Monday, July 06, 2009


I'm having my website rebuilt, so I thought it would be wise to devote a few posts to things you'd usually find on my author site to avoid "under construction" confusion.

I get lots of questions about the other books I've written besides the HOUSE OF NIGHT series. First, I do have a paranormal romance series I've written for Berkley called THE GODDESS SUMMONING BOOKS. At this time there are six of the books available. The seventh book, GODDESS OF CAMELOT, will be released in 2010 (sorry, I don't have a month yet). The GODDESS SUMMONING BOOKS do not have to be read in order, as each stand alone. Some of them do have characters that repeat in other books, but not to the point of confusion. My YA readers should know that these are not young adult books. I consider them at about an R rating for sex and violence (mostly sex).

Here's the list of each book, a little blurb about it, and the ISBN number (that makes it easy to request from any bookstore or library). I'm listing them in order of which was published first to the most recently published book. Here goes:


ISBN: 978-0-425-22688-9
Home alone on the night of her twenty-fifth birthday, USAF sergeant Christine Canady yearned for something to cure her loneliness. After drinking too much champagne, she recited a divine invocation to revive her humdrum life. but how was she to know the spell would actually work?
When her plane crashes into the ocean, CC's life changes forever. She awakens, bewildered, to find herself in a legendary time and place ruled by magic - and in the body of the mythical mermaid Undine. But danger lurks in the water, ready to swallow CC whole. Taking pity on her, the goddess Gaea turns CC into a damsel so that she might seek shelter on land. When a dashing knight comes to CC's rescue, instead of falling for this dream come true, she aches for the sea and the darkly sexy merman who's stolen her heart...


ISBN: 978-0-425-22708+4
Lina's bakery in Tulsa is proving to be less than lucrative - and she needs a plan. When she stumbles upon an Italian goddess's cookbook, Lina can't help but think she's found her answer - even if it means summoning an ancient goddess...
Soon enough, Lina finds herself face-to-face with the goddess Demeter, who proposes that Lina change places with Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, who'll breathe new life into the bakery. In return, Lina, embodying the lovely Persephone, must bring Spring to a world of spirits. But when the handsome, brooding Hades kindles a spark in her heart, Lina wonders whether the dark Lord of the Underworld is her worst nightmare - or the man of her dreams...


ISBN: 978-0-425-22709-1
Tired of dating egomaniacs, interior designer Pamela Gray has nearly given up on men. She wants to be treated like a goddess - preferably by a god. As she whispers her wish, she unwittingly invokes the goddess Artemis, who has some tricks up her celestial sleeve...
Twins Aretmis and Apollo have been sent to the Kingdom of Las Vegas to test their mettle. Their first assignments: make Pamela's wish come true. So Artemis volunteers her golden brother. After all, who better than the handsome Gode of Light to bring love to this lonely woman?
If might be a first, but here in Sin city, where life is a gamble, both god and mortal are about to bet on a high stakes game of love. Hey, you only live once. Or do you?


ISBN: 978-0-425-22710-7
It's not a green thumb that's kept the Empousai family's roses blooming for centuries - it's the drops of blood that their women secretly sacrifice for their gardens. But Mikki would rather forget this family quirk and lead a normal life. Until the day she unwittingly performs a ritual and ends up in the strangely familiar Realm of the Rose. As its goddess, Hecate, reveals to her, Mikki has the blood of a high priestess running through her veins. And the realm has been waiting for her...
It a long ago flash of temper, Hecate cursed her Guardian beast with a slumber that only her priestess can undo - and Hecate is counting on Mikki to set things right. At first the beast terrifies Mikki - but soon he intrigues her more than any man ever has. But the only way he and the realm can be saved for for Mikki to sacrifice her life-giving blood...and herself...


ISBN: 978-0-425-21528-9
My Goddess, does Pea Chamberlain ever need a makeover! her shoes, hair, clothes, makeup are all disasters, especially if she wants to attract uber-sexy fireman Griffin DeAngelo at the firemen's masked ball. And who better to coax Pea out of her pod than the Goddess of Love, who she invokes when she gets her hands on a book of enchantments.
Sure enough, Venus works her magic on Pea, which is what she has been doing for eons - helping others find love. But who will help the Goddess of Love when she finds herself falling for the same sexy fireman she is trying to land for Pea? Could it be that Venus needs a love makeover herself? Check out the fireworks when the Goddess of Love unexpectedly loses her heart...


ISBN: 978-0-425-22137-2
Goddesses Hera, Athena, and Venus have had it up to here with the Trojan War. So much devastation - all because of some silly male egos. The worst of the bunch is Achilles, the Greek champion whose powers have made him practically invincible. To stop him would be to end the war. But the only way to stop a man like Achilles is to distract him - with something far more pleasurable than combat...
The three goddesses seize their chance when a twenty-first-century beauty named Kat and her best friend perish in a car crash in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In no time, they shift the friends' souls into the bodies of a Trojan princess and her handmaiden, having no doubt that Kat will catch Achilles's attention. But can her independent, fiery spirit match the unquenchable fire of his epic rage? Goddess only knows...

Okey-dokey! That's a summary of the Goddess Summoning Books out as of right now. Happy reading!



  1. Will there not be a new cover for Goddess of Love?

  2. Nope, not that I know of.

  3. I just finished the Goddess Summoning Series (while awaiting the next house of night installment). I just have to say this: I love your writing. Obviousely, a few million others do too. I am happy to find myself amongst them.

    You draw perfect characters - real people that chat and feal and grow and change like real people. I dare say you are the first author who has brought tears to my eyes and laughter to my lips.

    Thank you

  4. ItsUp2Us - thank you! What a sweet post. I'm glad you enjoyed my Goddess Summoning Series. Writing them is a pleasure.

  5. I was just curious, why, if you're using Greek characters and affiliations, do you use the Roman goddess Venus in the books?? Why not use Aphrodite, the Greek's Love goddess? She would seem the logical choice, being the base of the Roman's Venus.

  6. Siren - as Venus says in Goddess of Love and Warrior Rising: they're the same deity. She just prefers to be called Venus because Aphrodite seems too flaky. Well, and because it's fiction and I made it up.

  7. I have to tell you how much I an enjoying the Goddess Summoning books!

    You peaked my interest with Greek Mythology, threw in some time travel and some yummy smut! It doesn't get any better than that!

    I grew up in Oklahoma so it also feels like I get a bit of home every time I read. Really, really amazing books.

  8. It is an amazing series. The House of Night is to. I love that you have the goddesses either falling in love or helping others in love. It makes them more human like unlike what mythology portrays.

  9. Thanks Avya! Be sure you check out the book I did for Nocturne, THE AVENGER. It'll be out Oct. 1st. It's very much like a Goddess Summoning Book and it opens at Oklahoma's Tall Grass Prairie (goes from there to Briton 60 AD and Boudicca). I think you'll like it, too.

    Bthompson - one of the things I like most about the Greek/Roman pantheon of gods/goddesses is that they are flawed. I think of them more as superheroes than deities.

  10. I have one book left in the goddess summoning series.

    Hermes is said to be gay in one of the books, and is alleged to be gay in another. I would love to see some kind of a story made for him.

    I myself am gay and enjoy seeing people find their soul mates. I cried when I read the ending of the first book. I hope that you can find a way in the future to find some love for a gay person.

    Maybe Fabio could meet Hermes?

  11. Hi Jonathan - Try the House of Night books. One of the main secondary characters is a great gay guy and he has an amazing boyfriend!

  12. Hello,

    I have a questions about the the goddess summoning books - I heard about one call Goddess by Mistake? Where does that fit in? Also when is the next House of Night book coming out? I loved Tempted - can't wait to read the next one. I love your books they are great! I am going to try the divine series next. thanks.

  13. Hi Dena,
    GODDESS BY MISTAKE isn't a part of the Goddess Summoning Books. It's the original title of DIVINE BY MISTAKE, and the first in that series: DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, and DIVINE BY BLOOD. Happy reading!

  14. Hi! I just LOVED your House of Night series, and GOD im looking foreward to the next book. It beats the popular twilight and harry potter for me :) I were wondering if there is a possibility to read some of the first pages of Goddess of Sea, just to check if its something that would intrigue me. Anyway, keep up the good work. Have demanded your books as chirstmas presents :) Have nice week. "norway"

  15. omg ur the greatest writer ever!!!
    I just fell in love with ur books u and ur daughter r so good! PLEASE write more books I just cant wait for "Burned" in the House of Night Series! Once I finish the Goddess Summoning Series I am lookin forward on readin ur other books! :)
    Thanks! LOVE U!!! <3

  16. You are my favorite author. I have only in the past couple of months started reading and I fell in love with your work. I loved House of Night so much that I have now read the Goddess Summoning books as well. It is really hard to get my hands on your books but once I do I read them over and over. It only takes me one day to read one of your books. I just can't seem to put them down. Other authors have not caught my attention the way you have. Thanks so much for such wonderful books and I can not wait to see more of your work in the future.

  17. i loved the House of Night series and i loved the Goddess Summoning series but i was wondering how many more you and your daughter are going to write in the HON series.

  18. I'm pretty sure she said there were going to be 12 books. Burned comes out the end of this month, and book 8, Awakened is set for fall/winter release last i heard. There are four books yet to be titled

  19. Thank you Siren! You are absolutely correct.


  20. I've just finished reading Goddess of the Sea and It was hard not to finish it all in one sitting!!! I laughed, cried and I'm sure made lots of crazy facial expressions! I was so moved by the story and it's characters I couldn't put it down and I can't wait to let my friend borrow it! You are hands down one of my many favorite authors...I started out with the HON series and just finished Burned. I was poking around the bookstore and saw the Goddess Summoning books. I love anything about the sea so I picked it up and I'm so glad I did! Can't wait to read the others in this series! Thank you so much for your wonderful stories!

  21. p.c have u ever heard of the goddess of the moon? I would put her in one of my books but im not a good writer.

  22. Phoeb - there are several moon goddesses. Since ancient times the moon has been linked to the Divine Feminine.

  23. These books are really good. Are you planning on writing anymore about greek heroes?? (Kind of like Warrior Rising

  24. My roommate got me hooked on the House of Night, I think it took me less then three days to finish Burned. I can't Tell you how hard it was not to spill the beans after I finished. But I wanted to comment on The Goddess of Spring and The Goddess of Light I just finished those two this week and I wanted to say how much I loved them both. I think I cried for at least the last three chapters of The Goddess of Spring. I wasn't expecting that after reading the Goddess of love and Warrior Rising. But I loved it and I was so happy even though I was boo wooing ;) I've got one more book in the series until the next one, but lucky me I didn't start reading until 2010 so I don't have to wait to long XD (by the way, where did you get the expression by the by from?)

  25. Hi Miss Marilyn - thanks, I adore GODDESS OF SPRING, too. You might like to know that I'm in the process of turning each Goddess Summoning Book into a lovely graphic novel. The first of them should be released in December. I'll post more on my blog as I get details. My production company is also working on a screenplay for GODDESS OF THE ROSE, and I've hired the screenwriter for the HoN movies, Kent Dalian, for that as well.

    Oh, and by the by is just something my friends and I say sometimes...

  26. Oh I love house of night series, and I LOVE the goddess summoning series i couldnt put the books down, so far from all the books in the series I love goddess of sea, and warrior rising I just love them cant wait for the next books, your a wonderful writter!

  27. Hey P.C. Cast, I love your books. I'm brazilian, so I don't speak very well, so I hope you understand. Goddess Summoning is gonna be your new sucess here, like HoN novel. I'm really happy about it. You are the best writer i've ever saw. HoN is my best serie, and look, i've read more than 100 books. (Yeah, I'm obcecated for them, I could die if I don't read something, hehe)
    So here go my idea: what you think about make one serie of Angels? I have sure it will be wonderful, and I hope you like my idea. Now Angels are in the top, right? And you must be in the same too. Of course you'll have a brilliant idea 'bout Angels, and will make us freak out waiting the book translated. (In the good way, course)
    Well, I hope you like.
    By your big fan, Luana (my name is really different, don't you think? XOXO)

  28. PC Hi I am Brazilian and I am sending this message by pulling a little English, I hope you understand what is written. I love your books, House of Night is already a success in Brazil have all here on my shelf! And now we launch the Goddess Summoning, I managed to read the first and just LOVE, I hope the release here soon for me to run out and buy! You're a great writer I hope it continues in the line of mythology because they are fantastic! A kiss from a Brazilian fan! Juliana Moreira

  29. I've just read Goddess of Legend and it was my first taster of A Goddess Summoning Novel and I have to say I was very impressed! I love your writing and I have to say the in depth use of heroism and the portrayal of women in this book was astonishing and a hope for all us women out there! I have all of the HoN series so far and cannot wait for Awakened to arrive on the shelves! I know which series I will be reading whilst waiting! I have to say, you are one of my favorite authors; keep up the amazing work,
    Katharine Whitney.. UK.

  30. Hey P. C. Cast!!! I own all of the House of Night, Goddess Summoning, and Divine books that are currently out. You are by far my favorite author. I pretty much read each of your books in one sitting, I could't seem to put them down. I totally agree that Clanfintan is my favorite male character out of all the books I have read, which is alot since reading is something I enjoy very much. I have owned the Divine books for about a year and have already read them four times!!! I can't pick a favorite book but out of the Goddess Summoning series Goddess of Spring is Definetly my favorite, I love the way Hades is portrayed. I can't wait to get to the next book in the House of Night series, I like the fact that you mixed the vampires, magic, and a goddess in the books; this series is very unique and worth reading over and over. Although all your books are worth reading over and over again :)

    Thanks for brightning my days with all your fantastic books!!!!!

  31. I LOVE all your books-that I've read so far-especially the Goddess Summoning Series! Can't wait till this book comes out. I was also wondering, is there ever gonna be one with Ares as the God/Goddess involved? I REALLY hope so because he's my favorite God/Goddess in Greek mythology. Please reply!

  32. I just read "Goddess of the Sea" and have started "Goddess of Light". I'm thoroughly enjoying these books with the new twist on the Olympian gods :) Of course, living in Las Vegas, I can totally relate to a lot of the story in "Goddess of Light".

    You have done a wonderful job and I can't wait to read more of these great books.

  33. i am well and truely addicted to the goddess summoning series, it amazes me how you capture these mythodical beings into truely stunning romance novels. is there by chance going to be any more??
    i also love your house of night, i cant get enough vampire stories and its good to have some different ones for a change :)

  34. Again P. C. Cast you are truly amazing. I have just finished both Awakened and Goddess of Legend. And I must say that out of all of the Goddess Summoning Series the Goddess of Legend is by far my favorite one. And I cannot even begin to explain why. I do not even know what the really story is behind Camelot and King Arthur but your story was absolutely beautiful. I really hope there are many more books to come in this series in the near future. And as for Awakened, you and Kristen make a really great team. I cannot wait for Destined to come out. I will be waiting as patiently as I can for November to get here. I have now convinced several people I know to read your series and they have all fell in love with almost as much as I love them. You are my most favorite author of all time. Thank you for your continued hard work. –Tracey Sweet, from New Whiteland, IN, USA

  35. i am currently waiting for the next house of night to be realeased, and i have just finished the goddess of partholon novels and am now starting the goddess summoning series... i love your books and was just wondering is there another book after brigthd's quest (goddess of patholon) because your books are the first that i have really enjoyed.
    Thank you

  36. is there another book after brighd's quest... i heard you were thinking of writing another book.

  37. CIARA'S DESTINY is in my head. Getting time to put it on paper is the problem. Hopefully I can work it in some time in the near future!

    Glad you enjoyed Partholon!

  38. hello, i just had to tell you that i love your books P.C Cast! As i read your books they take me into a whole other world i just wish i could be a part of. I was wondering if there will be any more books written for the goddess summoning series?

  39. I'd like to write more Goddess Summoning Books, but finding the time is going to be difficult.

  40. Dear PC,
    I am absolutely in love with your writing. I have read the House of Night series and The Divine series, but I have to say the Goddess Summoning series has left me speechless. Each and every one of these books has left me in awe and amazement. I cant even decide which one is my favorite because I love each and every one of the equally. It was an amazing experience and adventure taking a trip into your world of mythology. You are an amazing author and by far my favorite, you truly do have a way with making these adventures come to life! I hope you decide to add another installment to this series in the future! Thank you so much once again!
    Love, Brittney Nelson

  41. I have read all the house of night books and loved them so now I am going to read these books. You and your books have got me to read I never read before I read the house of night book now I read all the time. I love you and your book and now I write my own just not as good

  42. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I have read both your divine series and goddess summoning series and i swear taht brought you to my number one spot author spot. i love how you write great characters how they develope how they find love (emotionally and physically) and everything is gorgeous. is there going to be any more books in any of these two series or any other similar ones to them. hope you keep on having success in your career and keep writing novels for us. THANK YOU! :)

  43. Hey hey.
    You're an awesome writer, been a big fan for a few years. I stumbled upon Goddess of the Rose first, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to get a new copy, for the binding is pretty much gone... :) I am an avid reader of the HON series as well, but I just NEED to know, are you going to continue to release books in the Goddess Summoning series..?? I love them all so much.

  44. Wauw, I picked up goddes of love in the american bookstore and just fell in love with the book, now i bought the whole serie and almost finished it. so that leaves me with one important question; are there going to be more books in this serie? I seriously hope so!
    thanks for making my 'reading life' so much fun!
    lots of love

  45. I love all your Goddess summoning books and the Divine ones as well. Is there any chance you may get them done in audio format in the future? I love being able to listen to my favorite books while cleaning the house and driving and such. Thanks so much and keep up the wonderful work you do.

  46. Hi Crystal,
    I love those books, too, and really wish they were out in audio. (I'm a big fan of audio books!) Sadly, authors don't have any control over which books their publishers choose to bring out in audio. All I can do is hope along with you...

  47. Hey PC!

    I just got finished reading DIVINE BY MISTAKE and I loved it so much that I almost cried when I read the bake of DIVINE BY CHOICE and found out Shannon gets thrown out of Partholon just as she was becoming a part of it. but your the author and I can't complain. just wanted to blog and say your awesome!

  48. David - I love the Partholon books, too! Get your kleenex ready for DbC...

  49. I would just like to tell you that i love your books and, after reading all of them, this serires has to be my number one, but really close to the Parthalon series.
    I love the Goddess of summoning books. There so dark, mysterious and sexy. There really aren't that many authors out there that force me to take the day off college to finish a book! I know its really really bad but I had to know how it ended I couldn't help it!
    I have tried to find other authors out there that are similar to your books but I can't find any!!!
    I LOVE 'EM!!!
    One day you need to come over to London and do a book signing because I'd love to come and meet you in person!! :D

  50. I have read every one of your books and anxiously await the next ones but truly wish for more partholon and goddess summoning books more than HoN I know vamps are popular right now and I love that series but I'm a sucker for the classics and the spin u put on those worlds hits my heart just right!

  51. Will there be anymore Goddess Summoning books after Legend? I'm very anxious to know they're my favourites along with your Divine/Parthalon which I'm also curious to know if there will be anymore of them as well.

  52. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I am a very big fan of yours.
    Your House Of Night series has to be my all time fav of all the books i ever read i have them all 2 times over i have them on my bookshelf and on my kobo.
    I am looking for more of your book series and was wondering what you would suggest??

  53. Dulcea - I hope so. I just have to find the time to write them.

    Jackie - well, obviously I recommend my Goddess Summoning Books (as well as my other books).

  54. omg I love the Goddess Summoning books infact i have almosted read them all (just got Goddess of Love to go!) i basically read a book a day, i just can't put the books down!

    pretty please wright! i'm so attachd to this books your amazing!

    best wrighter ever!!!

  55. Will there be anymore Goddess Summoning Books? I absolutely adore them!

  56. Dulcea - I love writing the Goddess Summoning Series, and there are at least two more I have already plotted. Right now I'm focused on finishing the House of Night, but afterwards I wouldn't be surprised if I wrote those other two books. So, stay tuned!

  57. I read all of the Goddess Summoning Seris. When will there be a book for Artemis and some of the other Goddess/Gods? It took me less than a week to read all your Books and reread them they were so good! Your an amazing writer!! Can't wait to escape into more of your wonderful works! Feel as if I am there with the Chacters in the books! Keep up the hard work!!!

  58. Hi, I have such a high respect for your writing, you're so talented!
    I love all the goddess summoning books, and the divine series. Please please write more goddess or divine books! I live in Australia & would love to meet you if you decide to tour here, but I do believe I'd love to read more of your goddess characters more!
    I am always brought to tears of despair or joy whenever I read your novels, it's hard to find any other goddess novels out there so I hope you continue.
    Maybe a story around Atlantis someday? The goddess of the sea was inspired!

  59. Will there ever be an 8th book?

  60. P.C., I absolutely love the Goddess Summoning series! They are my favorite books! Where did the inspiration to portray the Gods & Goddesses the way you did come from? I hope you write more Goddess books!
