Monday, March 29, 2010

Chapter One of BURNED!


  1. This was truly amazing. I loved it.<3

  2. Wow! I love how it starts with Kalona. I love him (almost as much as Stark):D I can't wait for the book to come out. You and Kristin are amazing writers. I know you probably hear that a lot but it is so true!

    -Lots of love from Arizona!

  3. I've read it.
    Its really good.
    Congratulations to you and to your daughter, P.C Cast.

  4. Hi P.C. Cast!
    Hell, that was amazing! What a twist. Now I can't wait until April comes. Which I feel the need for superpowers right now to just zap the time forward and than BAM- Its the day Burned comes out! *Sigh* A teenage girl can only dream. Haha. Anyways I love the first chapter in Kalona perspective and I feel bad for the guy in a way. I just have a feeling that he just might get his hummanity back in later books, but hey...that's just me. Hm also maybe some Loren in The Otherworld? *shrugs* These are the questions that I wonder but I'm just gonna have to wait. :)
    I know you hear this a lot (and you might get tired of hearing it all the time by your fans) but you are one if my favorite authors (Kristen too!) and Im currently writing a book. I have an agent and everything. I know for a 16 year old girl it's going to be hard to do, but I'm giving it my best shot. Same with the whole movie deal- I've been doing hours of research trying to find addutions.

    I hope you don't mind but I wanted to ask you about James Stark (who I wish was real soooo bad, weird huh?):
    In my English class this year, my teacher brought up a legened of a guy named William Tell; an archer who never missed his target, which immideately made me think of Stark. Was he resembled to him in a way? (Hell I don't even know if you've heard of the legened before-you probably based him off of someone else).

    Well I guess that's about it! Can't wait for Burned to come out!! Hopefully I can meet you in the future. Errrr that sounded corny but it's true (heehee) :D


  5. Yippee! Can't wait to read it!

  6. I can't wait till the book comes out. Great chapter.


  7. Ok I'm the first comment it appears. Chapter one is amazing and I might be the only one who feels this way, but I love Neferet! You write her so well and I just feel like there is so much depth to her character because of her past. Plus there is just so much unknown about her, it's like trying to solve a puzzle and I love that each new book you give us just a little bit more information about her character. I was heartbroken when I discovered she was evil, but she is still a great character and chapter one was also a great new take on Kalona. I can't wait to read the rest of Burned. I love getting lost in the whole series. You never fail to leave your readers aching for more and chapter one was no different! Amazing!

  8. Eek!
    Ima So excited!!
    Mrs cast,
    You and your daughter are like the best writers ever!!
    Tell Me,
    I just need to know if Stark dies...
    He's my favorite!! <3

  9. I cant read it on the site it says that it is coming soon!?

  10. Team Erik! Bring Erik back!

  11. Hey PC, it seems that wheneva I pick up a book that isn't H.o.N. I can't read it. No mortal words can eva explain how much I luuurve your books!

    I read chapter one, OMG is all I can say ohhh.... And I hate Nerfet/Konola! lol! PC you truely have a natural talent for writing seriousy catchy books! I didn't want Tempted to end because that'd mean I'd have to wait to months for Burned!

    I have got my friend hooked on H.o.N. too, she doesn't luurve them as much as me though! NO ONE CAN!!! (literaly)

    Ohh... The reason I was writing... Hehe... When are you gonna update the site so it's Burned friendly? By that I mean when are you gonna update the spotlight videos and yearbook?

    Better get going... It's getting pretty late! (hat? Time gets ahead of me when I'm reading... H.o.N.!!!!!!!!!)

    Lots and lots and lots of luuurve your biggest fan in the whole wide world Rosie Bug! (Bugz Bunnie)

  12. OMG it was amazing!!!! I really can't wait for BURNED any longer. I think it was really good how you show how Kalona really feels about Zoey. You are the best writers I know. I can already tell that this is going to be the best book of the series!!! I can't wait till you go on tour and come to the UK... do you know where you are going to go yet? because please come to cambridge, I know you will have a big crowd, and me and my friends have already organised how we would get to where you are.
    thanks, and Carry on the FAB work!!!!!!!!!

    Amber xxooxx

  13. Hey!
    I'm from Brazil and I have just finished to read the chapter one *--* It's amazing!!
    I love the way you tell the story! It's so good that everybody wants to read more and more! I'm so anxious for reading the rest of the book!
    Here, in Brazil the fourth book has launched and only in may Tempted is gonna be launched! But i've already read Tempted over the internet *--*
    So, i just came here to say that here, in Brazil you have a lot of fans and we are all awaiting the release of Burned.
    P.s: a curiosity: Have you ever been in Brazil? =)

  14. I loved it! Im so excited for it to come out, and i love how Kalona starts out. I really hope that in the end he will choose light over darkness! But its all a mystery we have to figure out. Thanks for posting the first chapter.
    Once again i loved it. Oh and starks my favorite character! As well as Kolona! Thanks For the House Of Night sereis! You inspired me to write my own series. Keep up the good work.
    I know this is alot to ask but i know alot of people at my school who would really love it if maybe you could come and do a showing and book signing at out school. but i live in michigan. I really hope that its possible. Thanks so much. Ur #1 Fan

    -Malinda Cozart

  15. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! BEST AUTHOR IN THE WORLD! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I WAS HYPERVENTILATING!!!THIS IS AWESOME. I WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK WHEN ZOEYS SHOULD WAS SHATTERED AND I WAS INTERESTED TO FIND OUT WAT KALONA FELT!!! AND OMG KALONA!!! AND NEFERET OOOO! I HATE HER. I actually like Kalona. But only when he's not all evil and bad and stuff. Well anyways April 27 has to rush itself because I truly CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!!

  16. I love Eric. Please bring him back. He was perfect for Zoey.

  17. I love Eric. Please bring him back. He was perfect for Zoey. Please, please please.

  18. PC, i've read the first chapter and it's brilliant, so much more than i expected, which is very unfair of me to expect less from you & Kristin when after 6 books i've never been disappointed at all, your books are never what i expect and that's what i love most about them, they're never predictable.
    My dark side is so in love with Kalona, great start to the story! Can't wait for the book, my sister refuses to read the first chapter she says it will drive her insane waiting for it. We'll see how long she holds off for! I'm betting on a week. She is right though... i'm feeling slightly insane!

  19. OMG i read it and I LLOOOVVVEEE it. im confused a little but thats just me, cant wait for the book to come out!

    Love from Arkansas

  20. Oh yes, do you know when there'll be another author talk. Missed those. :(

  21. Bugz, Agreed. Does Darius die? :D?

  22. Bugz - My publisher handles my site, so I'm kinda clueless about updates. I know they're planning them...I just don't know when or what (I JUST WRITE THE BOOKS!).

    LL - Kill Darius? Me? No way!

    Don't know where I'm going on my UK tour yet. I'll post dates/places for the US/Canada tour soon, though.


  23. Hey, just an idea for future books, Loren could be in the otherworld!

  24. P.C Cast, you have portuguese fans here in Portugal. Please come to Portugal soon.

    Kisses from your portuguese fans :)

  25. I just Finished Re reading Tempted, and I can't WAIT to find out what happens in Burned!
    I really really hope heath comes back, he is like one of my favorite characters. Also I am DYING to know what happens with her Tattoos!
    I think you should totally tell me everything so I don't DIE waiting for next month! lol
    Thanks for the AMAZING books!

  26. Ohmygoodness! I cannot wait till this book comes out! I'm buying it as soon as I can! Trying to get my mom to let me pre-order!

    I loved how it started and can't wait to read the rest and then await the release of Awakened! I hate the waiting process but know it's necessary to make the books great.

    Thank you for continuing the story of Zoey and her friends.

    blessed be :)

  27. Hi!!
    I'm from Brazil and here you have a lot of fans! I love your way of writing the serie. We always want to read more and more!
    I've just read the chapter one and it's so amazing! I'm so anxious for reading the book *--*
    You and your daughter complete each other, that's why the book is so good, i mean, you know what the teenagers want to read and each one applies your knowledge in the book,I guess.
    So, i wanna know if you've already been in Brazil!

  28. I'am from Norway, and have to say I love the House of Night Series... I am member of a book-club in Norway, and they sent me the two first books in Norwegian to me for a month ago or so... since it's just these two first books who has been translated to Norwegian, I just ordered the rest of the books in English... Now, I've read all of them, and can't wait for Burned comes out... If I can't find it in Norway fast, I will brake the law and download it, but I'll also buy it when I find it.

    - Love from Middle-Norway

  29. Hİ PC.
    First, we meet a beautiful book for making your PC tanks a lot.we would be house of night turkey forum.Burned at from Turkey a great impatience with some surprises waiting for us to do at Burned.What about the house the night of the film developed and there are more than glad if you will learn.Burned unfortunately in Turkey on April 27 not out, later moved out to be translated.PC aunt said that the earlier you get out Pegagasus.
    we love the PC
    house of night turkey.

  30. Hey PC,
    I got a bit confused on this, not going to lie. There's still things that I'm a bit hazy about an such... I honestly have no idea what to think of Kalona... I really don't. I, obviously as do many many other girl's, love Stark to death. I find myself loving guys with the name James now. Hence my fanfic penname: ArrowBoy'sGirl. Just gotta love Stark.

    Another thing, are you securing to us that Zoey will not wake up from this situation until the next book Awakening. (the name is some hint)

    Anyway, a little clarification would be a helpful. Did Neferet send Kalona's soul to the Otherworld? I was utterly cunfuzzled. Other than that, great chapter. Loved it. <3

  31. Corikat - I don't give plot spoilers, so you'll have to wait and see what happens in BURNED to answer your questions.

  32. I cannot WAIT for Burned to come out! The first chapter was great and jeebus Neferet is such a wench.

  33. Will the "Burned" audiobook use the same narrator as "Tempted"? I keep looking on itunes and amazon but neither list a narrator yet.

    Thanks and I'm in love with HON!!!

  34. It's here it's here it's here!!! I just can't believe today is the day that BURNED is released it feels like I have been waiting forever! I'm so addicted to these books i'm already waiting for the 8th book to come out LOL:) I know it's crazy but true. PC and Kristin ya'll are awesome thanks for the time away from every day life I love going to the HON. Much Love from here in Georgia!!!

  35. When will book 4 and 5 come to norway? I loooved the three first books and i can't wait to read moore!

    If somebody know can you please send a mail to : ?


  36. Marita - if you check with your local bookstore they can tell you the release dates of the other books.


  37. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I love Burned!! It was awesome. I actually am writing my own fantasy on how the Earth was created and I read other books to be inspired, And the House of Night series blew me away!

    -J. Ryan

  38. I compeletely love the first chapter of burned.its damn ya, ur my favriote author <3<3
