Friday, June 05, 2009

Back from NYC...

Well, we're back from GMA and a fun Borders interview at BEA in NYC. The picture is from our last day in the city, after our Borders interview. We got to take off and SHOP! It was a gorgeous day - perfect weather. We had a bike guy take us back to our hotel, and when he dropped us off he told us his bike was brand new! We were his very first customers, so we had him take a picture to commemorate the event. The bike guys are so much more fun than cabs!

The rewrite of TEMPTED is almost finished, and then I'll be working on the text part of the illustrated FLEDGLING HANDBOOK. More on that later...

Those of you in the Oklahoma City area check out ABC on June 29th. I'm not sure what time, but the program is called "Believe in Oklahoma." They were just here interviewing us - such a nice group. I'll try to post a link after it airs.

Wishing y'all happy reading and lovely summer weather,


  1. I'm sure you have been told this already, but I'm telling you again. You looked fabulous in your GMA interview.

  2. OMG pc that is tottaly kool, anf i cant wait 4 temted and the FLEDGLING HANDBOOK.
    blessed be.

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Hi P.C.,

    I'm so happy the weather was nice up in New York, you guys deserve some shopping time.

    The weather down here in TN has been amazing for June. All this week it's been like, 70-75 degrees plus rain. Front porch reading perfect.

    Best wishes.


  4. The bike guys are called Rickshaw drivers :-) and On a nice day they're the best transportation save horesback!

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Hi PC Cast I'm a fellow reader of yours and I wanted to tell you about this awesome website my friend and I made. It's for people to interact like they're talking to the actual characters and I thought it be cool to share with you. Please look at it and let me know what you think.

  6. Nice! I will be sure to tune in. I live in Ada and that isn't to far from OKC. ^^

  7. Look at you two lovely ladies! :)
    That looks like great fun!

    Really looking forward to the FLEDGLING HANDBOOK! Its going to be Awesome!

  8. Glad you guys had fun in NYC. ^-^.

    Can't wait for the Fledgling Handbook!! Hee


  9. absolutely cannot wait till the fledgeling handbook comes out!!!

    love always and blessed be,

  10. That's So cool PC! When do you go on your next tour? Hope you come back to Ontario! Can't wait for tempted!


  11. We'll be on tour for TEMPTED. I would imagine we'll launch in Tulsa on Oct 27th, and then head out the following week. I'd love to go back to Canada, but where we go is entirely up to our lovely publisher. I'll let you guys know the cities ASAP.

  12. Not sure if you have to accept the posts but incase this didnt go thru can you please email some advice on finding an agent? Im a new author in Oklahoma City, OK Thanks

  13. Gelicab - start by reading my blog on advice for aspiring authors. After you read the recommended books there, focus on THE AGENTS MARKET. Also checking out the acknowledgments in books your work would be shelved with is a good idea. Many authors thank our agents - I certainly acknowledge mine in every book. Then make your short list and start approaching agents. Be sure to follow their guidelines. Look on line for information about OK-RWA. It's a fabulous writers' group. Remember, you need to have a completed manuscript before you begin querying agents or editors.

    Best of luck to you,

  14. Hey, um, this has absolutely nothing to do with your blog post sorry, i just didn't know how else to contact you. I just wanted to say thank you for creating the first up-to-date non tacky vampyre books. I heard about the books from a friend, and bought one in the middle of my exams BIG MISTAKE, i read the first one in under a day and the next day i went out and bought the rest, i've had important exams since then but faithfully in 4 days i have completed the other 4 books i needed to read. You have me hooked and even the Harry Potter books hasn't hooked me like this, you've also really interested me in Cherokee beliefs and culture and inspired me too. So thank you, this is the most decent series i've read in a while :). One final thing, the pictures of the characters on the House of Night website are exactly how i imaged the characters to look, i mean a few i had to look at twice but i mean you got them perfect, sorry thats a really idiotic statement as i mean you wrote the book you know the characters better than anyone else does but it's actually how they were imagined in my head. I'm going to go now before i embarass myself any longer. I mean i know i am in London and your in America so it's not actual embarassment as just..sorry verbal diahorrea much? me not you. Sorry. Thanks again though, you're books are brilliant.

  15. So happy u had fun, soooo sad i couldn't see it.

  16. PC Cast i love your books and i have a small question for you both.
    I live in england and i would love to know if you are ever planning to visit enland for a book signing and more to the point if you would be coming anywhere near my home town in birmingham as i would love the chance to meet you both and thank you in person for such an amazing book that helps me escape the real world for a while. love liz

  17. Hi Lizbox & Lizzy - yes! Kristin and I are working on a return trip to the UK. I'll let you know details as we get them. Cheers!

  18. I love your work P.C keep up the gud work!

  19. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Oh my. I got a ninety one on the Lit exam! Holy ____! I would've never expected that to happen! I'm SO HAPPY!

  20. I am glad you both had a great time in NYC. The Fledgling Handbook sounds like a very cool idea. I am going through withdrawl I can't wait till Tempted comes out in 139 days (same day as my birthday :D). Thank you so much for making a great set of books. I wish you would come to West Virginia, but I know it isn't up to you. Have a great day. :)


  21. Hey P.C,

    I love your books!!!! My favourite is Untamed cause it was soo creepy. I can't wait for Tempted!! I'm a huge fan of Stevie Rae, Twins, Afro and Kramisha thats one of the reasons why I prefer HoN to Twilight, your characters are great. But anyway can I ask you something? Will there be any more videos like you did for Untamed and Hunted but for Tempted and if so would it be over the summer? Sorry bout the questions and thanks for making a great series becuase its well . . . great to read, and I'm glad you enjoyed NYC (I've always wanted to go there ;)) Thanks again XD

    StevieRaeTwin :)

  22. LL - well done you!

    SRT - I don't know if my publisher is doing more videos. If you go through the HoN site and sign up for the newsletter you'll be the first to know what cool things they are doing.

  23. OMG! As crazed as I sound, and as much as I'm sure you get this, I L O V E The House of Night Novels. You are amazing, as is Kristin, and thank you soo incredibly much for writing them. Fantastic! Have a wonderful day : ) *hug*

  24. Jea-LOUS...oh New York. I covet.

    Glad to hear the re-write is almost done - completely uber anxious to get my paws on that.

    PS - those bikes scare the bejeezers out of me. Also, clowns. *shudder*

  25. I'm with you Holly; Clowns are truly terrifying. And NYC is totally fab.

  26. Hi!!
    My name is Vera and I'm from Portugal (that little country in southwestern Europe).
    Your first book (marked) has just arrived to our stores and I can't for the rest of them. It's a shame having to wait so long because I really liked the first one...
    I apologize for my lack of talent writting in English as well as the errors that I've probably done in this comment... =P

  27. No worries Vera! Your English was excellent! Glad you're enjoying the HoN.


  28. Love your work! Any advice for a new writer pushing her first manuscript?? I've querried agents and am now in the waiting game...

  29. BCNeal - well, check out my advice for aspiring authors post, though it sounds like you've already done your homework. My advice is to write write write while you're playing the waiting game. Set aside the manuscript you just finished and begin immediately on your next piece of work. Here's wishing you luck!

  30. Hello, I am a huge fan.

    My daughter, Kristen age 13, was told about Marked. I ran out and bought it and Betrayed. 1 week later Chosen and Untamed. 3 days later Hunted. She flew through the books. I used them as a threat if she had attituded or didn't listen. Some parent, huh. She passed them to her grandmother, who was shocked with the introduction of Erik and Aphrodite. She thought I shouldn't let her read. Of course she couldn't wait for Kristen to finish so she could have the next one.

    I just turned 40 on 6/24/09. I read the books so I could see what I had let my daughter read. Oh my! I read all five books in 1 week. On July 2nd, I took Betrayed and Choosen camping. On the 4th of July I had to find a bookstore to buy Untamed and Hunted so I could finish. I could have waited and grabbed the copies that my mother-in-law had borrowed, but I couldn't. I NEEDED TO KNOW!

    Thank you for such wonderful characters. I am one of those who cannot wait for the movie to come out. I also printed the list of books off your blog to go out and get. I can't wait. Also, thank you for the heads up that Kristen should not read them.

    I Cannot Wait until October.

    Thank you! Clare

  31. Oh. i hope u had a nice time! I cannot wait 4 TEMPTED! Im pre ordering the book. They are all amazing. i made all my friends read them. The bike thing looked like fun. was it?

    --<3 Zoey
