Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A New Line from Burned!


  1. I so can't wait for this to come out. I am like number 2 or 3 at the library for when it comes out for a copy..

    Thanks for my prize. I am slightly alternating my t-shirt to make it I love the colors on it.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    oh my god! oh my god! Another syep closer to 'burned'!
    I can't wait.

  3. Aaah!! I cant wait! Really really hope i can get it in south africa:)

  4. awesome i cant wait til burned comes out me and my best friend have read all 6 books and everytime a new line comes out we scream 4 joy 41 days is way 2 long (my phone counts days when i put anything on the calender)

  5. I've already pre-ordered my copy, as we get the UK cover here in OZ, and I wanted the US cover with Stevie Rae. Yes I'm picky! I am trying to hunt down a copy of the US Tempted. No such luck yet.

  6. PC Cast, I am a Portuguese fan of your books.
    I really love them.

  7. PC Cast I must admit: You are awesome! I am completely hooked on the House of Night series! I am currently on Hunted. Can't wait to finish it, read Tempted, and buy Burned!

  8. Ouww ! OMG !
    I can't wait!
    PC , When will chapter one publish ?

  9. omg yey!! I can not wait until Burned comes out, me and my best friends are OBSESSED, well kinda, :) anywayy...thanks!

  10. My publisher tells me they'll release the first chapter of BURNED during the last week of this month! Yea!

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the books you are awsome :)

  12. Dearest Ms. Cast,

    I know it's kind of silly to write you a formal-type letter in your blog, but that's just how I roll.

    I am a 37-year-old stay-at-home-mom & have only just become a reader...with a vengeance! I wanted to thank you for all the enjoyment you've given me.

    Although I truly adore the HON series, & I am CRAZY excited for next month (squeee!) I especially love your Devine Series & very much love Elphame's Choice & Brighid's Quest. I know you've been super duper busy continuing the HON series, but I was wondering if you were planning on revisiting Partholon? I truly do love that place.

    Thanks again for sharing all the awesome stuff in your brain!

    Brandie Gallutia

    P.S. Serenity is one of my all-time favorite movies, too. I love Joss Whedon like WHOA.

  13. I absolutely adore this series have all the books and have read them repeatedly ^^ can not wait for burned my friend is going to attack me begging to read it

  14. I am very anxious to read the new book I just read the last
    six, pity that here in Brazil take long to be released books
    here was released to the "untamed". I love the series I'm waiting to see the continuation.
    I love the way you write and very easy to understand and holds us in reading.
    Sorry if you have any nonsense is that I used a translator to write.
    kiss love you, and the books of course.

  15. I'm totally excited about this, the book, like comes out literally exactly a month after my birthday! I will be in waterstones that day, definitely!


  16. Oh mi gosh! I can't wait for Bruned to come out!!! I wan't it now!

  17. heeyy i love your books and i cant wait for BURNED to come out !!!!!!!!!!!! my friend amber loves your books aswell and she was the one who introduced me to your book :) do you now if you are coming to the uk and if you are can you come to cambridge please coz we r your biggest fans !!!!!!!!!!! =] x

  18. OMG I just can't stop reeding! I would like to know a little bit more about the book 8 and 9....please? I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!

  19. Eeeeesh!!!! i cant wait for burned tuh come out! Im buyin the hard cover copy. Do you have any idea how much it will cost so i know how much tuh save?? thanks and keep up the good work. im counting down the days!!! its taking forever! I just have to say that im a huge fan of the house of night series!!

  20. Anonymous2:36 AM

    oh my this is great news!!!

  21. " Stevie Rae looked from
    vampyre to vampyre.
    "Here's a newsflash . . .
    Zoey isn't dead. And
    believe me, I know dead.
    I've been there, done that,
    and got the frickin' tee-shirt. "

    Pc , I saw it in a forum . Is it spoiler ?

  22. It's not a spoiler - it's one of the teaser releases.

  23. Vamp Princess - check with your local bookstore about prices - they vary.

  24. Sorry Carol - neither 8 or 9 are written yet...

  25. Rats31 - My wonderful UK publisher is planning to tour us this summer. I'll post specifics here as soon as I know them. I always look forward to returning to the UK!

  26. Hi!

    We're a portuguese blog about HoN series. You've a lot of fans here, all of the team have every single book that come out here, in Portugal. We wanted to talk to you or a superviser about a little wish, that won't cost you anything.

    We're waiting for an answer.

    Blog's mail:


  27. Hi pc
    I am a great fan of your books
    and I have got nearly half of my friends
    on your books because...they are amazing
    I can't wait til burned comes out and I am
    just desparate to read that first chapter....
    I couldn't help wondering if you based the
    books on a thing called Wicca because
    there seems to be a lot related to it anyway...
    are you coming on tour to Scotland because
    I would just love to meet you ..thanks for
    writing such amazing books xx
    Rosie x

  28. Can't wait for chapter one. I'm sooo impatient and excited. I have already pre-ordered it on amazon. Only 35 days and counting :P Lol.

  29. yay :) thnks sooo much me and amber r defently coming to see youu =] x


  30. Hi Mrs. Cast:)
    I'm a fledgeling writer too, and when I was at the high school, me and my best friend wrote a series too.:) I am just wondering and wanna ask that, you're writing with your daughter too, how are you two get along while you were writing and how do you work together? for example, while me and best friend were writing, I wrote a while the I passed the notepad to her, and she continued to write, then she passed it back to me...are you two like us while writing or something else?
    thanks from now:)
    P.S.: I'm waiting for burned too. I think "tempted" was the best of series.

  31. Casa da Noite - you'll have to contact my publicist at

    Rosie - I did use some of the Wiccan belief tenants, as well as Celtic Shamanism and several other Pagan religions as a foundation for the HoN. And yes! We should be touring in Scotland this summer!

    Ecem - I write the entire manuscript and then Kristin goes through it as a kind of teen voice editor. We don't go back and forth writing. I'd recommend you and your friend work on the basics of sentence structure, etc., and write on your then before trying to team up. Hone your skills alone before trying the complexity of writing with someone else.

  32. Thank you you're so nice!

    I'm so excited for the next books xD

  33. Is Burned out on the 27th in the UK too or is it just US..... i read somewhere that there are to be nine i right?

    I'm now reading the series again as i can't wait for Burned to be published. Awesome books!!!!

  34. Hi Ms Cast,
    I love your books they are the best I have erad and I can't wait for BURNED to come out. my friend has mentioned me in her previous posts,I am Amber and has let me use her account to write to you. we trust each other that much!!!! but anyhoozle, I just wanted to say carry on the good work you are the best.
    and I was just wondering, how did you come up with half the isdeas in the HoN books, like the Raven Mockers, I would of thought of something like that. oh and btw I am writing a books myself, you inspired me with your books.

    well thank you for the books and carry on the work,
    Amber :D

  35. I can't wait till Burned comes out next month. Besides taking care of my newborn twin boys, it gives me something to do. I am also moving to Tulsa with my fiance in a few months, which is pretty excited since that book is based there :)

  36. Pleas oh please oh please oh pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeee
    give us the first chapter i just can't wait and i hate the cliffy i just want to read read read

    i read the rest of your weries in 4 days

  37. Eu moro no Brasil. Amo os livros da série House of Night. I love!!!!! Desejo muito mais sucesso! Torço para que a Zoey encontre o verdadeiro amor dela.

  38. I do love Heath...I'm so ready for "Burned" to come out already. I got my neice hooked on the series too. HON is such a great series, I love the suspence but the wait is killing me.

    As another fan posted earlier, I also wonder if you have plans to continue with the Partholon books. I found them very enjoyable and really want to see more someday.

  39. woot not long now till burned is out .....hope the days fly past!!!!

  40. Guys - I think BURNED will be released in the UK the same day as the US, but check with your local bookstore for details.

    My publisher will release the first chapter at the end of this month. Be patient! I have to wait for them, too.

    And I would very much love to return to Partholon! CIARA'S DESTINY is all written in my head. Now I just have to find time to get it onto paper...

  41. I am glad your book is coming along. Every time I read one of your books, I hang on the edge of my seat. I believe you and your daughter have separated the House of Night series from all the other stories in a saturated genre. I cannot wait for Burned to release.

  42. sorry I was meant to say that I could never think of something like the raven mockers but I must of missed that bit when I checked it :D
    Amber xx

  43. thanks for your answer PC!
    you're really nice you know:) when me and my friend wrote that story we were at the high school and now we are in the universities which are located in different towns, so like you said I'm writing by myself. thanks again,sometimes I need advice about writing, can I ask you when I've got a question?

  44. and a little note too:
    I read your 6 books in 4 days. actually I've been a bookworm since I was four, but I hadnt read a pile of books in a short time like I told you, for a long time, so thanks for your books:)

  45. OMG sooo exicited cant wait i read the entirie series in 1 week!!!

    P.S Heath is definetly my fav character (cried at the end of tempted) :(

  46. Eek,!
    So Excited!! :)
    Can't wait to read bout' Stark!! :)
    btw, I call Dibs on him!! :)
    HE IS MINE! <3 <3 <3

  47. OMG!!OMG!!OMG!! i thought heath was dead!
    that angle guy snapped his neck could be alive!?
    i cant wait till i can get my hands on this book!! This whole series just sucks u in! it's amazing!!

  48. Uh, Heath IS dead. Jeesh.

  49. hi again pc
    just wanted to tell you this wee story i only have one reason why though but anyway here goes....
    me and a bunch of friends went up to the school library because my friend (kirsty) was checking out a book, we went in in silence because of course it was a library, kirsty waled over to a shelf and my other friends scatered around the shelfs, kirsty picked up a book and called me over, to my discovery there were weird marks on the front cover, she pondered as i tryed to figure out what it was, i titled the book and relised it was a autograph... the next part was quite funny for me because we were in the library....
    i told kirsty then instanly she shouted "i am honured" the reason why i told you was that it was untamed and you had signed it
    see kirsty just cant wait to meet you and she hopes that you are touring glasgow ??
    rosie x
    ps its kinda a weird story x

  50. hey PC,

    I'm just wondering about the book after Burned (lol i know its not even out yet and im thinking about more). Is it something you have started or are even considering, i love the series btw it has been great, i just don't want it to end.

  51. Just read chapter 1, and I'm now even more excited for 27th April. It's AMAZING! BURNED is going to be great!
    :) Thanks so much for writing these books. They're so addictive to read.

  52. P.C Cast, i read the first chapter.
    Its really cool.

    I can't wait to read the full book xD.

  53. I looooove these books and i also hope that they make these books into a movie cause if they do i soooo want 2 play the role of shaunee so im crossing my fingers:D also im going to make sure i get my copy of BURNED b4 it's all gone.

  54. hey, i love the books but i am sooooo annoyed about heath!, i love him, please bring him back!~

    while your touring in the Uk you should most definately come to north wales, big fan base here! :)

  55. Hi Miss Cast,

    I was wondering, do you suggest writing a book by hand, or on a computer. Thank you for the advise on writing, I really appreciate it.

  56. Lindsey - I advise doing whatever works for you. Good luck!

  57. A Happy and Excited to the Cast team from Canada (eh)!
    I am a Huge Fan of your House of Night series and Many other books (Especially Elphame's Choice). I have not had the chance to read Burned but I'm very excited to.
    I have made a fan page for your House of night series on facebook and I just thought you should see the praise you are getting for your books! I just think you should check it out.!/pages/PCKristen-Cast-House-Of-Night-Series-Fan-Page/251008563526

    Those fans love you guys very much!

    Also I have caught wind of a contest for the House of night series and your fans have been asking about it. If there is ANY information you can give me about this I would be HUGELY greatful!
    Once again, love your books! Can't wait for the upcoming Awakened and ones to come after!


  58. I finally got to read Burned and it is AMAZING (like all of your other books of course)!! Love it and can't wait for the next book to come out!!

  59. Dear Mrs. Cast;
    I've just read Burned in two nights within 7 hours. I love the idea that Heath has a new life chance through reincarnation, and i think you'll bring him back years later:) I wanna ask you, have you exactly planned that how many books will be in House of Night Series? I really wonder about that.
