Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hey Guys! Check out the new cover for HUNTED (March '09). Inside this lovely hardcover you will find an exclusive poster of Zoey. Very cool!


  1. WOW. I love it!!

    I'm so excited for it!!

    There's another book after Hunted right?? Will there be more after that????? I can't get enough!!



  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I am equally excited! I love this entire series. You both are exceptional at capturing our hearts while simultaneously delving deeper and deeper into the drama of the story. If I could change one thing, it would be for you girls to release this book SOONER! Because it usually only takes me a day or two at the most to read one of your books and then I’m left anxiously waiting for the next. I haven’t read Twilight yet, but I hear that Bella doesn’t do a lot of the saving, it’s mostly her being saved, which sounds really boring! I love reading stories about girls who help themselves, but grow stronger through the guidance of their true friends (it’s the Buffy fan inside of me). Anyway, awesome series…RELEASE HUNTED ALREADY! :D

  3. oh my gosh! (i repeated that like a 1000 times. no joke.) i can't wait. can't wait for the poster either. holy cow!!!!!!!!ok, i need to take deep breaths. ok i think im good. im just too excited to think right now!!!!!oh yeah, IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yes! There will be at least three books after HUNTED! The HoN world is far from finished.

    Don't worry - in our world girls figure out how to save themselves...with a little help from their friends...

  5. I think that's great! I'm excited to find out what's going to happen, of course! But the wait is all part of the excitement. I really like the danger within the HoN. Kind of like grace was saying, but I'm not really into a story where the main character is so innocent. I like action along with romance and Zoey definitely gives me that! Thanks you awesome authors!

  6. Love the cover. Saw it on amazon first. Just amazing. One of the best covers, I think, so far.

    My picture has swirls on my face. Thanks to the series I told people to draw them there when it saw Homecoming Week in my school :].

    Cannot wait till Hunted. Seems like forever sometimes. But best things are always waited for.

    Like Grace and Kori said innocence is not what a character should be like. Nobody is perfect. Love that about Zoey and about the other characters in the book. Everything is not always perfect and all lovey dubby.

    So great job on the cover!!!!!!
    Love love love love it!

    PS: Did you guys tell the people that do the covers what you wanted or did they just plan something on their own. Kind of a surprise that you guys wanted to have?

  7. It looks great!! I think its the best cover so far... although all the others were beautfil too. Can't wait for Hunted!! I really love where the story is going!!!

  8. So please tell me there will be alot of Stark action in this book! I think she needs to end up with Stark. Because he is absolutly amazing. And the cover is AMAZING! The red feather stands out and it just ... WOW

  9. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Looks so good!

  10. i love these books, they are like hogwarts for vampyres <3 and soo much better! i just bought the new book yesterday and im already like done it .. its soo addicting!!!

    Are they going to make a movie from this?

  11. I think Zoey being more on the worldly and real side reflects Kristin and me. I'm 48 and Kristin is 22 (actually her 22nd birthday is November 4th!). She was 19 when we started writing the series together, and neither of us was interested in creating a character who was utterly clueless about life. It just didn't occur to us. It also didn't occur to us to have a guy swoop in and save her from life's difficulties. Kristin and I are strong, independent women who see the men in our lives as compliments to our world, NOT the center of our universes.

    As to the covers - we have an awesome team at St. Martin's Press! Yes, they do consider our input, but they come up with the images themselves. For HUNTED I actually spoke with the art director. He was wonderful - so creative and excited! And he came up with another winner!

    Yes, Stark plays a big part in HUNTED and beyond, but that's all I'll say right now...

  12. Thats exciting. Im having such a fan girl moment. I absolutly love Stark and think he is a perfect compliment to Zoey.

    Zoey's character is just so amazing and an excellent representation to how young women should see themselves.

  13. Well done PC and Kristin on this series!

    I'm a recent convert to this series. I stumbled upon it after reading the Twilight Saga. I like both of these two series' for different reasons. I think one shouldn't turn away from Twilight because they've 'heard' that Bella needs to be saved a lot. She comes into her own at the end, which is ultimately what "growing up" is. Figuring out your strengths and using them to your advantage, which is what Zoey is figuring out herself by the end of Untamed.

    I've read the first four House of Night books through twice, and am also anxiously awaiting Hunted. I'm happy to hear that the series will continue to nine books, although that means more time being tortured waiting for the answers I'm seeking. Here are the lingering questions I want answered in this series:
    ~What is the connection between Eric and Zoey? When they first saw each other in the hall (with Aphrodite) Zoey said something strange happened, like she was seeing the world from Erik's eyes. Then it happens more than once with her. That seems like more than just infatuation and desire, possibly pre-determined fate? (I'm hoping!)
    ~What is the connection between Erik and Aphrodite? Zoey notices a few times that Erik backs down from Aphrodite without saying much, and before he is changed in Chosen, he stands close to the spot that he knows "A" will be in the circle, which bothers "Z". Also in Marked, Aphrodite tells Zoey that there is a connection between them that Zoey wouldn't understand. Does this relate, or was that wishful thinking on Aphrodite's part? (Imprint?)
    ~Was there a connection between Loren and Aphrodite? When the romp with Loren is revealed, everyone is appalled but "A". Is this because she expected it to happen after seeing them in the Library, or did she expect it to happen because it had happened to her previously with Loren? (The phrase 'power changes the people around you' keeps running through my mind.)
    ~When Loren was comforting "Z" after Erik changed, he says something to the effect that he's told Aphrodite time and again that young Fledglings need to know the difference between someone rejecting the Change and someone Changing. Why would Loren say that to Aphrodite, and why would that be Aphrodite's responsibility to teach ALL of the fledglings the difference? Shouldn't that be Neferet's job as High Priestess? (This quesiton relates to the previous one, and gets my mind spinning!)

    So many more questions, so little time. These are the major points that I need answers to, and I have a feeling most of these won't be completely fleshed out until the last book or two. I also have a feeling there is a lot of Aphrodite's back story still to be discovered that is crucial to the outcome.

    One more thing, MORE ERIK!! More of Erik and Zoey. Yes I like Stark, but I love how Zoey is with Erik.

    I cannot wait for the next one to come!!!

    Oh and I have a few questions to ask you(P.C Cast) and yuor daughter (Kristin Cast) so please email me at:


    Thankies Sooooo Much.

  15. PBJ - you'll have to get your zillions of questions answered by continuing to read the series. I can't give away that much plot. I do think you caught a typo - the one about Aphrodite. Loren should have been talking about Neferet, not Aphrodite. I'll pass that along to my publisher.

    Regarding your opening comments about Twilight - please understand that though others may be referring to Bella, etc., I am not. I am simply stating my personal philosophy and explaining Zoey's motivations. I don't consider any other author's world as I'm writing. I have not, and will not be involved in a discussion about another author's work. And, yes, I have read the Twilight series, as well as many other popular YA books, though I don't read YA while I'm writing a HoN book.


  16. PC, you're wonderful!!

    I wasn't referring to you when speaking of Bella. I just don't want other readers to eliminate any series, really, because of hearsay from other sources. (I actually find it interesting to compare character development and writing cadences between authors and stories.) In fact, I relate more to Zoey than Bella. I was never as insecure with myself as Bella is. And I often speak my mind before thinking things through, kind of like Zoey does. It also seems that Zoey can have a quick temper when pushed too far, which relates back to the quick temper. But under pressure she is centered and controlled on the outside, even though she's crumbling on the inside. Another similar trait she and I share.

    Keep up the good work! I can't wait for the remainder of the series!

  17. PJB - we're on the same page. I love comparing authors and worlds (I just have to do it privately if it's not in my classroom). Well done you.

    All the best,

  18. This is definitely the best cover by far! I love it, can't wait for the book: )

  19. ok, i haven't gotten on in a while but when i read one of your latest comments, i was so happy! i'm glad Stark is back in play. just don't make him evil. ok, well i don't have much to say right now cuz i just finished another series,( and i compared u and the other author. u guys right very similar, but i think they r on very different topics.)ok, well i hope u had a happy Halloween.
    have a good week,

  20. just wondering have you considered making the HON series into movies?

    i just started reading the series last week and i was so addicted i finshed the 4 books in a couple of days now my friends are into the series as well.
    i love your work

  21. PC!!!

    Firstly, I must say that I absolutely ADORE the House of Night series. If truly addicting, and I connect really well with a lot of the characters!! I've created a roleplay fansite, and I'd love for you to check it out!


    Also, I was wondering if there was going to be a movie in the future? If there is, I'd love to know about audition dates! I'm an actress myself, and being a part of this production would be a wonderful experience! My email is dynamitedancer@socal.rr.com, so I'd love to get any info if it ever happens!

    Thank you so much for your time, and keep writing!!

    Much love,

    Kenna Brooke (KayBee)

  22. Hey :

    I also have a role playing site of House of Night...its really new...


    please anyone join ^^

  23. I feel a little silly leaving a comment but i just couldn't help to ask if there are going to more than 3 more books after "Hunted"? I do hope so, i know you hear this all the time and its nothing new, but i shall say it again! Your books are unbelievable!

  24. its absolutely great that there are more of these coming out!!

    i can't wait:DD
    ever since i read these series, i have come to love them ..
    its fascinating to see from zoey's perspective.

    its worth the wait, hopefully it'll pass by fast.

    btw awsome cover for hunted!

  25. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Amazing cover! I do have a question tho. I saw on here that you said you have some input on the covers, but mainly its the company. My question is, if it is supposed to be Zoey on the covers, why aren't the tattoos matching up with the story? On the cover of the Untamed book, it shows the back tattoo, but nothing on her face?... I'm not being critical =] it was just something that caught my attention.

    And thank you SO much for clearing up that Loren was supposed to be talking about Neferet instead of Aphrodite (that young Fledglings need to know the difference between someone rejecting the Change and someone Changing).

    After reading that in the book, I thought that something would come into the story to explain a connection between Loren & Aphrodite - and then nothing ever did. So thanks for clearing that up.

    Great job & I cant wait to read the rest of them!

  26. Avery - Well I said there would be AT LEAST three books after HUNTED. My publisher has given me the freedom to follow the story arch wherever it leads. That might be 3 more or 4, 5, 6 more. Just depends...

    Hi Tiffani - what you have to remember as you're looking at our covers (and really any author's cover) is that what is pictured there is just one artist's rendering of what he/she envisions. It's really not to be taken literally, but instead a representative image that should be alluring enough to make you want to read the inside.


  27. hey i love your books and i can't wait until hunted comes out!!! i really like the cover art for this book but why are the markings on her back different to those on her back on the cover of untamed??

  28. Oh...Hello. I have read the TWILIGHT books and they were good. But so did my friend and she recommended these books and so i read them. I instantly could not put the book (MARKED) down and thus i read them all... exept for the ones not out yet...of course. I also read the books of TRUEBLOOD. I liked those too and so have a group of my friends so ive been telling EVERYONE about these books.(literally) and they are starting to get annoyed with me. (well then why dont they just read all of them already? huh?!) so yeeeaaaaa...GOD JOB!!!

  29. P.S i would also like to know if they will make movie...that would ROCK

  30. comments are fun! >my sis loves your books guys! keep up the good work

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. PC and Kristin

    I absolutley love your books I am getting everyone I can to read them! I believe your books can become the next hype of vampire reading. And not in any way does this book relate to the Twilight novels (which yes I equally loved as well).

    Although when explaining this book I do say it has a Vampires practice "The Craft" (movie with Robin Tunney) and take on Harry Potter's life of expected turmoil feel to it.

    Either way both of your writing is absolutley amazing and I look forward to reading HUNTED. Congrats on both your successes in creating something women and girls have something to look to...

    Just out of curiousity is HUNTED finished? And have you already started on a 6th book yet? If so when would that one come out?

    The suspense is KILLING meeee...

  33. Alright, I have to admit I finished the first four books in around two and a half days. I'm obsessed. I also absolutely love the Hunted cover! The red feather intensifies the photo, yet draws your eyes to the tattoos and the half moon. Before I go all blah blah on you, I must say I loved/hated the ending on Untamed. I was very mad because I couldn't read more at all and it just drove me crazy. I really, really wanted to know what happens to Erik & Zoey. I love how Zoey has different romances but I just hated it when Erik caught Zoey & Loren together. But I just love it when Erik is asked to come back as a professor and then when they kiss when they are acting out Othello... *sigh*. Damien & Jack are a VERY cute couple by the way. I'm sort've mad that Stark died... he seemed like a good guy for Zoey. =] I like the Neferet twist to it too... expecially in the third book when Erik finds out that Neferet isn't who she seems to be. Anyways, I would LOVE if you wrote around seven or ten books - but, I'm sure everyone would love that.

    You and your daughter are very good and talented writers. I am a fan definitely for life.

  34. i love the HoN series. i used to be obsessed with twilight, but when my friend told me about HoN, i read the first chapter, and was instantly hooked. after 4 days i had finished the four books, and i am FREAKING OUT for the fifth one!! love the books!!!

  35. Hello Ms. PC. First of all, I wanted to let you know that your Zoey series have travelled to our caribbean island of Puerto Rico. I have read all your books and I completely adore them. My daughter is just starting her first book of the series and she is really getting into it. '

    I was wondering when will a sneek peek will be available. I am dying to see how Zoey and the gang gets out of this one.

    Love Marie-Carmen from Puerto Rico

  36. Um, so I love the cover but I was wondering what the book is about. I cant find any info beyond "its the next book after UNTAMED. Will there be a excerpt or back cover description available?

    Sarah K.

  37. I love this cover, but I wish I could find a summery of the book .... there is never any excerpts. *sigh*

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I love your books, and really really hope you sell the movie rights!!!! (planning on that? haha) I am going to read more of your novels and Really hope you come to Salt lake city on tour for the release of Hunted


    I love how much depth and meaning is in theses novels, that its not just action and romance it has a deeper meaning.

  40. Hey, PC :]

    I'm totally obsessed with the series so far, and I'll admit that Untamed gave me some freaky nightmares - the ending was excellent. I loved it way more than Twilight, cause the HoN series carries SO much more action. Where did the ideas for the Raven Mockers and Kalona come from? Did you two write the poem? And i know this already got asked, but are you planning on making a movie for the book? I'd so go and see it. I can't wait till Hunted comes out. Hope Grandma Redbird's okay :[


  41. Hi, my name is Andrea and I am a total vampire freak. I wear black clothes, wearing cool black boots, and wear dark make-up (only black eyeliner and mascara). I love the House of Night Series. It's #2 in my top 5 fave vamp series. The #1 is the Twilight Saga (sorry) and the the #3 is Vampire Academy. I love Zoey and she is my fave character. Your series is the one of the reason I have written two unpublished vamp novel series. If you wanna know about the two unpublished vamp series, then check out my blog...

    You rock guys rock and cannot wait for HUNTED on March...


  42. i love the books there really good cant wait for the next one. i have a question on the cover of untamed what kind tattoo design is on her back i was wonder because i was going to get a tattoo and i really like it?

  43. I love your book it is awesome. i agree with the people who say its better than twilight cause it is!! Cant wait for new books to come out!!!

  44. My friends, my sis, and I are equally in love with the HoN series!!!!!!!!!! i am sooo excited for HUNTED!!!!!!!
    Just to let you know Grace DeWitt (who left a comment on this page. scroll down to view it) twiligt was great! i lov both the series for completely different reasons.
    both THE TWILIGHT SAGA and HoN are my favorite book series! (there tied for first)
    but i do hav to say i love the HoN series cuz girls are normally looked at in books as the people who need saving. in this series its different. which i am thrilled about because people tell me i dont need to be protected because i protect others. just like zoey. YAY! maybe that means ill get a hott guy just like erik. well ill hav to wait and see on that.
    Thank you very much thou. i love the series and you got me hooked. you are AMAZING writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. I just finished reading all 4 books in two days! I have to say that I am really enjoying this series a little bit more than when I read the Twilight saga. I think you and your daughter did such a great job at wrighting these books. I have only read a couple of your other books and they too were awsome. Hope you decided to keep Erik around, cuz I think even after everything Z has put him through he was still there for her. Let alone Z did miss him alot after he was told everything!
    A Question:
    Does Erik play a huge role in Hunted(as Z's boyfriend or sorta boyfriend)? Cuz personaly I think he is a genuine guy, plus he is still alive unlike Stark!

  46. Anonymous10:45 PM

    This next book looks awesome you guys!

    And I think you'd be glad to hear that guys are really into your books too. Me and my friends are really into your series. When I read one of your books, the way you write them is so well its like watching a movie in my head. I can't wait until march. You two are amazing authors, and I hope you both have an awesome new year!

    P.S. Where they're any other titles you concidered besides Hunted? If so would you share some? I always think those thing are pretty interesting.

  47. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! This series is so friggin awesome!!! I lurve it!!!!! I am soooo excited for the fifth novel! I cant wait! They are making a movie right? If they do i will so be in line for the premier! I cannot get enough!!!!
    P.S. Does anyone know why the GOOGLE correction is always "WANTED a House of Night Novel instead of HUNTED?

  48. i love it
    and may i say that i have read the twilights series and thought that they were the best book ever. but once i started reading the house of night series i forgot about her and u r my fav author now


  49. I started reading your books after Amazon recommened them as one I may also like after ordering the Twilight books.I became so addicted. I was also wondering why you decided to have it only come out in hardback? I was collecting them and all the others were in paperback and it throws my flow, but I love the cover. Can't wait to read it!!!


  50. Hello PC,

    I love your books! I read 3 books of HoN in 1 day. I can't wait for HUnted to come out. I heard they're making it into a movie as well. Do you by chance know how to audition for the casting. I know you can't choose the actors but I'm so inlove with HoN that I want to be in the movie! :-)

  51. I just finished reading the last of the 4 HoN books and all I can say is...


    I've read so many books, and not many can totally capture my vivid imagination like your and Kristin's books have.

    I thoroughly enjoy your descriptions and RL issues tied into these books.

    In many ways I feel a close connection to Z. When I read; I recognize her issues as things I am going through right now. [The whole friend issue in Chosen, the choosing who you can trust, how secrets you give out in hopes of them being kept, can affect you negatively when in the wrong hands, and, though not quite in the same way, I understand her BOY ISSUES]

    I can't wait to see what you have in store for our dear Z!

    ~Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

    Shelby <3

  52. Anonymous10:42 PM

    OMG i love the cover it is amazing!!!! im so excited for the next book i cant wait!!!!

  53. I am a high school teacher out of Arizona, and I just LOVE these books. I got hooked after completing the Twilight series, and Amazon recommended them to me. I have already passed them on to several of my students who fight over each copy and are devouring them. I even got my school Library to order them since my copies are getting such a workout! It is really nice to share some exciting, fun books with my students.

  54. Someone had asked before, but are you considering making the series into movies? I personally prefer the books. They are always better then any movie could ever portray them, but it would be cool to see the HoN series brought to the big screen. Thanks!

  55. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I can't wait for it! Your cover is really amazing. I love Zoey's personality, she's a different type of heroine. Thanks for the exclusive poster.

  56. ohmygod! i love these series! THE COVER IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! okay Kabrina... breathe. its march 1st! 10 MORE DAYS UNTILL HUNTED COMES OUT! okay, dont get me wrong, i loved Untamed, but i didnt like that you stopped it in the middle of EVERYTHING!!! i mean couldnt you let it go on just a little longer, at least until all of her friends found out about the new mark on her hand!?!?!?!♥ i love you and your books, you are a great author and im very proud of you... even though i dont quite know you yet... BUT ITS OKAY!please write back!

  57. Omg I cant believe it! wow there are going to be more books after hunted! so amazing!!! i hope they come out quiker.

  58. i absolutly love this series but to coment on not only how great theses stories are but to one of your readers try twilight they are very good as well when you are waiting for HUNTED!! which i am sure will be great!! sorry p.c. hope that dont offend you i think you and your daughter do a wonderful job!!

  59. Omg I love your work, you'rer such a great author! I can't wait for the next book. The only thing i don't like is the way Z goes from Eric to Loren to Stark. What's going on with Z and Stark? (I just don't get it, she doesn't even know him and I thought she was still broken hearted because of Eric. I mean I really loved The naive way she fell for Loren but now she looks kind of like a slut to me. Anyways, I just want some more of that beatiful, romantic and sexy Eric!!

    Thank you for your great books. You have so much talent! Saradee

  60. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I love the hon series i found them at my libary and feel in love thank u so much. I cant wait for hunted!

  61. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I just got hunted I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. welll; i got hunted & read it in a dayy :) & the ending makes me think that there will be moree ? & i am past excitedd! :) i love your books, once i start i can put it downn :)

  63. it really was an outstanding novel! I love the series to death! The afterwards seemed to final, I was afraid it was over, but there are still so many things to be covered. I am excited to hear that there will still be at least three more novels in this series! =]

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. when is the book after hunted coming out?I can't wait to read it!!

  66. GAH!
    I need the next book at the moment I just finished your book "Hunted," and wazs left with a thirst (haha, thirst) for more! I just wanted to know when will the next book come out? and can you make it come out like soon?! LOL!
    sorry I really love the series and can't help not getting excited about the next one! SO, thanks for all the time and dedication you put into your books for us. I really appreciate it!

  67. HUNTED was amazing!! I can't wait for the other books to come out.

    I am completely obsessed with the series. And the way you and Kristen write is also amazing!

    Stark is my favorite character. I really don't know why. I think I'm drawn to his cocky smile, just as Zoey is. [: Along with his personality. I love it! :D

  68. i love the house of night.
    they are deff my fav books!!
    nd lik the person before me i love Stark he is my fav person in the story.
    he and zoey are deff going to end up together.
    i cant wait til the next book to see wut happens.
    I <3 HON
    I <3 James Stark

  69. PC! Omg lol I love the HoN books! You and your daughter are amazing writers, love. I came on here to ask if there were going to be more books after Hunted; because of the ending.. but it seems thats already been answered. So yay!

    <3 Gypsy
    -Team Stark-

  70. PC,

    First, I wanted to tell you how much I adore your books. You and Kristen do an incredible job. I appreciate you for filling my week night evenings by giving me your stories to read. I just got Hunted and am really excited to read it. I was just wondering if you have given any thought to making movies based on your novels. It seems to be a very difficult task, with how complex your novels are portrayed. The Harry Potter ones turned out very nicely, but it seems extremely difficult. In contrast though, the first of the Twilight saga was okay. I think that it was just a very hard job to do, but seemingly they did do quite well. My only hope for that series is that the movies come to be as touching as the books were to me. I was just wondering what your thoughts were, because I would still love to experience your novels in such a real way. If you do decide to, let me know because I would be willing to do like anything to be an actress in it. Like all artists, they just need an opportunity and this could be a huge one for your books. I truly appreciate all the time and dedication that you and Kristen do for your fans and readers like me. Like many others, I can't wait until you continue further in the series.


  71. OMG!!! I love your books!!! But, I do have 1 question. Where do you find the shiney pattern on the cover, or how do you come up with them???

  72. Hi Jennifer - Kristin and I don't come up with the covers (authors rarely have much to do with the covers of their books). Our magical team at St. Martin's Press creates them. Michael, the director of the cover team, does talk with us about images, etc., but the covers really are his creations. We say "well done him!"

  73. i love stark!! hope to see more of him!!!
