me between shots. Check us out! heehees!

Can't wait to see the real pictures Jorg took! We heart Germany!



  1. Ooo! You lucky lot :D I'm sure the photos will be great :)

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Congrats, PC! In fact you are really big in Germany now. Marked was released in december, was book of the month in january in a trainstation bookstore-chain and reached the first place in the German versions of NYT bestselling list and USA today bestselling list (called Spiegel and Focus online). Every window of a bookstore I pass by is decorated with Marked books and posters. I also heard that a German teen magazine is casting their own models for the book trailers in German.
    When I was shopping for books recently, I picked up a flyer that contains the first three chapters of Marked and claimed that you and your daughter are THE MOST successful mother-daughter author duo in the world.
    Wow. I love your books to but I have loved them for more than a year now. However I am delighted that your books are released for the big masses in my homecountry now. Keep up your good work!
    Germany hearts you guys too, that we do sure as hell!

  3. Hello, PC! You've done a great job. I love HON series and the new vamp world you created. While reading Tempted, I bumped with this Capri Island scenary. Do you know about San Michele (Axel Munthe's villa) or your choice for this place was just a coincidence?
    Thank you,
    Teresa Lopes

  4. TC - I researched on Capri, San Clemente, and Venice - so no coincidence in the setting. It was all planned.

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Hehehe, that nice!
    I am very happy to write this blog for you .. well i love your books i'm from Brazil-São Paulo and here i hope the next book burned,i want you to know that you have many fans here hehee' beautiful photos i hope more news soon the books and you want the way you are like moonlight.
    Kisses Anna Carolina

  6. Hmm looking very mysterious in the first pic PC!

    House of Night books are selling well in my home town (now that we finally have them here)

    Also I just finished reading the Time Raiders series. I just love it when you do adult fiction ;)

  7. I'm glad you girls had fun. I've had your Divine series for a while and I've been saving them until both of the YA Partholon books came out. I started reading Divine by Mistake yesterday and I have to say once again you've made my day with a reference in one of your books. First it was Wilbur Smith, now you've gone gaga over Pierce Brosnan. I just think he's adorable.
    Also, I love your forest fire dragon poster. I would put one of those in my classroom. =)

  8. I didn't think about this before publishing the last post...
    What was your reaction when you found out Pierce would be playing a Centaur? In the last few minutes since I've made the connection I can't read without seeing ClanFintan as him.

  9. So, I just have to congrats you for your job more and more. San Michele's Story is my favorite book and when I read the 1st Zoey's dream scene, I immediately thought about Anacapri and these place energy.It was a great choice and really matches with your vamp world.
    Teresa Lopes

  10. Ang - I AM MYSTERIOUS. Right? Right? I love my adult stuff, too. THE AVENGER was a pleasure to write. And, remember, GODDESS OF LEGEND will be out in December! (yes, though my UK publisher, too, so you should be able to get it)

    Heather - I have one word for Pierce: YUM.

    Nikki - Kristin and I say heehees about being the MOST successful mother-daughter writing team in the world.

  11. Well now that's just so cool!

  12. Wow, I love your hair, PC! It's awesome! I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out! I also am desperately waiting for Burned!

  13. Yeah! A new Goddess book. I've been wondering when that was going to be surfacing.
    And just so you know, every time one of my students mentions their obsession with THe Phantom of the Opera I now start snickering because of you. I had to explain to her why I was laughing so she wouldn't take it the wrong way. If she weren't such a good kid I probably would have left without clarrifying the purpose behind the giggle fit.

  14. Just wondering since burned is practically done, are you already jotting ideas down for your next book.?

    I am a mature student at Uni and my friend has gotten me totally hooked on your books. I am really looking forward to burned, but no sooner will I have read it I will be itchin for the next one.

    Don't forget to take time out to rest and recuperate.

  15. Hey PC I totally love the house of night series. I even got my friends to read them and they love them to. I can't wait till burned comes out! I'm gonna be the first to buy it in Delco, NC. Can't wait and love these cool books!

  16. Carissa - thanks!

    Heather - that makes me laugh!

    Scorpion - Yes, my mind always moves ahead on the next book when I'm about at the halfway point of my current work in progress. AWAKENED is the title and I'll begin working on it as soon as I recharge. Actually, I have part of the opening scene, as well as most of the closing scene in my head already! My imagination is a restless place...

  17. Hey, so I'm pretty new to this so I don't know whether this blog is solely for the House of Night series (which I adore) but I just finished reading Divine By Blood and needed to come shout at you for making me cry like a baby, haha. But no, seriously, I've never cried at any book ever until I read this one, first I was sobbing when Myrna died, and then I was crying uncontrollably when Birkita and Kegan died. (Sorry if spoilers aren't allowed, like I said I'm new, forgive me haha) I must say though, even with all my tear shedding and tissue shredding, I loved the Divine series. The ending was beautiful and I loved every character, even Rhiannon in the end. So I just wanted to thank you, and tell you that I can't wait for Burned, but until it comes out I'm going to start reading your Goddess Summoning Series. I must warn you though, if any make me cry I'll be back :P.

    Emma, x :D

  18. I was wondering, out of all the House of Night books you've wrote, which one was the most fun to write, and which one was the hardest?

  19. Hi Emma - Thank you! I do love my Partholon books. And just FYI: I even made my dad cry in Divine by Blood (Papa Parker IS my dad). You'll like my Goddess Summoning Books, and I probably will make you cry, but one thing you can be sure of with those is that there will be a strong happily ever after in each one!

    Carissa - I think BURNED is my favorite and the most difficult to write. I deepened the mythos in this book and added to the world, and that's not easy to do, but the end result was very satisfying.

  20. Haha, well thank you for the warning I'll be sure to have my pack of tissues armed and at the ready. :D

    Oh, I didn't mention it in my last post but I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to the poem The Highwayman. I love it and have read it so many times now I probably recite it in my sleep haha.

    Anyway, I'm off to start reading Warrior Rising. My family probably won't see me for a few days as I'll be holed away in my room haha.

    Emma, x :D

    P.S. I'm sorry if this comment sent about 5 times, it kept telling me there was an error, so naturally, I juts kept clicking....

  21. oww sure there awsome! love both of ya!

  22. hey P.C., i cant wait till BURNED uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, only 1 and a haf mor mnths!!!!! i strtd reading the max series cuz i love james patterson (not as much as u though)and i was like wow these arent even close to how much i love house of night! a few years ago i loved his books but now that ive read urs NOTHING seems very good anymore ive gotten all of my buds addicted to ur books now lol one of them like read them all in one nite anyways i wanted 2 know if u had any idea wen the frst paragraph will b up i hope soon srry i askd but i just gotta know. oh, i love ur hair!!! itz soooooo awsome and i hope ur weathers super great ours is i live in VA. and its been about 68 all week evryone wore shorts to school i know that was totally off topic but im just super hyper and had a chance 2 get on la computadora so i did love u and hopefully talk to u soon
    love, <3

  23. I can't wait to see the cover art for GODDESS OF LEGEND. Any idea on when you might be sharing that? I bet you and Jill had a great time writing together!

  24. Hi PC (:
    You are wonderful.I like your photos :)
    I love HoN books <3
    When will Fledgling Books publish ?

  25. Like ur new background... or is it not new?

  26. Zoey - THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK will be out the first week of November!

    LL - It's kinda new. The cool team who reworked my website,, did it for me. Thanks! I heart it.

  27. I can't wait to read Burned. I hope you can post the first chapter soon. I have put the Handbook on my "Must Buy" list. The pics look great.


  28. Hey!! I love the house of night series, but I was just wondering if Burned will be the last book....and if not, how many more books will be in the series?? I

  29. I Read Burned its So Good Im Glad Stark Doesnt Die!

  30. Hey, so, this is the first time I’ve ever left a blog post so bear with me lol. My friend and I are, quite frankly in love with your series! I just finished Burned, and was quite disappointed to learn that the next, Awakened, wasn’t due to be released until January of 2011. Congratulations on the success of the series! I am happy to say that your books have kept me wanting more and more. So far, I’m impressed with everything that has happened in the series and am eager to find out what happens with Stevie Rae and her...dilemma, Kalona and Nefret, and most importantly Zoey. I wish you could post the first chapter of awakened because waiting 6 and a half months for the book to come out is a loooooong time! But it is for SURE worth the wait. I’ve heard that there are many more books to the series but have only found that 9 are to be published? It seems odd to think that the whole thing is going to be wrapped up in one, final book. Anyways, just a congrats to everything and I’m counting down for Awakened!
