Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GMA & Nightline!

Hi Guys!
Kristin and I are off to New York City to appear on Good Morning America Thursday morning, May 28th. We hear we should be live between 8:30 and 9:00 ET. Then we'll be on Nightline Thursday night. It's PC & Kristin day on ABC!

Fingers crossed we don't mess up...



  1. good luck and have fun!

  2. Good Luck ladies. I'm sure you'll be fantastic. Going to set the DVR so I'll get to see it.

  3. Hi PC!

    The synopsis of tempted here: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/displayProductDetails.do?sku=6605260
    It isn't in the official web yet so I thought you should know it...

    Another thing. When I asked you about the tempted cover you said "I do know they're keeping it secret this time until close to the publication date" but there is this image in amazon: http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqqP94r telling it will be out in summer.


  5. Hi! Just wanted to say good luck and have fun! I just started reading the House of Night series and I love it so far. I'm no YA but I have read your Goddess series and love those so decided to give HON a try. Glad I want disappointed. I also have my 17 year old reading HON and she is into it also.

  6. OMG! If I had not checked up on the site this evening I would have missed it! I will make sure I'm up to see it! If all else fails I can at least set up the DVR lol! Good Luck and have a blast!

  7. Just wanted to let you know I wathed GMA to see you two today! Looking forward to the reading the next in the series.

    OMG! As soon as you said Vanessa Hudgens as to who you could see as Zoey, I saw it!

    I wish you both lots of continued success.

  8. I should read your blog more often. It would have saved me getting at o'dark thirty to hear you guys on GMA when you weren't going to be on until after 8:30. You rocked, BTW. Really cool! I am NOT staying up to see Nightline. That's why VCRs were invented.

    Well done, you!

  9. GMA was a blast!! We had a great time and Robin was super sweet.

    Airis - that's not really a synopsis; it's just product details, kinda like a cover flap snippet. And what's up on Amazon and other places is NOT the cover. It's what they call a place holder. The real cover rocks!

  10. Saw, the show this morning, it was great! I love Vanessa Hudgens so as soon as her name was mentioned I was def.hooked. I look forword to reading the series now..... sounds very interesting.

  11. You all did great on good morning america! Is Vanessa in talks for this movie? Please keep us updated. Also, can't wait for the new books.

  12. I saw you on GMA this morring and I am going to watch you all tonight as well. Oh btw Tempted comes out on my birthday so I am excited.

  13. OMG pc i cant wait i told my frinds (who like me love!! HON)then r all gonna whach it

  14. yay yay!!!
    i cant wait i told my friends(who like i LOVE HON) r gonna see it they were all like noo way!!! kool
    i cant wait

  15. Peace = we have no choice in casting. That's not our field of expertise. So, no, we're not talking with any actors. We're just guessing who might be fun to consider, that's all.

  16. hey pc i just saw u guys on night line it was cool how u showed how the tunnels were supposed to look like.

  17. Hey P.C. and Kristin I saw you ladies on GMA and Nightline they were awesome interviews. I loved them both.
    Chris aka Sandpanther

  18. Cheers on the interviews!

  19. Well I do hope the producer/director will seriously consider Vanessa. She would make a good Zoe.

  20. PC
    Congratulations!!! I watched the Nightline and Rachel Ray interviews. You are so “in the BUZZ” . I am so proud to say you were one of my teachers.
    Take care.
    Don and Vicky Kerr

  21. Don - awww that was sweet! Tell Vicky & your Mum-in-law hi for me.

  22. I just check to see if you had replied to my comment about the House of Night series books and the strength of the profanity used in the series. I am surprised to see that my comment was not posted. Do you have a reason for not allowing my comment to be shared and/or responded to? Seems like if you are "sound and just" in using the language, you'd be more than happy to share the comment and respond to it as well. Just curious ...

  23. I'm confused ... I'm signed it - it is showing me as a blogger, yet every time I try to post I get the message: This blog does not allow anonymous comments.
    Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.

    What am I doing wrong?


  24. Shelley - I didn't receive any comment to be moderated about profanity, for or against. Don't know what happened, but sometimes my spam filter traps things. You can always email me at my author address: phyl@pccast.net.
