Friday, February 05, 2010


Y'all asked, so here it is - the UK cover for BURNED!

Yes, I like them both. I love seeing different interpretations of Zoey and the HoN world.



  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hi P.C.

    Thanks :D I think I like the US one slightly more (just because having Stevie Rae on is different), but they are both beautiful!

    I wonder which one will be in South Africa... hmmmm...


  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Its awsome, although i would have liked to see Stevie Rae on it :), But great never the less. I prefer the US one more... the colour scheme matches the word Burned on that colour and it links Stevie Rae into that. :D

  3. I saw this cover somewhere the other day and i had a hunch this would be the UK one, maybe i could buy the UK one and then buy the US one from somewhere in the future, ebay? or somewhere that ships from US to UK? x

  4. OMG LOVE both covers, but seriously prefer the US. And can't wait to read it, and neither can any of my friends that are now adicted to House of Night ^_^ it will be a nice break from exams.
    Thanks for posting it ^_^
    love peace and chocolate
    Blessed Be

  5. Those earrings are way cool!

  6. WOW!!!!! i love it!!! i prefer this one more than the US one because it looks amazing (and it matches the rest of my books) anyway I cant wait to read it and I think you and Kristin are amazing!!!!! :D
    christina xx

  7. I love the US cover but it just wouldnt fit the theme on my big ol' irish bookshelf! I love looking at the pictures of zoey, the representation of her tattoos always amuses me! Im going a bit crazy waiting for burned! Started reading HON lately and finished all the books in a few days im seriously adicted!

  8. i like the other one better

  9. Ooh, that's REALLY cool.

  10. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I preffer the UK one, I am in australia so I wonder which one I will get.

  11. Izabelle - you'll get the UK copy in Oz. Glad you like it!

  12. The US cover is much better i think, which is a shame since i live in the UK... Why do they change the covers?

    I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! by the way how many books will there be?

    I <3 House of Night

  13. I love both but i do prefer the one with stevie rae on it :) cant wait for the book :D

  14. Its great!! I've already requested my copy at library. I'm 3rd in line for the like 30 copies they ordered..

  15. hey P.C

    i really like the U.K one =] i prefer the U.S one a little more as it has more referance to the book. I still cannot wait for Burned. You and kirstin are my favourite authors, ye rock :D

  16. Hi again P.C and every one of SA!!

    I had trouble getting Tempted in the bookstores right after its release so I ordered it from and got it within 2weeks since they had to import it but I still got it long before the bookstores so why don't you try that???

    The cover looks awsome P.C!!!! And I cant wait to read it!!!

    A sunny greeting from all your fans in SA

  17. Hi P.C

    Sorry I forot about this in my previous post... I posted a poem awhile ago and are still waiting for your comment please please please I really want to know what you think!!!!!


  18. Willa - your poem is very nice.

    Jenna - they change covers because they're different publishing houses. There will be at least 12 books in the series.

  19. Anonymous11:48 AM

    itsz amazing it goes with all the others lolsz i like the USA tempted cover more than the UK one but life goes orn. x

  20. Hi P.C!

    Im a big fan of the series, and have been waiting for ages for a preview or something like that. I love the UK cover! I live in Ireland so thats the one ill be getting :D

    I cant wait! I got my friend Trisha into the books, and its all we talk about! Stark and Aphrodite are my favorite! And Damien and The Twins!

    Im counting down the days! Im pre-ordering my copy in the store near where i live. I cant wait!
    April come faster!

    Thanks P.C. =]

  21. wow thats cool that stevie rae is on the cover instead of zoey. i love the books im corrently on the 5th book and almost done with it so i should be done with this one and tempted, and i might start another series while im waiting i cant wait

  22. Oh, wow! this is so pretty! I have to say I do like the other one better, but this is definitely a close second! My kitty loves it too! He's practically sitting on my keyboard and pawing the screen! He can't wait either! lol

  23. Hey P.C. I love your books. The cover is absolutely amazing for BURNED.

    I came here to ask you a question. I run a page dedicated to you and the House of Night. Today I noticed a comment from someone advertising their page. They "claim" they have the first 4 chapters to BURNED. I just wanted to ask you if it is possibly true. I doubt it is the real thing, but I would feel more comfortable if you could confirm that they are giving out false information about your book or not.

    Their page link is this!/pages/We-want-movies-based-on-the-House-of-Night-Series/268016056294

    Thank You! You are an amazing author, keep doing what you do best!

  24. Hi Trista - this is NOT the first chapters of BURNED. This person has infringed on my copyright and my publisher will be contacting her. Thank you for checking with me. I appreciate your loyalty.

  25. oooooh very exciting cant wait to read it! just finished all the shannon parker book s i need something else to read now lol x

  26. @Weeball Omg It's funny running into you here. Lol

    We get our books from the UK so we're getting this cover. Not the Stevie Rae one.

    But yes I do like the other one better. Oh well.

    Oh and PC I love the series!! The books are fulled with surprises.

  27. WOW, its awesome.....oooo can't wait.


  28. Hey,
    I love your books! me and my friends cant wait for burned!
    I like the US version better but had a question about the UK one. In burned Zoey lost her tattoos so why does she have them on the cover?
    Please write back soon!

  29. Hi P C, i was wondering you know in this UK cover, well Zoey has a tatoo back is that something to do with Burned :)

  30. Toni - because it's just one artist's rendition of a Zoey image.

    Krystofahill - Like I told Toni, it's just one image of Zoey. Covers aren't literal interpretations of books.

  31. Linda adorei!!!!!!

  32. Question:
    Where are all zoeys tattoos? I know when she went to the otherworld the book says her body had lost all her tattoos but are they going to stay that way?

  33. Nicole - answer: that's a plot spoiler and you'll have to wait and see...

  34. Heya i was just wondering theres s rumor going around that your doing a book signing in the uk is it true ?


    p.s I love your books so much you really feel like your there when you read them !!

  35. Hi Amelia - yep, the plan is to do a UK tour. I'm just waiting to get the details from my publisher. I'll post when I have specifics. I'm looking forward to it!

  36. It's beautiful! I have to say I prefer the US one better because Stevie Rae is on the cover but I love it none the less!
    BURNED comes out two days before my sister's birthday and my parents don't approve of me reading the series (but I do anyway haha) so it won't be easy to get the book, but I'm making my friend pre-order it because she hasn't started Tempted yet and probably won't have finished it by April 27 (or what ever time she gets it) so I can read it.
    Do you think you'll be visiting Houston any time soon? Please write back if you can!

    Peace, Love, and Vampyres-
    P.S. I'm watching the movie on Bram Stoker's Dracula right now and I think that I'll read that while I wait for BURNED to come out.

  37. ooo i hope you go to york in england for your tour, i may be able to get there xD. Its torture waiting for Burned but worth it. Erm P C? do you know when you are starting the one after Burned and do you think it will be released in 2010?. Because you normally release 2 books a year in the HoN series.

  38. Karoline - Bram Stoker's DRACULA is my favorite version of the movie, but it still romanticizes the book. While you're waiting for BURNED you should try either Robin McKinley's SUNSHINE or one of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's St. Germain chronicles (they're old, but soooo good). Happy reading!

    Krystofahill - I wouldn't expect two HoN novels out this year, but keep your eye out for THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK and a few other things regarding the HoN. I think the next book will be out really early next year.

  39. HI!
    um, i kinda just started your series around November, but I'm totally hooked!!!! i had this really cool idea for a contest like thing... well here's the basics: 1. get a picture of yourself (face, hands, arms etc.)2. take a colored marker or something and draw your very own designs!! 3. you get to choose which one you like the most and that person gets a small prize! (getting their name in one of the next books, as one of the next main characters or something cool like that!!) so YEEEAH! that's my amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. please come to Canada to do a book signing!!! so me and my mom can go!!! TANKS U!!!! xoxo


  40. Caroline - I've already run contests for art work. Keep checking my blog, though, as I could open another contest!

  41. PC love the covers, but I think I prefer this one. Just wondering though, is there a different ISBN for this so I can ensure I get the correct cover?

    Lastly I'm from Oz, is it possible to get signed book plates?

  42. AAAA Love it! Cannot wait to read it! Love that Zoeys on it and the colours brill! EEEK! Fits in really well with the rest of the covers! x

  43. Hi P.C.

    I am from turkey,I think that u really do have a talent.These books are the best books I have ever read!I read all the House of Night books in a week.Because I couldn't sleep without finishing one of the books :D I really want to read "Burned" and i wonder which cover is going to be turkey.U know i totally like ur books!! They are amazing!! Even if I read them in turkish,they are still so cool!!(As always :D)

    From Gizem(Means mystery)

  44. I am hoping to get the cover with Stevie Rae! Just because it is something different. The are both nice though. Fingers crossed my bookstore gets the cover I want!!

  45. hi .... I love the books! And I wonder if you will make movies with them! It would be really cool! I think every girl dreams of making Zoe, including me! Congratulations, I wish all the luck in the world to you and your daughter!

  46. Giulia - I have several posts wherein I answer movie questions.

    Happy reading,

  47. I love the series House of Night
    was the first series of books that I read
    you and your daughter are too good
    kisses from Brazil.
    Maria Rita - Lake of the stone - MaranhĂ£o

  48. ok this is a bit random but on the US cover of tempted (which i ABSOLUTELY LOVE) well iknow its stark (who i also LOVE) but who is it behind them? i was thinking maybe heath or darius perhaps??? or maybe kalona... but the shadow seems too small...since he's supposed to be really tall. ok i really like kalona b/c he loves zoey and it sux he's evil!! in the truthful dream when he says "you saved stark, so can't you save me?" then she shouts no!but then the dream shattered cuz she lied (not on purpose tho) and kalona said that if he lied the dream would shatter and i think the same goes for i right???

  49. I like the uk cover more but why does the uk cover have computerized patterns and us have handrawn, coz i really like the handrwn but when i bought temeted i found that they were computerized but in us they had a brand new pattern.

  50. The Cold One - they're all done on a computer.

  51. Hey there, I tried to look at your facebook via the link on and on your blog's link to it and both have something wrong, they both say that the page is not found. I thought you may want to know about it in case you wanted to fix it. Good luck on your series, it's very good thus far even though I've just dipped into it myself. Maybe we can meet on facebook some time

  52. i am not sure if you read every comment that is posted.....but wanted to say that I LOVE reading your books. I have read all of your House of Night series, and on the third book of your Divine Series (currently reading divine by blood). I must say that I really enjoy the books and find it really hard to put the book down.
    Looking forward to the new release of your latest book and will continue to buy the books you write. Keep up the amazing work!

  53. I am a HUGE fan of yours. I have all your books. I have to tell you tho. As a fan, I am skeptical about making the books into movies. I, like so many others, have read both Harry Potter and Twilight series before they were movies. And while I am quite pleased with the Harry Potter movies, I absolutely HATE the Twilight movies now. I am just affraid they will leave too munch out, whereby I wont like it as much.

    I am nerves as hell about the 7th book "Burned".

  54. Oh yea and I forgot my question:

    When you tour can you come to Muncie, IN. In the U.s. of coarse. I am one of the many "Blue-Color" People and while I want to meet you very badly I can't travel to do it. There is a Books-A-Million in the Mall and I know tons of people who read your books who would love to meet you guys. :-)

  55. Hey P.C.

    I love both covers and it's lucky i'm in the UK because all my books will match. My Great Grandad had died in December and my Great Nan gave me some money to spend on something decent. I bought Tempted and it was worth it !!! :D. Your the best author ever! ( I would of written earlier but been busy lately)
    I can't wait for Burned ! I'm counting down the days on my calander! :D

  56. Congratulations. I think your books top Twilight by a mile. They cannot even compare... your books actually have a plot, unlike Twilight, and according to my friend who is a devoted pagan/Wiccan, your books are far more accurate than Twilight as well. I hope to aspire to be a fantasy writer someday.. I'd like to write something that will really unique that will knock people off their feet, but I know I have to work at it, just like you are! Also, I was impressed with the spirituality, insight, and wisdom that your books offered. They teach a great deal, just as any true teacher would.

  57. Love both covers but I think I prefer the US one this time. :D

    Oh & I know you're super busy but I wanted to let you know I gave you the beautiful blogger award. Love your blog and your books! xoxo

  58. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I <3 the covers! I prefer the US one though, it kinda gives this feeling of suspense.

    Can't wait for the BOOK! I'm re-reading the whole series again!

  59. I'm looking for any info related to Kristin Cast contribution on Kisses from Hell. Title, subject, if the story features any character already presented in other books, etc. We'd like to post it on our website:

    Thank you!

  60. Livia - you'll need to contact Harper Teen for specifics about Kristin's story. I can tell you that it is not set in the House of Night world and is completely unique to itself.

  61. Hi

    You said to someone to keep an eye out for the fledging handbook right? I was just wondering if it's been out long or when it will come out. I think it will be very interesting to read it.


  62. Hi i forgot to ask these question before...

    What is your favourite book you have written so far including BURNED?And why?


    Who is your favourite charater?

    :D vampiregirl :D

  63. OMG!!!!! I love house of night better than twilight and so totally addictive.

    I like how all the UK covers are ALL Zoe, I cant wait two months for Burned.

    Me and my firends have decided that we are going to camp outside the ticket office when the movie is released.

    I must know when you are doing a tour of the UK. I need to get Tempted/Birned signed =D. I can't belive you killed Heath.

    Love the series.

    Lots of love Scarlett x

  64. Hi,Pc

    I love the covers.But I like the UK one better. I was wondering if the next book is called Stolen and if the spoilers on wikipedia are true.I need to know because I am the moderator for the HON group on Bebo here is the link if you want to check it out:
    Your reply would be very helpful and I give my thanks.

  65. Vampgirl - The Fledgling Handbook should be out this fall. I'll let you know when I have a specific date.

    I think BURNED might be my favorite book. I love the growth of the characters and the new depth of the world mythos.

    Flexy-Tex - as I've said before, Wikipedia rarely has correct information. No, the next title isn't Stolen. I think it's going to be AWAKENED, but that's not set in stone yet.

  66. Hey P.C.
    A couple girls and I run a fan page on facebook called Daughters of Nyx. If you have any free time we would love if you checked it out. :)!/pages/Daughters-of-Nyx/435177560719?ref=ts

  67. I like it, but I'm sad we don't get the pretty Stevie Rae one over here in the UK :( Oh well, it's what's inside that counts, right? Can't wait!!

  68. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Hey PC,
    You said that Stolen won't be the title of the next book in the series.
    But would there be 12 books in the series or is that imformation wrong too?
    When does the first chapter of burned come out on the ''?

  69. Anonymous7:44 PM

    And ya i forgot
    I really felt horrible that you killed of Heath..will he come back?
    I live in India, would you ever do a tour here?

  70. There will be 12 books in the series, and I don't have a clue when my publisher will post chapter 1.

    Sorry, can't answer plot spoiler questions...

  71. Oh, and I don't know when/if we're coming to India. Right now I barely have time to go to the grocery store...

  72. Anonymous11:01 PM

    okay thanks so much I can't wait for the book to come out

  73. Hi PC! I posted above but you might've missed it. I was wondering if there are different ISBN for the different covers?

    I'm from Australia, are you planning to visit us anytime soon?

    If not, do you offer purchase of book plates?


    PS:- Bit shy to say that I'm 27 and I'm the one that got my 17 year old sister addicted to your books LOL I was the one that started reading it first, and yet she devoured the books so much quicker than myself.

  74. Hi Angelica - I don't have a clue about the ISBN #s, but my guess is they're different. Any bookstore can help you with that - or the internet. I would very much like to tour in Australia; I've just got to find the time. I don't have bookplates, sorry. And thanks for hooking your sister! There's nothing wrong with reading YA at 27 - a good story is a good story, no matter the age of the characters.

  75. Hi P.C.

    i like the US one a bit more (because it has a charactar other than zoey on it.) i was wondering if i could get the UK on in Canada

  76. Hi there P.C.

    I too am from South Africa and I love your books! I read them all in about a week! (I read them again after that 'cause you always miss something when you're eager to reach the end!)

    ANYWAY... I just wanted to know if the book will be released on April 27th in South Africa as well? 4/27 is Freedom Day in South Africa - when we celebrate the day of our first ever truly democratic election, just by the way, so that's going to be a REALLY special day this year!

  77. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Weird, but for some reason I usually like the US covers. Probably cause I'm used to them, but in the US version, the characters actually have marks on their faces.

  78. Dear PC
    Please please please can you teel me what font is used for the titles of the english versions because i love love love the font and can't find itat all on the web. Also i like the britsih one becuase there is no weird (i still like it) border around the title and the uk matches all my others zoeys (im in uk).
    Please give me the font name - it would be great and thanks alot.
    Arjun thakrar.
    P.S.-please please please reply - still in progress

  79. The Cold One - The fonts are created by my publishers. Sorry, they're not available through the internet, etc.

  80. It's me - the cold one again - its just i have this font on all my hon books and also ive seen it on another cover that is ONLY FOR UK. i just thought you might know but thanks anyway, maybe its a font that atom use for uk covers.
    You rock can't wait for awakened
    The cold one (header now done!)

  81. Me - again again - by the way when are you coming to the uk again and if so are you coming to portsmouth or southampton because my cousins live there and they are big fans aswell (im bestest coz im not that all big :)

  82. Me - again again - by the way when are you coming to the uk again and if so are you coming to portsmouth or southampton because my cousins live there and they are big fans aswell (im bestest coz im not that all big :)
    Also the title burned looks better on the cover but wouldn't a better title be SHATTERED - nevtheless its not the title that matters its the stuff iside the book and it was awesome - just finished reading it for the 11th time

    Plase reply :)

  83. i was wondering if you get to pick the acters for the movie because if you do you should pick the acters from the yearbook for the movies
