Monday, November 26, 2007

Sad News

A very dear friend of mine just shared with me that her 14 year old dog - an amazingly huge, fabulous lab mix, died in her arms yesterday. Vernon Mooseburger was a great dog and he will be missed badly by my girlfriend's family and by us - her extended family. It reminded me to give my "kids," my two wonderful Scottie dogs, extra hugs and kisses today. Please do the same with your 4-legged kids, too. They are with us for too few years.

This is Cameron - better known as Cammyman. He's a Wheaton Scottie.

Yes, he does resemble a Twinkie.

And this is Chloe, or Chlo-chlo-ba-bo (some of you will recognize her from GODDESS OF LOVE - yes, she does believe she's a cat).
She doesn't like to get her picture taken, so it's tough to get a decent shot of her. You'll have to take my word for the fact that she's really a very pretty black brindle Scottie.

Feel free to tell me about your fabulous doginators (or catinators)! Let's give our pets some extra love today in memory of Vernon!


  1. I am very sorry to hear about that PC. I gave my 3 furry friends (cats) extra treats and hugs today their names are Charlie "the mogpie" Tail, Sammy Roll and Toby One.

    Big hugs to you and your extended family today in this sad time.

  2. Losing a four-legged friend is rough, especially when they've been with you for years.

    Thanks for sharing pix of your Scotties. I've always wondered what they looked like. Cuties, both.

  3. Charlie the mogpie tail...that's funny!

    Hey there Jana baby! Yep, these are the "immortal Scotties" as my students call them. They're great! Please note I didn't post a picture of The Cat. He just got a bath and he's not fit for company...even in pictures...

    It'll be so weird going over to my girlfriend's house and not hearing Vernon barking that big hello bark he used to do. I've known him as long as I've known my girlfriend! What a good, good dog he was.

  4. What's so funny about Charlie "the mogpie" Tail? Its a funny story how she got that name really. Charlie was chasing magpie's one day and i thought mog (moggy is a ozzie slang name for cat) and pie, does that make any sense? Nah probably not.

  5. Awwww, that's so sad. I recently lost my baby Toto who was a Dalmation I raised from a puppy. He was such a good boy. I have a shih tzu named Scarlet that has an all black face and the rest of her is white...except for the light brown splotch on her back. I also have a cat named Gizmo or Gizzy, also known as Gizmo Moochachimo or simply Moochie, who was born on top of my clothes in my dresser. Her mom was irresponsible (we rescued her from the wild-not knowing she was pregnant when I was little) and she didn't realy care about her kittens, so I raised them for her. Bottle feeding and all. Gizzy is about 20-22 lbs now, hence the MOOchachimo name.


    ps, your scotties are adorable. I had a Yorkshire terrier once. His name was Peanut because that's how big he was when we got him.

  6. Aw, it's always so hard when a furbaby passes.
    I have many, MANY furbabies (9 in all), but my favorite is Layla (AKA Laylabelle), a tabby point siamese, my favorite sweetie.

  7. We lost our outside cat this summer. He was a foundling, very skittish. We named Odds-Bobkin because he was a manx and just plain strange. Odds when missing about the time a number of cats went AWOL. Coyotes are a possibility, unfortunately. I still "see" him on the porch, being his odd self. I wish now I'd taken a pix of him.

    So you have a cat, do you? The husband said, "I figured she was more of a cat person." This way you have yourself covered in case the Supreme Deity is a dog or cat person. If He/She/Them prefer geckos, we'll all screwed.

  8. Ang - didn't know mog was slang for cat. Huh. You Ozzies are funny folks. (Gotta visit some day very soon!)

    Jaded Bee and Brandy - love your furry stories!

    Jana - of course I have a cat! He's constantly disgruntled and hates hates hates the Snotties, who adore him. They call him Uncle Patch. He calls them, "Just Die."

    Oooh, by the way, I'm almost done with ECLIPSE. Loving it!

  9. You bet we're funny folk, but hey don't knock it till you been here. You'll love it!! Make sure you visit Queensland!!

  10. I have two cats, both female ages 8 and 6. They are the loves of my life. My oldest likes to on top my tv and bat at the dvd tray that opens and closes. My youngest likes to roll around in catnip till she is completely covered in grains of it.

  11. My condolences to you and your friend for the loss of Vernon. That's a trauma I don't want to experience anytime soon. I have lots of "kids". Four dogs: Athena, Aphrodite, Rock, and Hercules. I'm going to have to find someone to take all of them but Athena soon, since I'll be moving out-of-state and can't take four large dogs with me. (Sob. I don't want to leave them.) I also have five cats: Murray (he's my 20lb, 12-year old baby), Two Socks, Cian, Salem, and Boo.
