Friday, October 24, 2008

Our Author Interview


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Oh I love the interview!! I've been really into the Goddess novels and I'm just beginning House of Night. I'm in my 20's so I steered away from the House of Night novels at first, but I realize now that they are perfect for any age group.I am loving it so far!! You guys are amazing, thank you for the work that you do!! It's so much fun to read! Oh an I'm trying to get my public library to keep copies of the House of Night books in both the adult and teen sections, that way more adults can get access.

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  3. I have the necklace you're wearing! I made me mom get it for me for my birthday. It's the one with the crescent and the red jewel hanging from it. And I finished Untamed in a single day. And it scared the bejeezus out of me. Love the series! I got my friend Sarah into it too! Now she loved them, and we both can't wait for Hunted!

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    You guys are so great together! I think that the fact you two are divided over who Zoey should end up with is actually a good thing, because it leaves us readers excited to find out who it will be. I also think it is AWESOME that Zoey was based off of Kristen. She must be one extraordinary girl :)

  5. Oh my God so exciting. You girls did an awesome job at explaining everything. Looking beautiful in the process as always. Love that you don't agree on everything, and especially on who Zoey should be with. I have my mind set on a person also. But doesn't everyone? Hopefully you will make a choice that you will agree on. If that's possible :]. Cannot wait for Hunted. Don't know how many times I'm going to say that. hehe.

  6. It was fun interviewing each other, and it was filmed in the library of the beautiful Ambassador Hotel in Tulsa - in the basement of that fab hotel is the Chalkboard restaurant, which Grandma Redbird was on her way to when she's attacked by the Raven Mocker!

    Almost done with what should be the final rewrite of HUNTED; I'll be turning it in tomorrow!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i think its great that you two can't decide who zoey ends up with. I personally think stark should be chosen if he ever becomes "normal" again! is there a movie coming out thou?

  9. NOO! I'm sad now. I totally just finnished the first book about an hour ago (by the way, the whole Elliot thing nearly made me cry on the bus. Great writing!) and now I've been spoiled. Oh well, it just makes me want to read more!

  10. Hey! I LOVE your series the House of Night, but I haven't yet been able to read the Goddess Series. My mom doesnt let me because she thinks it's inappropriate. After all, I'm only 14! lol. Ever since I started reading your books again I've started writing again. If you ever want to check out my really short stories go to and look up Xx_TheyStrive2BeEmo_xX. Once you know what I look like go to myspace and find Kyle Nexus or Kyle's in da House!!! Somethin like that. That is if your interested. If not maybe someone else.
