Monday, September 22, 2008


IT'S FINALLY HERE! YEA! THE LAUNCH OF UNTAMED! Wow, we're so excited! Okay, if you're in the Tulsa region please join us tonight for the lovely launch of UNTAMED, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the 41st Street Barnes and Noble. We'll have giveaways and lots of fun - not to mention delicious treats from Merritts Bakery (and those of you who live around here know how yummy Merritts is!!!).

Hope to see you tonight! Yea for Zoey!

PC & Kristin


  1. Ooohhh, I wish I could be there. I hope you both have an awesome book release party! Sending my best,


  2. I've got my copy of Untamed!!
    And I am already half way through.

    Can't put it down!!! I am getting no housework done because I am spending all day reading (naughty aren't I lol)

  3. Omg cannot wait till today to get it! Sp exciting. Must be also for you guys! Just congrats for the 4th book on coming out. And for many more to come.

    Hope you have an awesome time at your release party!

    Oh I have a question. Will tehre be any releast parties anywhere else? Because I would love to attend one in Chicago :].

  4. Just finished UNTAMED and loved it. It's a good continuation of the story line. Wish it had been longer, and not ended without more of a 'to be continued' feel, but thank you for the world of Zoey and her friends.

  5. I'm getting it tonight!!
    I cannot wait!!

    But first, I've got to work on my homework. I don' think I'll be able to concentrate if I don't.


  6. Yea for the release! We had soooo much fun! A big thank you to all of you who came (and waited in line)!

    We're not touring much right now, so we won't be in Chicago, which is too bad because I grew up just south of there! But we will be touring for HUNTED in March and I have my fingers crossed for Illinois to be on the tour schedule!

  7. Poor me, no chance you'll be coming to OZ to tour! :(

  8. I've got it on order and am anxiously awaiting it. Just finished Chosen and loved it.


  9. I loved the book! I couldn't put it down today. This book was full of fun surprises and was really creative. I don't want to give anything away for people that have not read it and have to say that I am very excited for March '09!

  10. Oh Ang, honey, my dream is to come to Oz! Let's keep our fingers crossed!

    Yea Yasmine! It means so much that you enjoy the series!

    Brightest Blessings to you,

  11. How far South of Chicago did you grow up? Cause I live in Peoria!

    Untamed is the best in the series so far!! I'm on pins and needles already for the next installment!

  12. i wish i could have come. could you do a book signing in Austin? that would be awesome. is Hunted going to be the last book? i keep repeating questions and i'm sorry.
    have a good day and weekend,

  13. I loved Unatmed! It was just a beautiful story. Cannot believe that it always finishes so fast afetr you get the book in your hands. Can never put it down.

    Thank You PC and Kristen Cast for another beautiful and so out of the ordinary story. I loved it. Never thought that it would take a turn in that way. And cannot wait for Hunted!

    I love the cover of Hunted and it's gonna be a new experience to have it in hard cover :].

  14. Anonymous6:48 AM

    hi i'm rhedge from the philippines.. i was just wondering when will you release the 4th book here? i'm excited to have one! i'm a big fan!! thanks a lot!! and congrats! :D

  15. Hi Rhedge - I don't know about release dates in the Philippines, but you could find out by checking with your local bookstore. They should have the release dates listed.

    Happy reading!

  16. PC
    Untamed rocked. I just finished, and yes I know it's been just short of a month since it came out, but I got caught up in all that crazy work/school stuff that keeps me from enjoying good books.
    I also see that they are releasing Untamed as an audio book. ( WOW! , I wish I would have had that for my drive from Tulsa to Houston a few weeks back. :)
    By the way Vicky loves the necklace she won at the release party, she’ll probably ware it to the HoN Prom ( or one of the other necklaces she’s gotten from your release parties.)
    Well one of our 2 cats just came in to tell me it’s time to feed her and go to bed. (10 pm on the dot)
    Well got to go get some sleep before work, and then midterm this weekend so I have a ton of BORING reading to do before I take the test.
    To a warm heart, a warm hearth, and a good book.

    BTW when can we expect Hunted?
    Don Kerr

  17. Hi Don!
    So glad you liked UNTAMED. HUNTED will be out in March. I promise the wait is worth it!

    Good luck with midterms - I'll see you and Vicky next weekend.


  18. I am new to this series. I have been listening to the audiobooks, read by EDWINA WREN, one of the better narrators I have heard thus far. Why did you guys decide to switch to a new reader? EDWINA WREN may have breathed a little to much into the mic, or mispronounced a word or ten, BUT she was a terrific actress. Her voice suited the character too. This new one is not an actress (no differentiation of characters) and sounds like she hasn't hit puberty yet.

  19. A different company published the audios of the first three books. I chose Jenna Lamia, the reader for the next books, because of how much I loved her work on the audio of SECRET LIFE OF BEES. I think she has a lovely voice and am perfectly happy with her recordings.
