Tuesday, August 04, 2009

In the UK!

We've arrived safely in Edinburgh, which is where we'll be doing some major research for the 7th book in the HoN series, BURNED. Because we're busy research, we're not having any formal signings here, but I can tell our Edinburgh fans that tomorrow, Aug 5th, we'll be stopping in several local bookstores to sign stock. Here's a list of where we'll be popping in. If you don't catch us, at least we'll leave behind us a trail of signed books! No, I don't have specific times when we'll be where. Our driver picks us up about 11:00, and we're off roughly in this order:
Waterstone East
Waterstone George St.
Waterstone Ocean Terminal
Waterstone Cameron Toll
Blackwells South Bridge
Waterstone West


  1. Woww!! Tempted isnt even out yet and I'm already so excited for BURNED. It sounds good already. Have fun in the UK!

  2. Oh PC...

    I want you in Brazil! *snif snif* =´(

    ~ Becky

  3. I forgot to ask earlier, is BURNED going to be in Zoey's POV?

  4. Have a good time on your trip. I can't wait till Tempted is out. Burned sound cool. Is it going to be from Stevie Ray's POV? Take some cool pictures.


  5. Gorgeous picture! Thanks for sharing. I must get to Edinburgh one of these days as it's just so beautiful.

  6. hmmm...me and my sisters are all having out theories on why its called "Burned"...interesting...=]

  7. Burned will be from several characters' point of views, including Zoey.

    Jana - you would LOVE Edinburgh!

  8. P.C.
    You're SO right. Note to self: Edinburgh and then hit a couple single malt distilleries. Or more (grin).

  9. I hope you have a safe return and a fun trip. I can't wait for Tempted to be release and Burned sounds very juicy! Thanks for the heads up!

  10. HoN is awesome!!!
    I am soo excited for Tempted and now Burned!
    I hope you have a great time in Edinburgh!
    <3 Kim

  11. I love HoN! I am soo excited for Tempted and now for Burned too! I hope you have a great time in Edinburgh!
    <3 Kim

  12. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I can't wait! I'm so glad the story won't be over yet! I thought maybe Tempted would be the last! That would REALLY suck!Is it fun writing the book?

  13. Yay!!! You girls are amazing... You guys are angels from heaven to bring us the HON series!!! I'm soo excited to get to read Tempted ... I just wish it was out sooner!!! It's driving me nuts waiting for it... lol I keep reading the summary at the HON website because i'm obsessed!!!! And now to hear about Burn!!!!! I'm sooo freaking Excite!! I love you both so much! Thank you for being soo freaking AWESOME!!!!!You girls are genius'
    Thank you for being you!!!
    *your biggest Fan swear it*

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Omigod ! Edinburgh!!!!!!!! Yay!

  16. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Oh my!! I can't wait for tempted & Burned~I wished u guys could come 2 Macao (in china) Hav fun in england PC!! :D

    P.S I wanted to add u on facebook but there's already too much connections, what can i do?

    Wif much Love,
    Nessa x]

  17. Anonymous6:11 AM

    WOOW!!! BURNED sounds awsome!!! esspecially with the different points of views :):)

    yay!!! Come to LONDON P.C. and Kristen !!!!
    If u do I will DEFO be there!! lol

    Have Fun :)


  18. Anonymous6:12 AM

    WOOW!!! BURNED sounds awsome!!! esspecially with the different points of views :):)

    yay!!! Come to LONDON P.C. and Kristen !!!!
    If u do I will DEFO be there!! lol

    Have Fun :)


  19. Thanks for coming into Ocean Terminal today! I love the gifts you gave me, and hope the books you bought were helpful. I'm sure I can hook you up with swear words if you still need them lol!
    Good luck with Burned, and enjoy your time over here! (go on some ghost tours if you're still in Edinburgh. Uber fun!)
    Rachael (the slightly fangirly bookseller at Waterstone's Ocean Terminal)

  20. I must find a signed copy!!!

    How are you finding the scottish weather? Its actually quite nice up here in dundee. What are you getting up to today????

  21. Anonymous6:01 AM

    wow that picture is amazing, you had a great view, i can't believe you already have a name 4 the next book, i can't wait to read tempted

  22. Wow thats a beautiflu veiw!!! And the title Burned has me really excited! How many HoN books are yall writing?

  23. Anonymous2:50 PM

    hiya, i went to see you at waterstone east, i was there from like 10 oclock in the morning to make sure me and my friend hannah didnt miss you, and then when we met you we were soo happy, you made our day honestly. you and kristin are so pretty by the way!
    yous are amazing and i cant wait for tempted and burned
    love yaaas xx

  24. Hi Vampgirl - we're contracted for twelve books, but have been given the freedom by our lovely publisher to write as many as it takes to tell our characters' stories.

    Hi there Sarah! Thank you for waiting to see us. It was great to meet you (and thanks for the compliment, too!).


  25. ooooo how pretty is Edinburgh? i went there for a hen party....i love the royal mile...i hope you guys are having fun. i'd love to go over and meet you's.....but i have smelly work!....

    blessed be....

  26. Hi there I'm Rachel and I'm from Brazil and totally obsessed with HoN!!!

    P.C., I'm dying alredy!!! Please tell us somethings about Tempted and Burned, please please please!!!

    I'm worried about Erik Night, what will happen to him? =/
    Don't let him betray Zoey!!! I mean, he loves her, right?

  27. Carla - I love Scotland and adore Edinburgh. We're having a marvelous time!

    Rachel - I can't give spoilers!

  28. Anonymous4:49 PM

    yeah to any one asking i think i said this before, i asked a couple of times i really dont think she's gonna tell us anything about any of the books

  29. Actually, I tell you guys lots about the books. I just won't reveal things that will spoil upcoming plots, which only makes sense...

  30. Anonymous6:45 PM

    ok so you tell us little things, which are nice to know, but how come you always leave us wanting to know more

  31. To PC.Cast
    We apprieciate everything you let us know :)

  32. If only you'd come to Singapore...


  33. Hey P.C., it's Sophie, do you remember me from the Sugarscape WEBCHAT? I can't belive you were in Edinburgh and i missed you! How was Edinburgh, great shopping eh? x

  34. wow, i heard P.C. Cast was writing 12 books for the whole series. is that true? is there really gonna be 12 books total!!

  35. Yes, Hope, we are writing at least 12 books in the series.

    Hi again Sophie - LOVED Edinburgh. And we did, indeed, do some shopping!

  36. wow 12 books...what do you plan on doing. i thought kalona would be killed in the 7th one...wow,,,

  37. Sorry, Hope. I don't give away plot spoilers. You'll have to wait and see.

  38. haha, sorry. 12 books just really has me shocked and all. sorry. curiosity killed the human kid. i miss the adventures of Zoey and her friends. i can NOT wait until the book comes out!

  39. i actually cant wait for tempted to come out. i keep going on HON website reading the summary and hoping that you will put up the first chapter before its out ? i cant believe that you are planning on twelve books :O that should keep you busy for a while. not that im complaining. hope you are having a good time in the uk. please come to plymouth (:

  40. and i was wondering who's point of view is tempted from or is it severals?

  41. xjosybray - TEMPTED, and probably all of the books to follow, will be from multiple point of views, though Zoey's pov is still strong and first person when I shift to her.

    I don't post the chapters and lines from the books. My lovely publisher is in charge of that. I think they're planning on posting chapter 1 next month. Be sure you've signed up for Night Watch through the HoN site for all the updates.

  42. Woot! Keep the books rolling! Do you have any plans about coming to Aussie for book signing?

  43. Lozengarluz - we are indeed coming to Oz! Kristin and I don't have firm dates yet, but we've agreed to tour sometime in Jan/Feb. We're really looking forward to it! I'll post more info as I get it.

  44. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Pc, when are y'all comin to canada? toronto 2 be exact???

  45. where can u sign up for house of night watch ? thanksx

  46. Jess - you can sign up through www.houseofnightseries.com

  47. To P.C Cast and Kritstin Cast <3

    Omgg let me start off to say that not only are your books AMAZING, but you guys are both very talented.I started reading your series not too long ago and i showed your books to ALL my friends!!! EVERYONE in toronto is reading it!!!!I was just wondering if you could ever come to toronto and do a book signing PLEASE, everyone welcomes you! :)

  48. Hi...
    I've just finish reading Tempted and really hope to have the 7th book Burned out soon... The ending was a shock for me in Tempted.

    With Love,
    Tricia :)

  49. Hi Guys; Well I have just finished reading Tempted, I was so engrossed I read it straight through all the night! What can I say, fantastic! Don't want to spoil it for anyone else so won't give anything away but OMG! After that ending not sure I can wait another 7 months without going insane, so not fair! Keep up the fantastic work and please put me out of my misery soon!

  50. Omg... just finished tempted. I couldn't pit it down.. What a cliffhanger!I dont know if im going to survive til the next one. I only just managed this. Please let me know when you believe Burned will be out. Will this be the last of the House of Night series?
    Thankyou Rhiannon. Xx

  51. How do u read about burned!?!?!?!??

    And Tempted was absolutly amazing!!!! I cried so much during this book!! And right now it's my favorite book!!


    P.S. Thank you (p.c. and kristen)so much for writing this amazing series!!!

  52. Dear P.C. and Kristen,
    OMG, I just finished reading Tempted and the ending is so shocking~ It's sorta pretty sad too. I can't wait till Burned comes out... but it's going to be another 6 months till it comes out, am I right? :'( Can you at least give us a summary or maybe some clues about what Burned is going to be about? I sorta love the different characters' POV. I love that we can see into their mind. :) I wonder if we are ever going to get a Kalona's POV? Thanks! You guys are awesome~ I am totally absorbed into reading the HON series. I should reread Tempted again to get a even bigger and more detailed picture of Tempted. I would also understand even better. :)
    Thanks once again~ :)

  53. Wow! I cried at the end of Tempted! Of all people! So not fair! When will Burned come out ? Please please be soon!

  54. Wow, Tempted is soo amazing, wish you guys could come down to Cornwall "sniff" I got tempted and by the and of the day i had finished it! I soo can't wait for Burned, you guys' books beat everything that i have read!

  55. P.C, Your books are AWESOME!
    i loved them so much it only takes me 1-2 days to read them :) ive read all of them and they are awesome!
    and i was wondering in you would ever come to Campbell River? (B.C)

  56. omg !! i love your books. reading is one of my passions but yours really effected me. but i do love to write i'm on a track to become an author. i just want to know if Zoey is coming back? when she died i almost cried, i so mad. if she died wouldn't that be the end? i'm so confused.

  57. Any chance of you coming to new Zealand. I a huge fan and would love a book. Signed.

  58. Tempted is awesome. iam so glad there's another book. Cant wait 4 burned now!
    Love YOU!!!

  59. Woww!!!! Miss. P.C CAST
    im in love with HoN
    omg i just finished ur 6th book tempted. it took me 6days to finish it
    but i wish i havent done that the last chapter made me shed a tear
    omg i cant wait for the 7th
    plz push the date up
    plz hee.hee love ya
    your fan Tia
    GO Zoey you can make it plz

  60. I love yall sooo much keep writing I wanna know what happens to Z after the end of Tempted I hope she gets through it!!!!!! Im counting down the days till Burned comes out Love yall!!Bye =)

    ~Maisie H~
    p.s come to Concord Nc me and all my friends here love you!!!

  61. gawd bring back heath!!!!!his the only reason i love reading the book!!heath/zoey forever!!!!

  62. PC and Kristen is Heath gone for good???i just love him soooo much and i feel that Zoey and Heath are really meant for each other...i couldn't read the book Tempted when i heard Heath died and i feel crushed!!i know its ridiculous that i cant even look at the book... :(

  63. P.C. and Kristin do you know when Burned is coming out? I just finished Tempted and I was shocked at the ending and it left me in suspense. I can't wait!

    P.s. have fun on your trip

  64. dearr p.c
    i've just finished reading tempted!!!! * sigh another fantastic book with soo much suspense:) i was just wondering: when is burned going to come out???

  65. I have SO many questions! But I will get to them later, first off... wow these books are aMAZING I had a friend recommended it so I asked for the series for Christmas, I got them (yay) And I've finished all 6 books already (I wish I hadn't finished em so soon so I'd have less time to wait for burned) and its the 30th.(proof of how addicting your series is!)
    Well I can sum up my main feeling for what all happened in Tempted: I. Am. Shocked. And I have about a million questions about the series, but the answers would be spoilers and all. But like can you tell me if Loren Blake was only using Zoey or did he care for her at first, then that's when Neferet found out and made him serve her? Idk but I was Team Loren until Stark... Erik never really clicked with me and Heath was ok.
    Also can you say the names of all 12 books? I found some on Wikipedia but I wanted to be sure because their are a LOT of fakes on the web.
    When is the expected release date of Burned?
    Sorry this post is uber-long!

  66. Kirsie - Loren was an adult predator who used Zoey. Kristin and I were using Zoey's story as a warning to young girls. Please keep that in mind.

    I don't even know the names of all of the books. If any site has any title beyond the April 27th book, BURNED, they're making them up.

  67. wow the books are great!! i have a question though.... is Kalona really a fallen angel and lying to Nefret about it or is he just making it up all together??

  68. hey PC&Kristen!
    i found your books while looking for twilight ones as a present for a friend of mine.i picked them up and havent been able to put them down.theyre so addictive and brilliantly written even adults like me, can indulge in a little fantasy!
    i did have a moment of sadness for heath at the end of tempted,i kinda felt he was a little doomed. but he was an interesting character and i hope hes not gone for good...
    anyways i wondered if youre coming to england again soon?if so could you come to waterstones bookstore in coventry?i would love to meet you and have a chat about your books.i found the partholon series addictive too.i particularly like shannon she was ballsy, interesting and definately made me laugh out loud a few times while reading about her.please bring back shannon parker she was a very cool character!
    anyways thanks for a brilliantly written set of books.
    keep up the good work!
    blessed be randomxlisax

  69. PC CAST....

    WOW!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE The House of Night series and wanted 2 personally Thank You and your Daughter for giving us this BRILLIANT series. I have got all my friends into the series and now me and my best friend Angela can't stop talking about it.
    Can't wait till Burned comes out in the UK!

    Thanks Again

    Shauna N.

    Ps. When will you next be touring in the UK?? and ....
    I LOVE Kristin's story Amber Smoke in Immortal Love Story With Bite!! Will She be writing anymore storys soon??


  70. Ok first of all I love your books. Second I was wondering if you had any idea about the titles for your next few books? I like to try and see if I can figure out what the books are going to be about. Though Im normally totally wrong. The books are 10 times better.
