Saturday, December 06, 2008

Fun in London!

Kristin and I spent a lovely (but wet and cold) week in London meeting with our wonderful UK publishing team at Little, Brown (Atom). MARKED, BETRAYED, and CHOSEN will be released there Jan., Feb., and March, so we went over for some early promo. Except for the food poisoning I got from our hotel restaurant the night before we left (don't even was so awful), we had a wonderful time.

Check out some of the Brit kids at a bookstore outside London - Kristin and I read chapter 1 of MARKED to them and answered lots of questions. We heart them!

Naturally, Kristin and I had to do some dorkish tourist stuff. (Actually, we heart some dorkish tourist stuff!)

Here's our lovely Beefeater guide at the Tower of London. This guy was mega-cool.

Of course we saw the changing of the guard (in the rain). Oh, check out Kristin getting way too close to this large odd bird that was in the park outside Buckingham Palace.

Us being morons:

Oooh, we saw Le Cage Aux Falles (the play the Birdcage was based on) in this theater. It was fabulous. I may have had too much champagne. Good thing Kristin was there to help me stumble back to the hotel.

Speaking of our hotel - we stayed across the street from Trafalgar Square. Here's a wretched picture of me at the Square.

All in all we had a great time! Stay tuned for a full report from my trip to Italy later this month! And a Happy Holiday and Merry Yule to all of you!



  1. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. That always sux!! The big odd big in the picture kinda looks like a pelican, but I don't know if they have them in London. Plus they aren't usually that fluffy looking....

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Oh my gosh, your trip looked wonderful!! You guys look so close!

  3. Ang - I know! I think it's a type of pelican, but white and fluffy and not afraid of people at all. I mean, it was right outside Buckingham Palace!

    Tiffany - our trips are always fun. Kristin and I have a great time traveling!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hi my name is rachel and i'm 12 years old and i love you book Marked! i'm doing a book cover project on it and was wondering when you were born, sorry i have to include that :( anyway, you can reach me at my blog at alright thanks bye!

  6. Hi Rachel - I was born April 30, 1960. Yes, I expect presents.

    Good luck with your project!


  7. That wasn't a bad picture of you, you look happy. The background wasn't half bad either. Glad you are your daughter are having fun together, that is the way it is suppose to be ;). Can't wait for somemore parthalon books, I can't get enough of your books, you are brilliant!

  8. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Umm... P.C. Cast... its kinda hard to admit so publically... but Im a boy... and I read your House of Night series and Twilight...
    Would you please respond to me?
    It would mean a lot...
    I <3 u by the way!

  9. OMG!! You were in London and you didn't announce it beforehand? I'm an American studying at the University of Nottingham and I so would have been there. Sad!! Sorry to have missed you guys. Hope you had fun!
