Thursday, February 25, 2010

Update Time!

I'm hard at work on the copy edit of BURNED (it's just another step before the manuscript is actually printed), and I took a break to go outside about sundown. The sky was amazing! Then I saw the moon! Wow! I had to take pics and share with y'all. (Clearly, I'm not in Tulsa right now. T-Town has cool stuff, but WE DON'T HAVE AN OCEAN.)

Oh, and I don't know when my publisher will post chapter one. Hopefully soon! When they give me the green light, I'll post it here, too.

Back to work so you guys can read BURNED on the 27th!



  1. Thanks for the update PC, lovely pictures!
    I check every day for chapter one lol can't wait!
    thanks again for keeping in touch with your fans, i really appreciate it and i know every one else must do too!

  2. Hey PC, lovely to come here and see how big your books are all around the world. I'm from Brazil and only now we had the three first books of the series printed in Portuguese - I'm reading them all in English, tho. Think it's more exciting and faithful in a way.

    Anyhow... just wanted to congratulate you and Kristin for the amazing work. We all know how hard it is to come up with good ideas and keep yours readers happy.

    I'm late... just finished reading Marked (I know!), but I'm 26 already, so give me a break lol It's like 'old people' like me take a while to realise those books actually make us feel great.

    Well done, girls. I'm into Betrayed now and already bought the sequels so I won't be waiting too long form them. xoxoxoxox


  3. Thank you so much Pc. Im so excited for Burned.

  4. I agree with Larien ... I can't wait for Burned! Eekk! =0)

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Thanks for the update PC :) Im really looking forward to reading Burned

  6. Glad to see you're having good weather, and that the publishing is going well! Thanks for the update!

    P.S.: I think Kalona is causing some nasty weather for Pennsylvania, it's been snowing for about 2 and a half days straight.

  7. K.R. - I think you're right! I was supposed to be in NYC this weekend and I got snowed out! So I'm "stranded" in the Caribbean... Heehees

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Thank you so much for the update! Im Sooo Excited to Read Burned I cant wait! n the Cover Love it! I love the moon its Beautiful! Thanks pc xoxo

  9. Stranded in on the beach. Some people have all the luck (wink).

  10. Thanks for the update on everything. i know the first chapters generally get posted the moth before they are released but i cant help but check the site every now and again just to be sure haa. good work on tempted, hope youre having fun where you are. youve got better luck with the weather than we have over here in the UK , Josie x

  11. PC. i love HON. (which you hear like a milion times but hey i'm sure it's still good to hear!). I can't wait for BURNED, I am crossing my fingers that Stark doesn't die bc besides Heath, Stark Realllllyyyy loves Zoey and they are just so dang cute!!! Even Steve Rae's 'Forbidden' love is exciting! i actually want raphium (i can't member how to spell his name) to come to he good side and them be together. Aphrodite and her lover r hot too! lol The relationships r a big pull for me besides the amazing story itself! lol..

  12. Hi, PC!!! I'm a 12 year old girl(who lives in Sweden, by the way.) who is obsessed with you're, and Kristins, books! I'm reading Hunted right now and I just love it! I bought Tempted yesterday so I have it when I'm done with Hunted.

    I'm reading you're books 24/7. I mean it! I think my mom is a bit mad 'bout that I'm reading until 1:30 AM(Is that the right time at one hours after midnight?) But she is happy 'bout, me reading books so much... especially you're books!!

    I actually read the books in english, tough I'm 12. The books are translated to Swedish here in Sweden, but I wanted to read them in the orginal language.

    Anyways, I have two questions for you. 1, In a mistake to read on Wikipedia, I saw that a awful thing is going to happen to Heath in Tempted. And I'm asking, why did you two do that to hot(he's sooo hot in my mind) Heath? I'm not saying that in a mean way. And 2, I saw in a YouTube-video with Kristin and you, that you two have different thoughts about who's the right one for Zoey. Personal, I think it's Heath, but Erik is my boyfriend in my dreams, hee hees. So I wonder who you think is the right one for Zoey and who Kristin think is the right one.

    I cried soooo much in all of the books. Especially in Chosen. I cired in like, seven chapters in row!

    I really hope you read my really, really long comment. Love House of Night with every bit in my heart, and many, many thanks to you and Kristen who filled my heart with House of Night! All my love to you guys// Ines, in Sweden.

  13. MissGruff - Wikipedia is bullpoopie. Don't go there. I won't give away plot spoilers, so you'll have to trust me, keep reading, and see what happens. And the right guy for Zoey? I think she's too young to know who's right for her.

    Cookiez - same thing: you'll have to wait and see. Plus, keep in mind that Zoey is too dang young to know who she should spend her very long life with.

    Jana - wink right back at ya...

  14. omg omg omg i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehouse of night and im so sad we hav to wait 2 mnths. 4 "BURNED" but tht jus means it will b evn betr,(yay) i told my mom she is going to drive me to barnes and nobles the day it comes out heehees i still cant beleive heath died :`( i alwayz thot he was awsome but then came stark and well im not stark lover for no reason, lol anyways i love the yearbook on this website its so acurate except for her tatoos arent spread on her arms in the picture :( o and her palms, almost forgot o i wanted to no thers rumors goin around that ur quittin wif the house of nite novels after burned and that ur gna strt doin stevie raes "adventurs" is that tru ?! i hope not and i hope zoey and stark stay togethr forevr evn tho i want him hahahahaha anyways r u on ur blog evryday cuz thtz gta b alot of hard wrk to chat and blog rewrite or chang stuff i mean seriously ur like super woman sorry this is sooooooooooooooooo freakin long but just tht i'd blog while i coud anyways xoxoxoxo im gna go stare at starks pic. loler jkng! maybe... ashli

  15. Oh, that's not so bad then! I wish I was there! Soak up as much of the sun as you can (and maybe bring some up here with ya)!

  16. Hello P.C.,

    I wanted to tell you what a wonderful series House Of Nights is. There aren"t to many books that I share with my daughters but this was one of them. It was almost like a race trying to finish a book and get to the next one before some one else did. At this time in our lives they are off finding themselves and we dont get to share alot of things. Thank you for giving us something to share. We enjoyed them. Dannelle is still on Haunting while Tab and I are waiting for Burned to come its a race between Tabitha and I on who buys it first. Its been great.....Thanks again...Have a wonderful and Happy writings.

    Nina Rose

  17. Stark Lovr - don't listen to rumors. And the HoN site isn't a literal interpretation. It's just one version of what the characters could look like.

    Nina - what a lovely compliment! Thank you. And tell your girls "hi" for me.

  18. o, i stil think those interpretations wer acurate for wat i thot and i was just wonderin about those rumors because itz on wiklepedia(bullpoopie as u say) and on some other blogs people made themselvs it sed so, i ges im just gullable :( anyways thx 4 actualy replying to my post itz good to no not all blog sitez r fake! and by the by i loveeeeee those pics. ,so pretty keep up the GREAT work and i cant wait till burned -love
    ashli xoxoxoxoxo

  19. Hey p.c.(: im currently writing a book, so i was wondering if you had any good tips for publishing?? ive been contacted by authorhouse.. but i dont think i really would like to sign with them.. Larry Grabb is his name.. *sigh* im so busy stressing!!

  20. Hey PC,

    Thanks for the update, and what a shame your stranded in the Caribbean, how sad for you (not) LOL. We are currently having a monsoon here in OZ where I live. Which is great for reading, but not great for getting anything else done! ;)

  21. Sorry about your bad weather, Ang. I returned from the Caribbean to a very cold Tulsa!

    Manderz - I have an entire blog post dedicated to advice for aspiring authors. Start there. You need to educate yourself about the BUSINESS of being an author before you do anything. And keep in mind that if you pay someone to "publish" your book you're not really being published, no matter what kind of line they try to run on you. Real publishers pay authors, not the other way around. Period.

  22. hey pc,
    there are some nice pictures you put up. i cant wait to read burned i am so excited, i was just wondering if your going to do any book signing in scotland cos i am just would just love to meet you x
    i only descovered the books last year and i have already got the first four on my desk xxx

  23. beautiful sky. ohmygod! I can't wait for burned.I'm rereading the whole series. House of Night is one of the series that I like best.Oh please tell that Heath is going back, he is so special.I'm dying for this book, I'm sure all her fans (which are many) are in the same situation.please do not torture us anymore. hehehehe
    I am a big fan of her work,love you so much.and Brazil say HELLO to you. know that everyone likes a lot of Zoey. I hope that one day you come to our country. I would die for an autograph her.


  24. itz me again just wanted to say yayayayayayayay for burned only 61 mor days till burned o and iwanted to no PC, hows kristin doing i hope well u all r jus soooooooo awsome i hope 1 day i'll b as cool as u!!! wel gta go re-read the series so i dnt go insane from boredom lol bye xoxoxo -ashli

  25. Hey PC! Those are lovely pictures, but I am happy for what snow we have left here in Northern Indiana! It's not all year I get to go snowboard.

    I just wanted to say that I am so excited for BURNED. I had read on a site that said you and Kristin were planning to write 12 books total - is this true?

    At my middle school your books have become more popular than both the TWILIGHT and HARRY POTTER series. We love them because it's a little like a mix of the two. Our library doesn't have all of your books as far as I know, and they're always checked out... so we're constantly borrowing and trading them with each other like crazy!

  26. Ashli - Kristin is just fine. Busy with school and such.

    Lexi - yes, we're planning at least 12 books. (I do heart me some Ireland!)

  27. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Hi PC, I'm a big fan. I especially love HON!! I just finished Tempted (amazing btw) and I'm in agony waiting for Burned to come out. April is just too far away. I'm glad to hear (or in this case read Lol.) that the series doesn't end with Burned but at the same time I'm anxious to find out what happens in the books to come. Your and Kristin's hard work is greatly appreciated. And thanks for the update it soothes my nerves, and the pictures are gorgeous. =)

  28. I am definitely liking y'all's HoN series. Your use of Cherokee heritage and language is absolutely captivating. Keep up the good work and I look foward to the new book!



  29. Hi P.C.

    First of all, I really love House of Night series :) can't wait for Burned and I plan on reading your other books as soon as I can get them (which is not easy here in Poland) :)

    I've got one question, there is a link "Book Recommendations" and I clicked it in hope to find some kind of a list of books you recommend for reading but instead a post from March 28, 2009 opened. Is it correct or is there a problem with a link?

    Anyway, thanks for writing such amazing books :)


  30. Justyna - it's not a mistake. If you scroll down through the questions I answer one on book recommendations.

  31. OMG!! I can't waiting for Burned... I'm sooo excited!!!!

    Could you pass me your email?
    I'd be the happiest girl if I could share some things with you!!


  32. Honey, I don't give out my personal email. If I did I'd be flooded and wouldn't get any writing done. This is where I keep in touch with fans. If you have a question about being an author, check the blog archives for my advice for aspiring authors. If you have a question about the movie, the blog archive is the place to go, too.

  33. I can't wait until Burned comes out! I was wondering if there was a release date for Goddess of Camelot? And will Divine Beginnings be releases outside of the Kindle version? I love your work!

  34. Hi Danielle - the release date for GODDESS OF LEGEND (new title) is December 2010, and far as I know DIVINE BEGINNINGS isn't going to be in print format.

  35. Hello there, when will Burned be coming to Portugal? :)

  36. Brownf - have no clue. Check with your local bookseller; they'll know.

  37. hey I'm from cancun mexico and here the only books about the series are marked & betrayed and that makes me sad because I really like the books, I admire this employee that stain for creating this amazing story really grabbed me, I wish you the best in life. hugs from cancun

  38. Hey,, Im from South Africa and was in India recently where i got the books,, they were great!! I just wanted to know whether they are available in South Africa and if they are, when will Burned be available?

  39. Aarifah - don't have a clue. Check with your local bookseller for specific information.

  40. Wow, those pictures are amazing!

    So, will we be able to read the first chapter before Burned comes out? I'm counting down the days, then my calendar with a piece of advice told said 'Instead of counting the days, make the days count' and I was like woah that's weird but no way am I gonna stop counting the days =D


  41. I love all the picture you post! :)
    And I love House of Night, I have never ever read so good books in my life. I give every book in the House of Night series 10/10. Seriosly, tehy are soo good.
    I'm very fastidious when it comes to books, it's not often I like books. Not at all, I always find problems with them that other's don't. I mean everyone reads "Twilight" and loves it, it's so overrated by every teenage girl. But your books isn't overrated in anyway or something, they really deservs high scores. They reaally do.

    Can't wait for Burned. I'm going to pre-order on amazon. =)

  42. These pictures are beautiful. I can't wait until Burned is released. I can just imagine the picturesque chapters in my head! They involve me so deeply. I hope you post pictures within the book itself!

  43. Love the picture! Beautiful! Can't wait for Burned, and I'm so grateful you update us how things are going. Have a wonderful week!

  44. Haha That's fabulous! I love you guys! Keep the books coming!!! How long is Burned! and thanks, it's going to be a fabulous Birthday present!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  45. just wanted to say that they are changing the hon books in england slightly. each book has tipped edges. marked has betrayed has ect. they are releasing them like that up 2 not sure about tempted. i think there doing this because when burned comes out i think it will have yellow edges. message back please , do you know about it

  46. Good Day Ms. Cast

    just wanted to drop ya a note say my wife and i pre-ordered burned :D
    And to say i am officially 3 months free of the army and no chance of being called back just got my letter stating that i am in complete fulfillment of my contract and No IRR time needed :) yeah!!! Starting School here in Dallas soon under the new 9/11 bill. Well take care an Blessed Be to you an your daughter. XOXOXOX

  47. wow those pics r beautiful
    and i sooo cant wait 4 burned!!!!
