Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Yea for St. Martin's Press, publisher of the House of Night - the fabulous young adult series I co-author with my daughter, Kristin. Last weekend they sent us to Reno for a lovely champagne, chocolate and authors event at the American Association of School Librarians National Convention. We had a great time, which Kristin recorded with the new camera I got her for her 21st birthday (I gave it to her early - her b-day isn't until November 4th). So, here's our "adventure" in Reno!

Here we are getting ready to board our plane and leave Tulsa International. Please note how perky we look.

This is Kristin being scared on the plane. Did I mention she's terrified of flying?
And here's me. I'm NOT terrified of flying.

But, of course, we made it to RENO in one lovely piece - or two lovely pieces.

Well, we pretended to gamble (losing...winning...winning...losing the same $5.00 in the slots and not knowing what the hell we were doing) and we stuffed our faces with excellent food whilst we saw the sights at the Silver Legacy Resort. I liked the tacky fountain.

And Kristin liked the gross vampyre.

Then we changed into The Authors, looking to-die-for in our LBDs (little black dresses) and headed to the Silver Ballroom for The Event. Check out the yummy chocolate cake (yes, there was nice champagne, too).

We were first up to speak and read from BETRAYED. Kristin (better known as Chicken Frances) was just "a little" scared, but as soon as we got on stage all was well. First she took this picture of our lovely audience.

Afterwards we visited with some amazing fans (check us out!) and then signed zillions of books.

Then we were exhausted so, of course, we went back to our room and ordered room service. (Sorry, forgot to take a picture of that.)

The next day it was back to the airport to return to Tulsa.

Yes, you may note here that we're definitely NOT as perky as the first airport picture.

Anyway - we had a blast! Next weekend it's Shawnee's Red Dirt Festival! More pictures to come...


  1. Looks like y'all had a blast! I bet Reno will never be the same. *g*

  2. Yeah looks like you had a great time.:-)

  3. Oooh, you guys look all glamorous! Hope it was as fun as it looks!

  4. This was so fun to see and read about. Keep 'em coming!

  5. Wow, that looked like lots of fun! Glad you two got to do Reno and live to tell the tale!

  6. Sounds like you guys had a great time :) That chocolate cake sure looks yummy! I just bought Betrayed and I'm looking forward to reading it.
