Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Neferet Video!


Anonymous said...


I love the way her tatoos are drawn. Edgy and dark.

Best wishes for you and Kristen. :)

(BTW I finished my first draft last week and I'm going to start revising this weekend. Yay!)

LolitaDays said...

omg...it's totally awesome i love it...and trust me i've been waiting 4-ever to see how she would be portrayed and it's fantastic xoxo thanks!

PC Cast said...

I really like this interpretation of Neferet. She did a great job.

J.T. - well done you!

Unknown said...

I love the videos...as the story continues, I just can't wait for Hunted to come out. I pre-ordered it, so Im counting that it will arrive on its date of release. Hope Amazon delivers ontime.

PS. I hope and pray that the tornadoe didn't affect your family, but Im wishing and praying for the families affected. I am soo sorry.


DarkLadyVampireMistress said...

Are they going to make other teasrer trailers of Hunted?

PC Cast said...

There will be 4 teasers in all: Neferet, Erik, Stevie Rae, and Zoey. So cool!

Guiomar said...

Awesome video!!!!!

I can't wait to watch all the videos!! Well, actually, I can't wait to read Hunted!!!


PC Cast said...

Marie - Thank you for asking - Kristin and I are just fine. This time the tornadoes didn't make it to Tulsa, though we had a pretty scary drive too close to the storm as we were picking up her new bulldog puppy that night. I was really glad when we arrived safely home with little Marlon Brando (yes, I'll post pictures soon).


Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that you and your loved ones are safe. You guys came to mind as soon I read and heard the news on TV. Once you are acquainted with someone, even if its by e-mail, one tends to worry and think, only good and safe things for that someone.

Hope you have fun with the puppy. They can be a handful. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Do you forgive me, P.C.? :( You still haven't told me. I like the Nef video, btw.

Except, she looks WAY diff from my imaginations.

Anonymous said...

oh and the "a" in my username stands for Aphrodite not a as in the article "a".

katsu said...

Hello guys! I'm back!!!

Hi PC. It must be scary to be near the area whre a tornado hits. We don;t have that here in my country. It's good thing you and your family's okay.

I love dogs! I have a german shepherd at home. His name is Junior which doesn't suit him because he's soooo big. He's taller tahn me when he stands on 2 feet!

Can't wait for Hunted. I amde an advance order as well to make sure that I'll get one before they go out of stock which will make me wait longer!!!! I love the Neferet video. It's good how they still captured the soft-side of Neferet.Can't wait for the other videos as well!!!!

Guiomar said...

A tornado!! How scary, isn't it? O.o

Hey, what's the name of your puppy? :D

Nancy said...

Awesome video...i love it!! I cannot wait for the book. The House of Night ROCKS MY SOCKS

PC Cast said...

The puppy's name is Marlon Brando - he looks a lot like the Godfather! (He's a six week old bulldog.) I'll get Kristin to send some pictures and then I'll post them.

Lafont Lurver - don't be silly. You don't need to be forgiven for anything...


Anonymous said...

thx pc

oh my god! I want a dog!

Where'd you get the name 4 the dog?

AvidRead said...

I am a fan of this series, but I found a few stereotypes in "Untamed" jarring.
On page 6, Damien is referred to as Zoe's "gay friend". I'm going to go out on a limb and say calling anyone someone's 'gay friend' is a bit offensive. Why can't he just be her 'friend'? Especially since he has a boyfriend and is therefore obviously gay?

Also, on the same page it continues to say "...not gay, and therefore more sensitive and polite, Damien." Wow, what a stereotype! So...all gay people are sensitive and polite? Seems to me someone who's gay is just as likely to be insensitive and impolite as the next non-gay person.
And on page 34, it says "...Aphrodite said, bowing up like she thought she was black." Wait a second, what exactly does that mean? That all black people act the same?

I think there is much to admire in this series, but such stereotyping and/or such poor word choices leaves a bad taste in my mouth (I'm sure I'm not the only one) and there is no reason at all that such stereotypes should be included in these books.

DarkLadyVampireMistress said...

That is so cool! I cannot wait for those traiers to come out! And I'm sorry about the tornado and so glad that you and Kristin are safe - and congradulations on getting a new bulldog. I bet he's a cutie!

Cannot wait for HUNTED!


P.S. Love the Neferet teaser!

PC Cast said...

Avid Reader - Here's the deal: Kristin and I never intended to please everyone with our books. From the beginning we didn't concern ourselves with worrying about pissing off religious people, gays, different races, Okies, nuns, angels, or anyone else. We wrote the books we wanted to read and peopled them with characters who are, indeed, imperfect. They sound like teenagers because they are teenagers. They make gay jokes. They make Okie jokes. They make silly jokes in general, and they do all of this while trying to grow up and come to terms with some hard things. NO. We will never wash this stuff out of our books. I write what I've heard teenagers saying for fifteen years in the public schools. It's real. If it offends you, then look elsewhere for your reading material. As the amazing Ray Bradbury said in his Coda to Fahrenheit 451 when people whined at him about being offended by some of the things he'd written, ""...do not insult me with the
beheadings, finger-choppings or the
you plan for my works. I need my head to shake or
nod, my hand to wave or make into a fist, my lungs to
shout or whisper with. I will not go gently onto a
shelf, degutted, to become a non-book."

tallie marie said...

Love it! It just changed my whole image of Neferet!

Anonymous said...

that's not really fair of you, avidread

and PC? I have a few q's.

I've noticed that in the first few books, daughter of my heart in Cherokee is U-we-tsi A-ge-hu-tsa but then it becomes U-we-tsi A-ge-ya? Are they both correct?

And also, have you read Vampire Academy, because I noticed that the vamps in both stories have the same elements: air, fire, water, earth and spirit, and your publishing dates are both the same...

Plus, where is Erik from?

PC Cast said...

L.L. - you're right about the two different spellings of the Cherokee word for daughter. What happened was I didn't realize I was using two different translation texts. I just assumed the words were the same, but in fact there are regional differences. I didn't notice it until I was working on CHOSEN. As soon as I caught the inconsistency I notified my editor and subsequent printings of the books all read the same.

The only piece of Vampire Academy I've read was the short story, BLUE MOON, in IMMORTAL, the anthology I wrote an intro for published through BenBella Books. Calling on the elements isn't unusual - it's the foundation of the Pagan belief system, and is referenced in many, many books.

I haven't said where Erik's from yet.

Unknown said...

It would be awesome if he was Canadian, eh. =)

And by saying "yet" I'm assuming we're going to find out? I think that would be great. My favorite part of a story is character building or history; I love to learn why characters act a certain way, where they come from and what influences have been around them... I guess things that give us insight.

Anonymous said...

you know, I actually meant Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are able to make video requests but I was just wondering...1)Are you making a video of Kalona, Heath and then Zoey's group? I really want to see a Kalona one! You describe him so well in the books and I think I've got a pretty good image in my mind of him. 2) Do you know who the people in the videos are? I always do fanfics on fanfiction.com and some of them are what my characters look like. If you don't mind me using them as a picture?!


PC Cast said...

Katrina - I don't think my publisher is making a video for TEMPTED, and I don't know the models used for these videos. Regarding using their pictures for fanfic - I would think you'd need their permission, just as you'd need an author's permission if you were writing anything that involved a world and characters you didn't make up all on your own.

neferetlove45 said...

An amazing video!
Honestly, I still like Neferet. I wish she was good.

Anonymous said...

I think i like this side of neferet shes all scared n shy n i guess this is where Kalona gets in her head and turns her Evil and maniacal. P.S. P.C your books made me truly believe in the goddess so now Nyx is my Religion