Sunday, August 02, 2009

Tattoo Contest!

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to let you know that the winners of the tattoo contest have been chosen, but not everyone has gotten back to me with their permission to post letters so because Kristin and I are literally walking out the door to the airport to head to the UK it doesn't look like I'm going to make the Big Announcement before our UK tour. I'll try to post from there, but not promising anything. I promise it'll be the first thing I put up as soon as we return on the 16th.

Hope to see many of my UK fans!



  1. how do u send in a permission slip thing to say your parents allow you????

  2. If you were one of the six finalists you've been contacted by my PA with instructions for the permission letter.

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Can't wait 'till the next blog-thing(?), I wanna see who the winners are! Too bad I didn't win! Haha, I'm not at all surprised.

    So, anyways, are you going to put the pictures up? I wanna see the winners tattoos! Mine were HORRIBLE! Maybe I'd be better at drawing!

    Oh, and Rhinannon h is my BFF! She's AWESOME!

    I really don't know why I just put that but I had a random moment. She really is my friend though! She's just starting to read your books! She's on 'Betrayed'! I'm so glad she started reading them, then we can discuss it and be the that jump up and down when the get the books! I think we are both obsessed with books but I'm SUCH A BOOK FREAK!

    Can't wait to see the winners!


    P.S. What were the prizes? I know them but I don't know which ones go with each place! Haha, I think I'm having a brain dead moment! <3

  4. Anonymous7:44 PM

    OMG! I'm so sorry! When i said rhiannon h was my friend I thought she was my friend rhianna lynn h-f. sorry about that! I CAN'T believe I missed the n at the end of rhiannon! I am SO sorry!

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Hey, are you going to be doing a drawing contest? I'm kinda good at drawing, not an artist but I CAN draw(not to sound conceited) and I have an obsession with sketches so I love a challenge. It would be pretty cool for people to draw what they thought Zoey(or any character) and her(or his) tattoos. I love your books, sorry I comment so much. i just think it's cool you can talk to an author!

  6. Have fun in the UK! I know a few people who are excited to meet you! :)

  7. I'll be there! Can't wait! 1 week away! :D

  8. Guys - the finalists have been contacted. They know what to do about giving permission to post their pictures.

    I will probably have an art contest, but not till I'm back in the states. Right now I'm sitting on the windowsil in my hotel room gazing at beautiful Edinburgh Castle as the sun sets. I do heart Scotland! If I can figure out hoe to post pics from my iPhone I I battle jet lag!

  9. Hey glad that you and kristin made it to the UK safely :) I'm eagerly awaiting for you to find out and release your london events, I really hope you get the dates because the other venues are too far :( so hopefully you find out soon and post ambition in life is to be YA author and your an inspiration PC, although im only 14 im writing a short novel in the summer....its going good! I love house of night and coming to see you and kirstin would really make my summer plus my sister turns 16 in august and she and my eldest sister would really LOVE to meet you kristin in london.....we're all MAJOR hon fans! awww i hate jet lag hope you sleep well :D

  10. I wouldn't usually ask this sort of thing but I commented a previous post saying how excited I was to come to your signing in Manchester on August 10th as it's my birthday aswell and my friend was supposed to buy me tickets as I went on vacation for a week. I got back yesterday and she told me she'd forgotten to buy them so I went in today and it's sold out and I'm apsolutley devostated. They said they wouldn't let me in even if it was my birthday (I don't think they believed me). Your books are my favorite, and I was wondering if there was anyway you could get me in? I wouldn't usually ask but I was really looking forward to it :(

  11. Sorry Beth! I have no control over the seating capacity at the event.

  12. hi pc cast! I love the house of night so much but I have a question...
    there isn't any subject like maths or tecnology or something like that in the house of night??

  13. i love the UK book cover for tempted. but i like the other one also. just the other one a wee-bit more. :)

  14. Hiaa.x
    I was at your booksigning in Manchester Arendale..
    It was amazing.
    I am still wearing the necklace that Kristen gave me. It means alot to me and its my favourite piece of jewellery

  15. Hey Chaniece,

    Check out its a UK fansite. Also if you would like to share your experience with meeting the Cast's or any pictures you may have from the signing I'd love to hear from you!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
