Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Yule to all!

Today we celebrate Yule, which is also called Solstice. Tonight is the longest night of the year, and it is traditional that the sun be greeted at dawn, and then at dusk a Yule log is burned to keep the spirit of fire and light (in other words, the sun) alive so that it may be reborn with the next dawn, and then grow anew and lengthen our days from there. Ancient peoples saw this as honoring the god (represented by the sun) being born of the goddess (represented by the earth). I had a lovely time today lighting my candle in the morning, and then treating the wild birds and squirrels with cranberries, peanut butter sandwiches(a huge hit with the squirrels), fruit muffins, and various other goodies I left in the lovely old redbud in my back yard. This evening I will burn my Yule log and watch for the sun's return.

Here's wishing you all a merry Yule and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!



  1. The very best wishes to you and Kristin for the Festive Season.

    I just love squirrels!!Unfortunately we don't have them in Australia.

    I think they are so cute, however a american army soldier once told me that most of them have rabies are feral and that they bite!!

    (I hope that's not true?)

  2. Hi Ang,
    NO SQUIRRELS IN AUSTRALIA?!? Say it isn't so! No squirrels is a bizarre thing to imagine. And, for the record, the G.I. was messing with you. I have several rather obese squirrels in my back yard. They're about as feral as puppies. (Not that you should try to grab a wild squirrel, but I promise they're not going to attack you.) A good friend of mine is an animal rehabilitator and she has rehabed lots of sweet baby squirrels - I know because I've petted and loved on and bottle fed some of them! And they don't have rabies any more than any other wild animal would (like the ever-so-fierce wild rabbit). As soon as it's not so damn cold I'll try to snap some pictures of my fearsome (obese) squirrels as they taunt my Scottie dogs from the safety of backyard trees and power lines. DON'T LISTEN TO ARMY GUYS (says the ex-Air Force girl!).

    Merry Yule to you!

  3. Merry Yule to you as well! I'm very pleased that someone other than myself and my roommate still celebrate one of my personal favorite holidays of the 8 great days :)

  4. Yeah I thought he was full of crap!! Nah definately no squirrel's here! We have possum's and sugar gliders tho, (sugar glider are the sweetest things!) We get ring tail possum's at my place, so you snap me some squirrel pics and I will get you some possum one's? Deal?

    I can't even fathom being cold right now, we are sweltering over here in OZ!! (how funny... fat squirrels he he)

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Happy Holidays to you and Kristin! I certainly hope that you are having fun!

    I absolutely love the "House of Night" series and cannot wait for "Hunted" to come out. How many books are you planning to have in the series? I have been wondering if the producers for Marked have held casting calls yet. If not, do you, by chance, know the site where they would be posted? All my thanks, and have an amazing New Year!

  6. Merry Christmas =)

    This is out of the blue..but i was wondering if you have a picture that shows the whole of Zoeys tatoo? I really want to get it tatoo'd on my back and need to give the artist the design
    If possible please let me know

    Love the books,keep up the good work.


  7. Merry Christmas! I've been such a slacker for not stopping by here more often, but congrats on all the fab stuff happening with your series!


  8. Hey P.C. Cast! I just finished the book Marked. That book is amazing! I was immediately hooked. I went out and got the second book. Can you please recommend me one of your books. I like thriller books (i dont really know if that will help) Oh and what do you believe in? (religion) Have a nice holiday!!!

  9. Merry (belated) Yule to both you and Kristen! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by! Goodness Gracious!

    I absolutely positively LOVE the House of Night series (RANK IT HIGH). It is up there with some of my other favorites. I cannot WAIT until Hunted comes out!

    By chance, do you know how many books are going to be in the series in total? I hope Hunted is not the last!

    Thank you oh so very much for writing such an enthralling series. . . and sharing it with all of us!!! They are so thrilling; i was hooked IMEDIATLY!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy Yule, and Happy New Year as well!
    Ang from Oz-- I am soon moving to Australia and find your comments about the animal life fascinating--can't wait!
    I have been seeing your books around and am interested in reading the House of Night series. However the first two, Charmed and Betrayed, I believe, are not available on the Amazon Kindle. Is there something you can do about this???
    The third and fourth books are available on the Kindle.
    They look really good and I would hate to have the series split between paper and kindle. Plus I cannot take very many paper books with me but can take countless ebooks with me to Australia.
    Please help!

  12. Hannahphotoj - I'd wait until winter to make the move downunder.

    Its scorching here right now!! We had 39 degrees yesterday (in Gladstone, Queensland) with about 77% humidity! YUCK!

    Hey PC, I emailed you some pictures of our resident possum! Hope you like him!
    And Happy New Year!!

  13. Ohmigod, i cannot WAIT until the next book in the HOuse of NIght series! is there ANY possible way that you could post a sneak peak of it or something????

    thank you!!!!


  14. I hope you had a wonderful Yule. I was happy to read a few weeks back in Publisher's Marketplace there will be more House of Night books. Congrats! I look forward to reading them. Happy New Year!

  15. I am late writing this, due to christmas and my own yule celebration, but merry yule & blessed be.

  16. Hey Ang! Just got back from Italy and I did get your hilarious pics! And I'll be sending you some squirrel photos soon.

    Mara - there are at least 9 books planned in the HoN series. When I have casting info I'll post it. Nothing new as of today.

    BethAngel - the only full length picture of Zoey's tattoo is in my head. Sorry!

    Kristen! Kisses baby!

    DSABuddies - Another one of my books? Well, GODDESS OF THE ROSE is probably my favorite. Regarding our religious beliefs: Kristin and I choose to keep those private.

    Hannaphoto - the first two books are MARKED and BETRAYED. Sorry, I have no control over whether they go to kindle or not.

    TruNerd - I'll post chapter 1 as soon as my publisher gives me the go ahead.


  17. THANK YOU FOR REPLYING!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it when you ask questions and no body ever answers them. It happens A LOT though, so i kind of just forget about it.

    Hope to hear from you soon! CANNOT WAIT TILL hunted COMES OUT!!!!

    thanks again


  18. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Thank you and I can't wait!!!!

  19. These books are the first books i have ever read tht have a trailor. R u going to make them into a movie? I totaly think u should. It was hysterical because around the time i started reading these books i started coughing terribly and i got terrified cuss i never get sick. i have an overactive imagination. i do hope u make these in to a movie. :D
    (a fan from the first few words i read in the first book.)
