Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another UK event!

Oooh! Here's another UK event! Yea! And check out how cool it looks. So, the details: on Thursday, 13th August, we will be speaking and signing at Ramsgate Library, Guildford Lawn Ramsgate, CT11 9AY at 11.30am. Tickets cost £2. Please call 01843 593532 for more details.

Y'all come out and see us!


  1. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Ah. You should come to LA. Get some sunshine. Haha. I'm Kidding. But seriously, you should come.

  2. Hey it's been WAY to hot in Oklahoma this summer. I'm looking forward to cool and damp!

    I should have the TEMPTED tour cities by the time we get back from the UK. I'll post ASAP. I know we'll be on the west coast, but I don't know where.

  3. Hey PC...I've been checking on your blog everyday to see if you have heard any news about any events in London....nothing yet I guess....I really HOPE you get the dates for your London soon!....REALLY REALLY hope I can catch you and Kristin if you guys stop off in London...=) CANT WAIT FOR TEMPTED! xD

  4. woo. your coming to UK. im in ireland on holidy, but im coming back on the 11th. Its a 2 hour journey for me but well worth it
    I cant wait for tempted, october just wont come.

    ALEX W

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Oh. Its cool here. hehe. hehe.

  6. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Are you going to be coming to Canada? And if you are, are you going to Winnipeg, MB? I live 30-45 minutes from there so I would definitely come!I do anything for signed books!

  7. I would guess we are coming to Canada for our TEMPTED tour. I don't have dates or cities yet, but I'll post as I get them. And, nope, we don't choose where we go - our lovely publisher does that.

  8. i am going to the book signing at Ramsgate Library

  9. Yea! See you there Danielle!

  10. I keep checking your blog for the dates. I can not wait for Tempted.

  11. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Do you always describe your publisher with "lovely"?

  12. Definitely. My publisher is lovely!

  13. If you want damp and wet, england was a good idea.

  14. Hey, are you going to have any tour dates in Scotland? I was so excited when I saw the "UK" part but so far it's only England.. which is at least a three/four hour drive away from me. Gutted. =/

    I'd love to meet you though! Seriously. =P

