Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oooh! A contest! Free HoN stuff! Ooooh!

In celebration of TEMTED being finished, THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK almost being finished, my stress level going way down along with my grumpy level, I've decided to run a very cool CONTEST because I have the most awesome and creative fans EVER. And I'm going to give away stuff! Cool House of Night stuff!

So, here are the details:
1) The contest will be for who can create the coolest vampyre tattoo, photograph it, and send it to my lovely new personal assistant, Camden Clark at

2) You may enter as many times as you'd like, but each tattoo has to be unique.

3) No, for this contest I won't take sketches. But don't despair artists - I'll run a contest for you after this one (and don't worry - I have plenty of cool HoN stuff!).

4) The pictures must be real people and not computer generated images, but you may photoshop them. Holly's picture in the previous post, and beautiful Iona's picture in this post are good examples of what I'm looking for.

5) The contest begins immediately and will run until midnight, central time, on July 31st.

6) Camden will collect the entries and give them to me, and then I'll pick the winners. I'll probably award the first three places and perhaps an honerable mention.

7) I will judge the photos on: origionality, creativity, and general coolness.

8) PRIZES! I'll be giving away a signed set of the HoN books, tee shirts, and jewelry. FYI: The Fire Goddess, my wonderful jeweler who does exclusive work for the HoN, has created a NEW PIECE OF JEWELRY for the October release of TEMPTED. It's a pendant of Nyx, and it is amazing! The pendant won't be available for purchase until October, but the lucky winner of this contest will receive the piece early! Yea!

9) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE IN THE US TO ENTER. The HoN is currently published in 22 countries around the world. You may enter from anywhere!

Good luck! I can't wait to see what you come up with!



  1. Ooooh this is going to be so much fun!

    I am totally going to try and enter!!

  2. Hey PC,

    I want to enter it too! But I have a really big problem, and it's embarrassing...I don't know how to make the tattoos and put them on my face on Photoshop.

  3. Andrea - sorry, can't help you as I'd be clueless about how to do it. You could draw them on your face (or a friend's face) and take the picture that way, though, which is what I'd have to do.

  4. PC Cast,

    Im gonna seriously enter this competition i love the House of night series

    Charley xx

  5. Thats what I did, I just drew it on my face with eyeliner and took a picture

  6. kl Im totally going to try to enter


  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Like I need an excuse to draw on myself. (My hands are always covered in notes becasue I can't remember to carry a notepad.)

    So, I have a little something to ask. Over the past few months I've been laying the ground work for a network of aspiring authors named, TheGenerationW. The goal is to put ourselves out there as young writers. We're planning on launching a blog for musings on writing and interviews with authors. So we were hoping that once we've got things set up and pretty, that maybe you'd drop by whenever you have some time for an interview with some spunky authors-to-be?


  8. No problem JT. Just let me know when.


  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Ah, crap. I suck @ p-shop. Ah well. I'll wait till the next contest (I'm a much better artist than computer-dude/geek :P)

  10. Ohh I can't wait for this PC!!!! Tattoos on faces and unique. Well got some pics but gonna make some more :].

  11. Is it just for the USA?

  12. Hi Airis - Nope, anyone can enter from anywhere around the world!

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    PC! Thank you for putting my photo on the main, it's really made my day. (:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  14. Hi PC. Awesome contest, I'll get to practise with my makeup! I love your series, I think they're totally awesome and I ♥ Erik!
    But I've got something else I need the answer to, if you don't mind. I am 14, and I'm editing the first in a series of books I've dreamt about writing all my life. I started writing the book November 2008, about a month prior to when I started reading the HoN books. The problem is that I want to get published, but my book is similar to yours. I had the whole concept planned out before reading Marked, but it seems that my concept is very similar to that of the House of Night. I'm scared of writing to agents, because even if I did get an agent, I may get accused of plagiarism. Cross my heart, I never intended to make my series so close to yours. And when I mean close, it really is, because my room-mate (SKye Waters) and Stevie Rae are similar (except Skye isn't into country, she's a total tomboy), but there are more reasons than this.
    I was just wondering, except from changing parts of my plot and the characters I love, is there any other way to dodge this? My plot isn't completely the same, e.g, I don't have rituals and stuff, but I still think it's close enough for people to recognise something that I didn't intend, especially with JK being accused of copying from The Adventures of Willy the Wizard again.
    Thank you for your time! It is really really really appreciated.

    Blessed be. -

  15. Hi Rebecca - one of my literature professors once told me "There are really only three stores: man versus man, man versus nature, and man versus himself." I've never been concerned about anyone plagiarizing me. My voice is unique, as are my worlds. I can tell you that you'll have little to no chance of being taken seriously and actually published if your voice and your world aren't unique. There are lots of people writing vampire stories. Out of that group, there aren't lots that are successfully being published. My advice to you is to focus on finding your own voice and telling your own story, then it shouldn't be possible for your writing to be too similar to any other authors, even if it's written in the same genre and has some of the same elements: i.e., vampires, teenagers, a school, etc.

    And remember, you really can't do anything with your work until you have a novel length, fully polished manuscript completely ready to begin submitting to agents and editors. Believe me, if you're sounding too much like the House of Night they'll tell you.

    Best of luck to you,

  16. :) Thank you PC. I understand. I know everyone has their own voice and way of telling a story, and I fully understand that, but I was just concerned at people who maybe do not understand that. A lot of people may go thinking the total opposite, and thinking that plagiarism is mainly to do with anything in two books which is similar plot-wise. My plot contains different things to yours, and I am telling a different story in my own character. I really hope I grow up to become an author.

    Thank you ever so much. I really do appreciate your time, and may I say, I cannot wait for Tempted! I'm counting down!

    Thanks again.


  17. This contest sounds really cool! However, I was curious as to whether the tattoos must be only on the face or can they be on someones arm or hand since Zoey has tattoos on places other than her face.

    Kelsey H.

  18. P.C
    THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I've been trying to get a copy of the Marked series forever! I CANT WAIT TO ENTER!

    Pria Jackson

  19. Kelsey - tattoo placement is entirely up to you.


  20. I've entered!! My face was red raw when I finished, lol, because I had to keep scrubbing off the excess eyeliner! I love the marks, they're all so unique!

  21. Now that would be a cool birthday present :D. I will see what I can come up with. The tattoo must be painted on the person right? I can't wait till Tempted is out (on my Birthday). I have read the other 5 book 4 times now. Any clues as to when the handbook will be released? Thanks for the great books.


  22. Hi Erin - I'm not sure when in 2010 THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK will be out, but I'll be sure to post updates here as soon as I know them.

  23. All right thank you for the quick reply. I will see what I can do for the contest. Its such a great idea whom ever thought of it should be given a raise. :D


  24. Ooooh! I thought of it! I get a raise!

  25. Nice! I'm in!
    I'm a new reader from the Argentinian Patagonia, just found the HoN Series. 2 weeks ago I read Marked, and I'm about to pick up (read the e-book actually, these books didn't get here yet) Betrayed!
    I wrote a review for Marked:

    Now all I have to do if find someone willing to let me paint her/his face and take a pic! lol

    I'll try my best!
    xo, Ella

  26. I'm definatly going to enter. Oh, and PC your books are wonderful!!! Can't wait for Tempted!!!

  27. Woo Hoo! I entered! I have Cherokee in my blood and reading this series really made me realize I have so many neat things to learn about my culture! Thank you for instilling that in me! Do you have that in your family? It just played such a big part in your book!

  28. Oh and you should do a spotlight on five entries a week or something. Just a suggestion :)

  29. Oooh! Spotlighting cool entries is a good idea! I'll pass it along to Camden and have them posted.

  30. PC this is so cool! I am deffiantly going to enter :)
    If tempted is finished early does that mean it will come out early as well :D?

  31. book-horse-girl: Books have to be turned in early to go through the publication process. No way will it be released early. October 27th is a firm date.

  32. Moment please.

    Let me understand again. Im live in Mexico, i can enter to contest?

    Regards and kisses!

  33. Savitri - Yes! You absolutely may enter the contest! Just email your photo to Camden. Good luck!

  34. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Okay, I would like to enter this contest today and I have a design for me and my brother(who is luckily allowing me to do a pic of him;thank god!) but I'm in Manitoba,Canada. Can I still do this contest? I'm not obviously in the U.S and when I try to enter other contests they say I have to be American. But I really want to. Can I?

  35. Hi PC!
    I don't know if you remember me. I'm Vera and I'm from Portugal.
    Do you know that 'Betrayed' will only be in our shops in September? I'm looking forward to that day... I just wish I could find your books in English, so I could read the rest of them, but I don't find them anywhere!
    (I'm sorry again about my English... I'm better reading than writing =P. I've probably made mistakes in the prepositions) XD

  36. Katrina - of course you may enter the contest! We're published in 22 countries; I wouldn't consider leaving any of them out, especially not our Canadian neighbors, eh!

    Hi Vera - sorry you're having to wait so long for Betrayed. Your English is just fine! No worries!

  37. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Okay, Thanks so much. I'm so glad I can do this. Your stories inspired me to make different intricate designs and try to attempt to write a novel.

    I just finished doing the pictures and I will be emailing them. I know this is off subject but my brother ACTUALLY let me do one of the marks on him and he liked the design I did. That was surprising for me.

  38. PC, I was wondering if you were going to visit they 3 winners because that would be an AWESOME prize. Also, I wanted to know if you were going to be coming to California anytime soon. (I didnt know about your websites until April of this year.) Can you please let me know? [I am definitley entering the contest, I am drawing on my friends face with eyeliner]


  39. Marked Girl - no, it's not possible for me to visit the winners. I don't know whether our TEMPTED tour will take us to California or not. My publisher decides where we'll go, and I think it's too early for them to have chosen the cities. Keep an eye on my blog (and get the newsletter through the website); I'll post tour information as soon as I know it.

  40. Whoa! Awesome. The ironic thing was just yesterday I had my friend tattoo me with a tattoo I designed from reading your books.


    I'll be sure to send my entry in soon!

  41. Hey guys, sorry this is off topic but can you guys check out my School Vampire Story please? Here's the link
    Hope it's OK, please comment.
    Anyway, cool contest. I'm atually doing that kind off thing for my Art coursework cause we have to do a magazine cover or an advert using people cuase its portrait. Anyway I'm doing a Marked movie advert. :D

  42. HPFan - please check out my advice for aspiring authors in this blog. There is even a link on the front page to the entry. Good luck.


  43. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Hey P.C.,

    I know you are busy and everything but would you be able to look at my story on my blog? It is only in two chapters at the moment and it is basically just the structure of it so it isn't much but would you be able to let me know what you think? It will probably never be published but I dreamt of a story like this and I decided to write it so it is basically a dream of mine on paper.

    So if you want to check it out here's the link.

    It isn't a direct link but it is the website to get on it and there is two parts so far.The first is the summary and the second is the first two chapters.

    You're are one of my hero's!


  44. Katrina - as I said in the comment right before your post, I dedicate an entire blog to advice for aspiring authors. The link is on the front page of my blog.

  45. i think i'm gonna make a tattoo for Shaunee!!! YAY! I Really like her! Also i lurve your series PC! I'm already on the fourth book and i started like a month or two ago! I finished the third one yesterday! I'm soo happy to talk to you! I wanted to tell you that because me and my friend love the HoN we are gonna have a Full Moon Ritual on the full moon in August! Isn't that awesome!?!? My friend is sorta like Stevie Rae and she is gonna represent Earth! And i'm gonna cast the circle! My other friend is gonna represent Fire though she is nothing like Shaunee. I'm not sure if my guy friend is gonna be air...and he IS NOT gay like Damien!!! I do have one question, how should i pick someone for water do you ahve any personality trates that i should look for in the person or should they be like a "Twin" to the person for fire? I'm not sure....
    Thanks PC
    You're my role model!!

  46. Anyone who is willing can represent an element. You don't have to pick according to personality. Have fun!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. P.C u had said a Contest for ur Fledglings tatoos was for photos this time, but will u b going to allow artists to Sketch The designs of ur Fledglings in another Contest.? if so id love to enter the contest, Plus i love ur Books. :D Cant wait till TEMPTED!

  49. Hey, this is cool, but I have no creativity when it comes to drawing random designs... however, I rock at the computer! As in, making videos and photoshoping... and making websites... lol, so I guess what I'm trying to say is that what about a contest for us geeks out there who love to make videos? Like, a trailer contest for Marked or something like that, you know? I would probably win... lol

  50. Hey PC. I was just wondering if it would be possible for you to do an interview for a blog me and a few other writers share. I'd mail you the questions over e-mail or something. Or should I ask Camden first?
    Anyway, the blog in question is TWFT (Teens Writing For Teens) which is a group of teen writers from all over the world who avidly read and write books.
    If you can't, I won't be offended, I know you are trés trés busy n'all.
    Merry meet!
    Rebecca - TWFT

  51. Hi Rebecca - I'd be happy to do the interview. Why don't you send 5 questions to Camden at and she'll forward to me. Just be sure they're 5 questions I haven't already answered on my blog or my sites.

    Yasemin & Jenn - those are great ideas. I'll tell you what, I'll run contests back-to-back leading up to the release of TEMPTED. An artists' contest and a video contest. Stay tuned for details! Well done you!

  52. PC,
    Hey its me again! I was wondering if you had to include the crescent moon? And if so should it be filled in or not....I know if it has designs around it it should be filled in but i was planning on making one on my arm like Zoey and normally the crescent is on the face, so......
    Help ME!

  53. You're right - it's only on the face the crescent has to be included.

  54. Anonymous8:32 PM

    goddess of luuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Haha, ring any bells P.C.?
    Hint- Warrior rEYEsing

  55. LL - oh, heehees! Isn't that video hilarious?! We'll be taping a new Author Talk next month. Sooooo funny!

  56. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I know! I just saw it today (while I was in class -eeesh). Gena and you are just hilarious! And that other person... Jill? Sorry, I forgot her name. So what is you and Kristen's favorite Gena Showalter book? Blacklisted? (Cuz that's Erin's or Shaunee's... one of them's at least.)

  57. LL - Jill Monroe is the main interviewer. Both she and Gena are good friends of mine and Kristin's. Hum...I think I like her Lords of the Underworld series the best, but she has a new YA coming out with Harlequin Teen (where I also have some YA fantasy novels being released starting in September) called INTERTWINED, and it's very cool. You'll have to check it out and let me know what you think. Actually, I'll do a blog about the book as we get closer to release, which I think is July or August.

    Glad you appreciated the humor. Not all of my teen fans got that it was a spoof. You should check out the rest of the Author Talks. The one with Kresley Cole (EXCELLENT paranormal romance author) is probably my favorite, and I have a cameo in it...hees...

  58. hey PC,
    so i have a 2 questions for you. One is that i do not understand when the deadline is, is it july 31st at midnight? i know it is a stupid question. my other question is that could the person entering (me) do the tattoo on someone else like my friend and send it in? thanks for taking the time to look at this and reply when you can or you can email me at

  59. Chy - as I said in the rules, the contest ends MIDNIGHT CENTRAL TIME JULY 31ST. Whoever sends in the picture is the person who enters.

  60. Does it matter where you live, like country wise?

  61. Elisa - nope. You may enter from anywhere.

  62. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Yes, I noticed the Kresley Cole one. Why didn't you play in the whole thing?
    Yeah, people just don't know parodies these days... Sigh... Jk. I don't know where that came from : P
    Have you read Gena's Atlantis series? Their my favorites of her's. (Is that correct grammar?) Eeesh.

  63. I didn't want to make Kresley's about me and not her. Plus, hers was hilarious as Jill wrote it. Gena's interpretive dance made me cry I laughed so hard.

    I'm behind on my romance reading and her Atlantis books are in my TBR stack.

  64. ------------------------------>

    is completely stoked!!!! *runs around the room* This is a wonderful idea!

    Love the books and keep up the great work!

    I just LOVE how you used the Cherokee culture in the series because I'm part Cherokee (also Chickasaw) and it just hit home! I love anything having to do with the Cherokee culture. Thanks for a wonderful series!


  65. Dear PC,

    Must It be a picture of ourselves or may it be a Online model who posts pictures as a stock for anyone to use and edit, a

  66. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I laughed real hard, also. Jeez, the author talks are hilarious!


    When's the next one coming out?

  67. LL - the next Author Talk should be out some time this month. We're filming it next week.

    FAB - I'm not comfortable with using stock pictures. It needs to be yourself or a friend who gives you permission. I'm sensitive to copyright infringement in any form, as too many people think it's okay to steal books and music via the internet. I wouldn't want to take a chance on that with a person's photo.

  68. first off, i love your books.
    second, i loved them so much my moms lovin them too... seriously she wont stop reading them.

    i couldnt do photo shop.. to complicating. but i expoed my face and i think i did good on the three i did.
    my cats in one >_<

    r u planning on making these a movie?? i seen some of ur characters on ur other site and i love the people! (specially stark)

  69. Hi Ashta - I devote an entire blog entry to the movie question. The link is on the front page.

    Good luck in the contest!

  70. Im going to have so much fun doing mine! :)

  71. hey pc,
    on the characters jack and damien i think damien should be a goth,but he doesnt take it to far in that area.and jack should be kinda emoish...thats how i picture them in my head while reading.

  72. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Just wanted to come by and leave some love from So Cal. I just started reading the House of Night series about 3 weeks ago and have finished all 5. I can't wait for TEMPTED. You both have realed me in. Even at first glance in the book store i was completely drawn in. Thanks for writing books I'm actually interested in reading and truly enjoy. I'll be getting my copy of TEMPTED as soon as its in stores.

    Thanks again,
    Amber D.

  73. Hey PC,
    This looks like a really cool contest...i'm gonna try to enter :)

    I just had a question, do I have to draw it myself...or could I like find shapes on the internet and put them all together...then add it to my face using photoshop or something?

  74. You can use photoshop on your picture - that's fine.

  75. THANK YOU P.C.! -glomps- you have no idea how long I've been waiting for a contest like this,even if I had to redo my tattoo 20 billion times.(Apparently, eyeliner is not the best thing to use for stuff like this. Oh well!) My friend, Alexx, and I are waiting eagerly for Tempted!

  76. Hello Ms. Cast

    Just wanted to Drop a line to say hi before i lose my internet for a while. by a week from Monday i should be state side ;)
    I entered a Picture i did of my wife
    the 1st day i already had it done lol
    Well Blessed be y'all.
    Your Friend in IRAQ (not for much longer)

  77. This Comment is for : Vera

    Vera said "I just wish I could find your books in English, so I could read the rest of them, but I don't find them anywhere!"

    If she can email me @ As soon as i get my personal geer when i get to the states i would love to send the what books she needs. someone once sent me a book i wasn't able to get. would love to return a favor. Blessed Be y'all

  78. That's very sweet of you Gary! Are you home today or a week from today? Please let us know when arrive safely.


  79. HEY PC !!!
    um ... i just read about the contest ... but im not so sure how to enter ...
    i mean, how do i post my pic ?? im clueless, i know, but thats just me :P
    LOVE UR BOOKS !!!!
    - xoxoxoxox -

  80. Neusha - revisit the directions for the contest:
    1) The contest will be for who can create the coolest vampyre tattoo, photograph it, and send it to my lovely new personal assistant, Camden Clark at

    Just attach the picture to an email and send it to Camden.

  81. Anonymous11:15 AM

    hey p.c., i was just wondering when the contest ends?

  82. I entered last night. It was so much fun drawing on my face and other people's faces, too!

    I love the HoN series!

  83. Hii!
    I'm from Spain , is this a problem for the contest?
    Thank you:)

  84. Maromanog - this contest ended quite a while ago...

  85. this is amazing im soooo gonna join a contest
