Saturday, May 30, 2009

HUNTED in Iraq with our guys!

Gary Schubert, my friend over in Iraq, sent this great picture of himself with HUNTED. Soooo cool, Gary! Thanks! Gary is a short-timer, and in just a little over 50 days he's returning to his wife and family stateside.

Let's all wish Gary a fast, safe 50 days!



  1. He has a good taste in books.
    Stay safe Gary!

  2. I hope the 50 days fly by Gary!

    Hunted was so awesome!

    (p.s. did you get my email PC?)

  3. Sorry, Ang, I'm SUPER behind in my emails...


  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Please be safe, sir, and may your fifty days go by smoothly.

    He seems like such a nice guy, especially because he's got great taste in books!

  5. Stay Safe Gary!!

    Love That You're Reading the Books!!


    OH! I saw you PC on TV I was Freaking like a little girl! XD

    Good Job!!


  6. hello, Ms. Cast, my name is myriam, and i just want to say, i'm a REALLY big fan of your books!! they always manage to keep me on the edge of my seat! i can't wait to read Tempted!!

  7. be safe and that 50 days go by fast gary.

  8. God bless him and his friends and family. I hope he has a safe journey home. (that goes for ALL of our troops!)

  9. Fantastic, Gary! Here's to you, coming home safe and soon!


  10. Hey just wanted to say luck Gary. Thanks for protectinging our country, hope your 50 days fly by fast, and just wanted to ask if Garys read the whole seires yet?
    Good Luck!-
    love The#1 House of Night fan

  11. Woooh.. that was unexpected lol i just dropped in to see what was new and there I was.. that was very unexpected.. but kinda kool...

    Y'all have a great time.. it is 0700 off to work :)


  12. Ha! Nice surprise for you Gary! We heart you!

    Alexis - yes, he has read the whole series.

  13. HOOAHH! Come home safe Gary! Watch your six and THANKS for serving!

  14. Hey PC! I was so upset the other day when I found out that you were in the Burlington chapters March 26th (six days after my bday) for your tour, mostly because a) it was 6 days after my birthday and i didnt get to meet one of my fave authors and b) that excact day...i went to the Chapters in Hamilton, about a half hour to hour awat :( So you and Kirstin HAVE To come back to either Burlington or Hamilton when you go on your tempted tour!! BTW since you have already written and finished it...will it be realised soone :P

  15. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Hope you make it back safe, Gary! Anyone miss me?

  16. Totally missing you LL! Where've you been? Finals?

  17. I don't think I could convince my hubby to read it...even though I'm on my second round with the entire series, lol.

    I really (read...REALLY REALLY) think you should head on up to Canada...specifically Calgary....for a signing.

  18. Mrs. Cast,
    I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your books. I decided to make a fansite of the House of night series. I hope you don't mind.
    I just started it, so I don't have a lot of content yet. It will grow though! ^^ I can't wait to read Tempted! Hunted was a wonderful book.

  19. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Ya, actually, P.C.
    Gosh, my Lit one was excruciating. I did good on the others, but I probably failed that one. :P

  20. LL - flunked a lit final?! Ack! You should have asked me for help...

  21. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Ya, I should've. Ah, well. :P I'll ask next time!

  22. Ms. Cast, could you please tell me/every House of Night fan the font you use for the HoN books? I/we would really appreciate it!

  23. Kayla - sorry, I don't have a clue. What you're reading when you pick up a HoN book is a professionally formatted book created by an incredibly talented publishing team at St. Martin's Press. Authors write the books. Publishers publish them - which includes layout, cover, font, etc.

  24. Thanks for responding! That's alright. I was just wondering if there was an awesome HoN font I could download. . .
    Good luck to Gary, BTW!

  25. Howday y'all thank you for all the best wishes. We got just days left here. I have a good HON font i used for graphics. Email me @ i will send it to you.

    Take care

  26. Hi Gary! Be sure to let us know when you're home safely. Our thoughts are with you. And thank you for helping out sketchdive - I'm clueless about font and formatting, etc.


  27. Hey, I have one other question.
    When you and Kristin are writing the books together, who does the thinking and who does the writing? Like, does Kristin come up with most of the ideas and you type them? Or vice versa? It would be great to know (my mind wont shut up about it) LOL

  28. Sketchdive - actually it's pretty hard to write without thinking. Writing a book isn't like taking dictation. I write the first draft, and then Kristin goes through it, leaving comments and filling in questions, etc., I've left in the text. Then I go through it again before turning the manuscript in to our editor.

  29. I had a few questions. I love your series for many reasons. Zoey rocks! Im wiccan and I have been to a full moon ceremony w a coven that was exactly as you wrote. Are you wiccan? Or did you just enjoy learning about the rituals? I am thrilled that there is an author writing about the good that can be done w positive magic. insted of embracing the untrue sterotypes that have been associated w witchcraft. I appreciate that so much.
    Blessed be

  30. Happy Witch - thank you for your lovely post. Kristin and I are not offended by fans asking about our religious beliefs, but we choose not to discuss them, and instead wish to protect our privacy. We appreciate your support!

    Blessed be.
