Monday, July 06, 2009


To continue my posts meant to avoid confusion caused by my author site,, being under construction, I'm blogging about the other series I've written apart from the HOUSE OF NIGHT.

This next series is a trilogy of fantasy books published by LUNA (Harlequin's single title fantasy imprint). The books will be released exclusively for Borders starting with DIVINE BY MISTAKE in August, DIVINE BY CHOICE in September, and DIVINE BY BLOOD in October. In November all three will be available everywhere.

I love this series - it's funny and sexy and great adventure. It's also not written for a YA audience. So, again, please be aware of the adult content, which I'd rate at about R for sex and violence.

Here are the lovely covers with the blurbs. Enjoy!


  1. and when is come to chile??
    I want to read! I Love house of night, I read Marcada (marked) and I'm traying to find the second...

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    HAHA FIRST TO COMMENT! Is this series a reprint, because I noticed that there is another cover art for the divines...

  3. Hi Vicky - I wish I knew when they're coming to Chile, but I have no clue. Hopefully soon!

    LL - yes, they were published several years ago with limited distribution. I think two of the three titles are out of print right now. This will ensure they're widely available. Yea!

  4. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Aww Damn. I thought I was first... :(

  5. all right more books for my hungry mind!! and again, R rated, EVEN MORE REASON TO CELEBRATE!! can't wait to get my hands on these! you are amazing, Mrs. Cast! ^^

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Jesus, Ava.

  7. OMG I am SOO excited about these books!! I can't wait, I've been searching for them forever! I only got to read them through a friend. They are amazing. I am SOOO SO glad they are being reprinted. Thanks PC :)

  8. Im not really a young adult, i'm 30 and I LOVED the HoN series and can not wait until the next relsease. I've told everyone I know about this series...I told them it's way better and more intriging than the Twilight series...which I also loved.

  9. I really can't wait!! I love the HoN books and am anxiously awaiting Tempted! This series sounds awesome! By the way, I have a blog that talks about vampire/vampyre and fantasy books. Its
    I'm sorry but I had to get a little shameless advertising in somehow.

  10. I was wondering if the Goddess By Mistake will be republished. I have had a hard time finding this and others. I have enjoyed and loved all of you books I have found and read so far.

  11. Lena - DIVINE BY MISTAKE is GODDESS BY MISTAKE. I just rewrote it and changed the title. It's basically the same book, just updated.

    Happy reading!

  12. I just finished the first 2. Reading some of the reviews in GoodReads, it was mentioned that there is more books in this series (or maybe spin offs). Is that so and what are the names?

  13. Tina - the two YA books in the blog a couple up from this one, ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST are set in Partholon, too. Enjoy!

  14. Just read Divine by Mistake and Divine by Choice. I like how the idea of these stories helped make the Teen series. But I really like the adult version a wee bit better, being that I'm close to Shannon's age in the book. More like older sister, much older. LOL. Yep! I do like those Okies, such nice people

  15. Glad you like the books Sherry! Partholon is a lot of fun to play in.

  16. I finished the Divine series a week ago and this weekend I finished Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest. The books were wonderful!!! I love Partholon! At the end of Brighid's Quest it was left as if you might write more within this series. Are you? I also love HON series which I am now waiting for Burned. But I really was wondering if you were going to do more with Partholon?

  17. I was wondering if you are thinking about writing a 4th book to the divine trilogy? The divine trilogy is one of my ALL time favorites. I just finish Divine by blood and I want to know what happens with Morrigan and Kegan :) Also, I just have to say you are my favorite author. You are an amazing writer I have enjoyed The house of night and ALL your Goddess books. Loved goddess of the sea :) Hope your considering writing a 4th book for the divine :)

  18. Hi Jennifer!
    I love the DIVINE books, too. I will always be happy to return to the world of Partholon, and I do have the outline for CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. It's finding the time to write it that's the problem...

  19. Is Divine Beginnings going to come out as a book or only an e-book? I'm from Australia and haven't come across this as an actual book anywhere including online. I can not stand e-books so just seeing if it will eventually be on book if it isn't already.

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hey I'm reading Divine By Mistake, I'm Irish and I noticed that a few of the names of places are Irish words like ufasach from ufasach marsh means awaful and geal from geal river means bright which you did mention in the book, it's cool!

  21. So far i'm working on the new burned book that just came out from the HoN series, the anticipation killed me, really. I've also already read Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest, i loved both. I can't wait to get my hands on the other two Divine By: books. You truly are a great author. You've got me hoooooked :D

  22. I am a very big fan of your books! I love the House of Night Series, but my true passion belongs to the Divine Series. I am a woman in her late 20s who can relate to the Shannon Parker character in a very eerie way. I felt an instant connection to her and saw much of myself in her, which transformed the books for me. I experienced the series as if I was the Shannon Parker in your story. Even though I finished the series, my mind and heart will not let me let go of Shannon Parker’s story. I lay awake at night because so many questions are running through my mind, so I decided to put those questions down on paper. Maybe, (keeping my fingers crossed) these questions might entice you to finish out the rest of Shannon Parker’s story??????? I know you are a busy woman working on AWAKENED and other stories, but perhaps there is a small part of you who wants to walk in the shoes of Shannon Parker for one more book??? I can only hope! I am very aware that this would be a bit hard because you have already written other books like “Divine by Blood,” “Elphame’s Choice,” and “Brighid’s Quest,” that have moved on with other characters in Partholon. Even if there is no more Shannon, maybe you could answer some of my questions. I will post my questions right after I post this.

    Again, I thank you for such a wonderful series and do apologize about all the questions. I had to get them on paper so they wouldn’t keep wondering aimlessly through my mind. I also understand that you might not post this on your blog because it is so large and talks about R rated material, so I am giving you my email address if you would like to respond to this outside of your blog.

  23. Shannon & ClanFintan
    1. What other forms can/has ClanFintan shape-shifted into?
    2. Did he ever know Rhiannon was pregnant with his child?
    3. Did Rhiannon end up having sex with young ClanFintan in his centaur form? Did that mean because he was in the form of a centaur, the baby would have been born as a centaur?
    4. As Shannon and ClanFintan become more aware of each other does Shannon find a way to pleasure him in his Centaur form?
    5. Now that Shannon has become more aware of her powers, can she see everyone’s auras?
    6. Does she ever have that same amazing aura sex with ClanFintan as she did with Clint?
    7. What other powers have manifested with the growth of her love in Epona?
    8. Was Epi successfully bred? Who was the stud and how did the foal turn out?
    9. How did the building of the Centaur quarters turn out at Epona’s Castle?
    10. I know in “Divine by Blood” you have Shannon still using the name Rhiannon, but if you wrote another book continuing with Shannon’s life in Partholon; would you finally have Shannon tell her people that she was Shannon and not Rhiannon? So that she can be recognized in her own light instead of living in the shadow of Rhiannon? How would the people take it?
    11. How is the growth of the other castles; after ClanFintan re-established them?
    12. Does Shannon ever visit with the Goddess Incarnate Muse of Comedy Thalia, who knew she was Shannon all along? Does Thalia think it wise to tell the people of Partholon who Shannon really is? If they did, would Shannon have to do any rituals/ceremonies to solidify her as the Goddess Incarnate of Epona? We obviously know Shannon is Epona’s choice, but would she have to do something for the people of Partholon?
    13. What does Epona think about having Shannon tell the people about who she really is?
    14. Does Shan ever talk to Tarah about becoming a dance student at the Temple?
    15. Why was Terpsichore so mad with Shannon in the beginning? Obviously we know A LOT of people didn’t like Rhiannon, but was there something more that sets her apart from the rest? I felt like even though a lot of people didn’t like her, they kept their mouth shut. Terpsichore seemed very open with the fact that she didn’t like Rhiannon in the beginning of the series.
    16. Does ClanFintan tell her about his growing up and show Shannon where he lived, so Shannon knows his past?
    17. Does Shannon ever find a way to make or show ClanFintan a marshmallow?
    18. Does Shan ever get to save ClanFintan for a change? I loved how she told him to shape-shift in the quicksand and helped him out, and how she went after the Fomorians and then tackled ClanFintan into the water.
    19. Since Shannon is the Goddess Incarnate of Epona, could Epona grant Shannon the ability to shape-shift into a centaur every (x-amount) of times to pleasure ClanFintan in his centaur form; maybe as a surprise to ClanFintan, or as a gift from Epona because she is pleased with him?
    20. What other “fun sex” have Shannon and ClanFintan come up with?
    21. On page 384, Chapter 6, PART 3: Victoria talks to Shannon about their handfast. “That duty alone made you mate with ClanFintan, which is why it is only a handfast and not a permanent marriage covenant.” Shannon goes on to say, “What started out as duty has changed. Much like a handfast can be changed into a permanent covenant.” Do Shannon and ClanFintan finally enter into a permanent marriage? Is there a big celebration?

  24. Carrie,
    I'd love to return to Partholon and plan to write Ciara's Destiny when I can find the time. As to your list of questions, I either answered them in the books or will in future books. Thanks for your enthusiasm!


  25. Hi there P.C,
    I wanted to know if there are talks about the Divine Series becoming a movie? I really think that it would translate well from a book to a movie with all the mystical things that happen in the book!!!


  26. i love all ur books i was so lost for things to read until a friend that works in the libary recommened ur books, so i started to reading HoN books first then found the divine trilogy. i love how these books are perfect for everyone from teenages to grown women...ive even got lads at work reading them. im just reading Elphames choice and can not put it down. i hope u have more planned or i will be lost all over again. thank you x

  27. Hi!
    I really loved this series and I also love HON. I was wondering if you would ever consider continuing Morrigan and Kegan's story in Oklahoma. I really loved this last book and would love to read more about these two! thanks!

  28. Hey there! LOVE the DIVINE series, as do many others I'm sure. I'm just wondering if this series will ever be a movie. The images you describe are so brilliant it would be a shame not to see them on the big screen. (Plus I'm dying to see the hollywood version of ClanFintan's sexy horse butt) :)

    Can't want to read your other series!

  29. Will there be movies of your divine by series I am a male and I love your powerful story line I'm in divine by blood I cried when myrna died your descriptive ablities are amazingly strong I love this 3 book series and would love to see the movies if there were to be any :)

  30. Well, first, thanks for liking this series. I totally adore Partholon! Yes, I'd like to return there and write CIARA'S DESTINY - just gotta find the time!

    Regarding movie news - there is none for this series. Yet. I'd be open to it if the right producer approached me. We'll see what happens after the HoN movies start being released. I'd love love love to see Shannon and ClanFintan on screen!

  31. I'm currently reading divine by mistake almost down and I'm about to buy the sequel but I found out that the last book in the series wasn't fully about Shannon and I'm so heartbroken. Both Shannon and ClanFintan are my totally new obsession when it comes to novel couples :( I'm so sad that the last book wont be around them but honestly I love this series, Shannon's witty humor and strong personality is beyond anything I've read in a very long while. I picked up this book by accident in the book store but I'm so glad I did!!!

  32. Hey, I'm krissy and im a highschool student. I'm in LOVE with divine series. :) At the moment my favorite novel couple would have to be Shannon and ClanFintan. This series is so unique, beyond anything I've read in a long time. Shannon is quite hilarious which makes the novel WAY more exciting that the books I've read. And the world of Partholon is amazingly breath taking. You make it so easy to envision the world around Shannon. Honestly, she couldn't stop cracking me up. I'm a little sad cuz of how the last book in the trilogy is more focused on Morittean (hope I spelt it right, I doubt opps) But anywho! I was so getting used to staying up whole night to read this series. I'm almost finished with the 1st book (I accidentally picked it up at the book store Shhhhhh!) and I cant wait to buy the second book but I'm considering if I'd buy the third book because honestly I may miss Shannon. She's my favorite protagonist :') This series is by far better than any book I've read in a LONG time. (Pssst! Quick secret I'm also a house of night fan) :) Ur books take me out of this world. Literally!

  33. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Is Divine Beginnings available in book form or just ebook?

  34. I know the UK did a bound version of Divine Beginnings, and I think Harlequin also included it in an anthology (Darkness Divine, maybe?). I'd search the Harlequin site for it - that's probably your best bet. Love that little prequel!

  35. I just wanted to thank you for being 50% responsible for my obsession with Irish Mythology. The other author responsible for helping me discover this obscure research topic is Eoin Colfer. I have been happily reading all kinds of irish myth stories over the last 4 years and I can't get enough. Currently my favorite story is The Wooing of Etain.
