Monday, June 15, 2009

A cover I CAN show you!

I know you guys are anxiously awaiting the unveiling of the cover of TEMPTED, which my wonderful publisher is keeping Top Secret until later this summer. So when my editor at Harlequin sent me the final cover for my early October Nocturne release, THE AVENGER, I thought I'd post it right away!

It's a cool time travel story with most of the action set in Briton in 60 AD, and Boudica is an important secondary character. Interestingly enough, in the House of Night world's history I have Boudica's two teenage daughters being Marked and going through the Change - and during that time they found the Dark Daughters.

Oh, a ratings warning: THE AVENGER is not young adult. I'd give it an R rating for violence and sex. So if your parents won't let you see R rated movies this book isn't for you.



  1. Hello, i would just like to say that i LOVE your House of Night books. They are so amazing, i can't wait for Tempted. I bought Marked recently, got hooked and had to buy the rest ASAP. They are so great, i love vampires in general and yours are really unique. i love Stark!!! Thankyou for these books. I would just like to ask one question. Do you have a specific drawing or picture of Zoey's actual tattoos, or any of the other character's tattoos, because i just can't picture them. Thanks again!

  2. hey just wanted to know if the book is out now ? cause it sounds really good

  3. Soph - sorry, the only pictures I have of Zoey's tattoos are in my head, though the model in the videos at the House of Night site has a lovely version painted on her face.

    High Priestess - THE AVENGER is out in October.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I love all of your books, I am happily awaiting the 6th HOS book. I have told everyone I know about the books and let a friend borrow the whole series.

    The Avenger, is this going to be another series?! I am so very excited for this. Did your daughter write with you on this as well?

  5. Hey PC great cover, can't wait for the cover and well the book itself but you probobly already know that lol but um is the newsletter for HoN e-mail based? Um thanks for answering the question your the best. Thanks for answering my previous question. :)
    Team Stark!!

    Merry Meet And Merry Part And Merry Meet Again lol

  6. Thanks, can't wait to read it!!! Love all of your books. By the way, have you read Kathleen McGowan The Expected One & The Book of Love. Just another of my favorites thought you might enjoy too.

  7. Terra - THE AVENGERS is part of a series, but I'm only writing one of the four launch books. You can find out more at No, the only books I co-author with Kristin are the House of Night.

    HP Fan - Yes, the newsletter is only available as email.

    SG - nope, haven't read those books.

  8. the book looks quite interesting! the title already sucked me in!! and what you said about it being "rated R for violence and sex" i'm a HUGE fan of smut (no shame! lmao) so OF COURSE i'm going to read this! CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT NOW!!

  9. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Nice. You know Gena Showalter, right, P.C.? Do you know her Lords of the Underworld and Atlantis series (GREAT BOOKSQ)? Would "The Avenger" be more/less explicit?

  10. Anonymous10:55 PM

    oh, and wow ava. wow. just go screaming that out loud, why doncha ;P. JK.

  11. Anonymous10:56 PM

    oopsie, i spelled books wrong. (eek, I'm catching damien-syndrome!)

  12. Hi LL - Yep, Gena and I are good friends and I have read some of her Lords of the Underworld books (I've been writing too much and am behind on my reading!). I'd say THE AVENGER is about the same heat temperature as those.

  13. Looks wonderful...another one to add to the reading list.

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    AWESOME! The Lords of the Underworld are one(s) of my favorite books!

  15. wow now two reasons that oct will be better than the last 410 days lol
    33 days left
    blessed be y'all

  16. hey! ok the first thing i want to say is, I LOVE THE HON SERIES!!! and i cant wait for tempted to come out! i have a couple questions, my first Q is have you picked out the other names for the books? is it true that the books are gonna be made into a movie?( that would be awesome) my other Q is have you ever read Blue Is For Nightmares by laurie faria Stolarz? or Sweep by Cate Tiernan? or wicked lovely? if you've read wicked lovely will you tell me how it is? thanks!
    Merry Meet, Merry Part, And Merry Meet Again!

  17. Rodeo Chick - The next book is titled BURNED. That's as far ahead as I know. I've read all of Melissa Marr's books. I love them and highly recommend her series.

  18. hi again! i have another guestion Mrs Cast. what is the best thing to do if your wanting to write a book? oh and where can i get a dark daughters necklace?

  19. I have an entire blog post on advice for aspiring writers, and you can find the jewelry at


  20. Hey! I want to tell you I love The House of Night series and I am totally stoked for the 6th book to come out. I have actually read all 5 books in like a week! So I was a little bummed when I finished Hunted. But I am waiting for the 6th one to come out! I have to say I love to write mini stories for myself, and you have inspired me so much! I love the image I get in my head of all the characters! Those are my favorite books! Once again I'm ready for Tempted! ^-^

  21. Hi!
    Two days ago i was shopping i and i saw your book "Marked" and i
    totally loved the cover... i was so curious that i bought it
    i read it in one day and i couldn't wait to read "Betrayed" portugal it hasn't been published yet...
    i cant wait
    i really enjoyed the book!
    some friend of mine are about to buy it too...
    its becoming popular!
    i've read on the net the book will be adapted to that true? i can badly wait...
    im so exited!

  22. hey i wanted to say i love the series and i read all five. also i wanted to ask if u can tell me if u added any new characters in the 6th book and if you can tell me the name of the 7th book. and congrats on getting the series into a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Icegirl - yep there are new characters introduced in TEMPTED, and the title of the 7th book is BURNED.

  24. thanks and tell kristen i said hi cause i think ur both awsome and ill keep leaving comments and checking on release dates cause i cant wait for tempted to come out cause i read all 5 of the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  25. I have everyone I work with totally hooked on House of Night...we all cannot wait until October! We were totally bummed to find out that Vampire Diaries is being made into a television series...HON would be sooooo much better! Somebody please tell the people that bought the HON rights to PLEASE get on with making it a tv series or a movie...we are anxiously awaiting!

  26. so how many books are you writing for HON is it 11 or 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Right now we're contracted for 12, but we're just writing the story and don't have a set number planned. Could be more - could be less.

  28. thanks and are the character that are on the website the same people that are gonna play the characters in the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Please read the movie blog entry. I answer all movie related questions there.

  30. Hey! Just wanted to say how much I absolutely love this series. I am HOOKED! I have read every book up until Chosen and I love them all. I'm a little disappointed though that Zoey lost Heath and Erik. Heath is so adorable and Erik seems like the perfect boyfriend! I hope there's someway the boys will come back into Zoey's life!:) Anyways, I was just wondering what vampyre versions have given you ideas to form HON. Your version is so different and creative. Did twilight or any other vampyre stories help you get ideas for HON? Love the books! Keep up the hard work!

  31. Jamie - re: boys - keep reading. As to inspiration - I hadn't read Twilight until after I'd written several of the HoN books so, no, it did not inspire my writing. Authors have been inspirational to me, though, such as: Anne McCaffrey, Robin McKinley, Ray Bradbury, Pat Conroy, Harper Lee...etc.

  32. hey PC Cast i cant wait for tempted to come out and i really love the books they are so addicting and i can't stop reading them. i wish they were all out but they never ended i actualy sometimes feel i am there!!!!
    Thnx for writing such awesome and amazing books!!!! i am goin to tell all of my friends at school when it starts back up to read them!!!!
    do you ahve any idea about a movie for these books???
    Thnx from
    Blayne Mapp

  33. Hi Blayne - I answer the movie question in the movie blog post. Happy reading! PC

  34. hey PC i gave already read the 5 HON books and right now i am reading Dracula and wanted to know if you have read it and if you have how did you like it!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

  35. Yep - Kristin and I have both read Dracula, which is why we mention it in the HoN books. We did like it very much.

  36. ya im reading it right now and so far i think its a wonderful book cause it is and because i love reading!!!!111 :)

  37. Hi, is it true that after tempted the books will be from a red fledglings POV?
    And congrats on the movie
