Sunday, November 11, 2007

Shawnee's Red Dirt Festival

Last weekend Kristin and I drove to Shawnee Oklahoma to teach a workshop together at their Red Dirt Festival (yes, there's lots of red dirt there - hence the name of the festival). It was also the weekend of Kristin's 21st birthday and we definitely had a good ol' time!
Here we have me being a diva after our lovely workshop.

And here's Kristin mugging for the camera after our workshop.

And the veiw from our hotel room (hee hees).

On our way back to Tulsa we went through a little town called Prague, Oklahoma. Okay, no joke, it's the site of the shrine of the Infant Baby Jesus of Prague. Naturally, Kristin and I had to stop and take pictures with the baby Jesus!

We even left money (please note my hands leaving the baby Jesus a quarter from each of us):

And then we came home! Thanks to everyone in Shawnee who put together such a nice festival - the weather was beautiful, there was a nice crowd, and, as per usual, our workshop was ab fab!


  1. And I thought all the red dirt in the world was in Georgia. Looks like a good time. You do diva well, PC.

  2. Your blog hates me.

    I posted about not seeing you at Red Dirt and that I wished I had.
    I live about fifteen minutes from Seminole.
    Believe've hit the highlight.
    Well, that and Sonic.

  3. While browsing a list of special orders for customers of our Bookstore, I came upon Marked and Betrayed - which were highly recommended.

    Enthralled with the idea of delving into a compelling new series, I ordered copies of both books for myself.

    Initially I thought the books would be a quick, refreshing read that would probably do little to satiate my long developed thirst for Vampire novels - which tends to quicken over a healthy dose of Vintage '76 Anne Rice or the like...

    Now, I am pleased to admit that I've developed quite the "Bloodlust" for your novels - both of which I devoured during the same day/sitting with nothing more than a bowl of pasta and glass of White Zen to momentarily (I stress momentarily) divert my attention.

    Even though I'm seven years Zoey's senior - her plight to belong and connect with who she really is and will become truly bridges the age gap.

    You and Kristin are doing a fabulous job and I look forward to Chosen - Keep up the great work!

    --A fan in Texas. :)
