Thursday, October 04, 2012

Help finishing NEFERET'S CURSE!

So, I'm nearing deadline for the last of the novellas, NEFERET'S CURSE, and I thought I'd call in the big dogs for help...literally! This is my three and a half month old American Pit Bull, King Kong. He's helping me on my treddesk (I always write on a treaddesk - see picture below). No, Cammy is not happy about the addition to the family, and I'll have up to date Cammy View pictures soon for you... Back to writing and walking...walking and writing... PC



  2. Hi PC!

    How can you write and walk on a "treddessk"?? But of course, a Goddess writer can multitask right?

    Your puppy is cute! Did you adopt him? In France Pitt bull dogs unfortunately suffer from a bad reputation: in the SPCA I volunteer to there are some of them, suffering from men's foolishness..

    Glad "Neferet's Curse" is on its way: it must be very interesting to write about "the very bad guy"!

    Best wishes, and say Hi to little Cammy!

  3. That's do interesting! Lol. Cool. I can't wait for Nefert's Curse, I'm do excited

  4. Oooh, NEFERET´S CURSE. The history I´m waiting for. I read the sneak speak of Neferet and the grandma Redbird. So crazy.

    Cammy is sooo cutee....

    blessings )0(

  6. OMG King Kong is Super cute.... tht idea of a treddesk is awesome :P i cant wait for Neferets Curse.... <3

  7. Finally the history about Neferet can't wait for to come out and read about her I know it's going to be very interesting

    I ready the sneak peak with Neferet and grandma Redbird, omg when I read that I pictured Redbird with do some Cherokee spirit thing on Neferet making her fly or something...can't wait!!!

  8. Hi Guys! I forget that Treddesks are unusual! I've been using one for years. LOVE IT and hate to write without it. Not only is it healthy - with hours of walking versus hours of sitting, but I've also found that it makes me more productive. Think about it - how often do you solve a problem or come up with a new idea while you're moving around doing something like putting away the dishes? It's been my experience that moving stimulates creativity.

    Oh, and YES, Geraldine! In the US Pit Bulls suffer from man's foolishness as well. I discovered how loving and willing to please the breed is because Kristin rescued two of them - and I fell in love with both. I still adore my Scottie dogs (Cammy and Chloe), but when my significant other and I started talking about getting a puppy, we decided to mix it up and get a Pit. One turned into two, so now we have the Scotties, Cammy and Chloe, and the two Pits, King Kong and Khaleesi!

  9. Hi PC!

    You've got very funny dog ;)

    I LOVE House of Night series, but now I wanna ask you for your ohter books. I like "Young Adult Parthalon Books". Do you wrtie next book for this series? I'm very interesting what about Elphame,Brighid and Cu.

    I can't wait "Nefert's Curse", but in my country are no special books from House of Night series yet :(


  10. Kasia - I have CIARA'S DESTINY outlined, but not written yet. I hope to do that in the next year or so. I love those Partholon books!

  11. Hi PC!

    There's so any questions to ask and tell you but I just don't how to email you. Counting down the days for book 10: Hidden to come :)

    btw I love your pitt bull it's so cute, I feel bad for them too having bad a reputation and a bad name by people

    here's my email:

  12. Hi, PC! My name is Chelsea and I'm 20 years old. I'm a beginner to the House of Night series. I started the first book 3 days ago and I just finished the fourth book, Untamed, today! I just wanted to say that your a wonderful right and the HoN series is highly addictive. Zoey Redbird reminds me of myself because we're both down to earth, caring, and sensitive about our mistakes. And I just wanted to know... has there been an update on the movie deal? I want to see these wonderful books in action! (:

  13. I'm hoping to have movie updates for when I go on tour!

  14. Hey P.C., do u run the HoN website.. ive been trying for a while to try to get marked but it wouldnt let me.. i wasnt sure if it was a fan website, or if u r in charge of it <3

  15. My publisher runs the HoN site. I'll let them know there's a problem.

  16. PC do you love cats too? That's one thing I totally loved about HoN, was their love for cats since I am a huge cat lover!

  17. Yep, I do love cats, though I am (sadly) catless at this time. My big boy, Patchy Poo the Pud went to frolic with the goddess two years ago this month, and my seven toed girl, Pecia, followed him this spring. Currently I'm waiting for another cat to choose me...

  18. Hi PC

    I got a question, the people in the House of Night site can there play as the characters for the movie? because I picture them just like the how character was describe and I like them expectly Stevie Rae, Aphrodite, Damien, Jack, Neferet, Erin, Shaunee, Heath(the old picture before this one)

  19. Aw, I'm so sorry :/ I've had a cat that died before and it's awful. I hope another cat picks you soon :) I'm currently trying to sway a cat my way.

  20. PC, you TOTALLY got me interested in treaddesks! It's a shame they're upward of 2 grand... I'll never have that much money in my life!

  21. Ohhhhh!! Movie News??? That would be AMAZING!!! EEEE!!! So excited! Right now I've per-ordered Hidden and I'm fighting with my 36 year old sister about who going to read it first. I cannot wait to get me another dosage of HoN. I was meant to find your books P.C. Seeing as how I never would've met the Goddess without them. Thanks for everything! (And just a P.S. You dog is SUPER cute and your treddesk is an awesome Idea!)

  22. That is super cute!!

  23. Hayden - the tread part isn't that expensive. It's the standing desk that can get pricey. As you can see by the pic, I have the tread under a ledge, and not under a desk. A carpenter built it in my garden room for about $100.

  24. Interesting...... I want one :D

  25. That's Hidden all pre ordered!! is the live chat thing on goodreads? and if so do i need an account to watch??

    eagerly awaiting
    October 16th

  26. There should be info on the Goodreads site about the live event. I assume you'd at least need a sign in account (I have one).

  27. When are the open calls for the movie? It would be amazing if fans could audition!

  28. What a great idea! I wish they would incorporate that at my job!! Treddesk..FABULOUS!

  29. I was just wondering if you heard any news on about when the house of night movie will be out

  30. Wow! That's super cheap! My dad's a carpenter-ish. He could probably do something like that for me. :)

  31. So cute! I remember one time while I was having a hard time thinking of an idea for one of my own books and I was playing with my cat Kiara and she made me think of a amazing idea! The joys of animals. Don't say a word but can give amazing advice, I think.

    Movie news on the tour would brilliant PC! Too bad none of your signings are in TN.

    OH YEAH! I saw Kristin's photo for NOH8 she looked beautiful. Make sure to tell her that for me.

    Anyways, have a blessed day!!

    AMBER TERRY FOR THE PART OF STEVIE RAE! Please like, share, and support my page fans! And check out my videos at youtube.come/littlesignorax.

  32. Adorable! :) Will the Hidden party be like the Lenobias Vow party, with the tattoo contest and the prizes? Love your books so much! Thanks! :D

  33. You can't stop with the books, you have to come up with something new when all that stuff that goes on now ends. But are it coming movies? <3

  34. When you are finished with the new books, are there coming more HON novellas then? But are it coming movies about HON? <3

  35. When will you be going on tour?
    Will dates&locations be posted soon?

  36. Tenemane - tour info is posted on my website ( I'll post reminders here as we get closer. There won't be a US tour this time. Just an event in Tulsa and a Goodreads on line event. It's France and Germany's turn!

    ERTM - there will be a total of three HoN novellas and twelve HoN books. Yes, there will be movies. That info is in the movie blog archive. I have no idea if they'll use any of the novella settings/plots in the movies.

  37. Hi Pc! I can´t wait until the day of the release of Hidden. Still you´re going to write the whole book about Kalona?

  38. Do you think you'll decide to write a novella about Kalona and Nyx? I think it'd be interesting to have one about Kalona before he fell to Earth.

  39. Hi Ger and Cristina - I'm still very much interested in telling Kalona's story of his Fall from the Otherworld, but I think I need more than a novella length format in which to tell it, so I've semi-plotted out a full length, stand alone fantasy novel about him and Nyx and Erebus. Ooooh!

  40. Really?! That sounds amazing :) that's a story I'll be very interested in reading that story. Can't wait to learn more about him and especially learning more about Nyx

  41. Anonymous8:22 AM

    That's extremely exciting that you're writing a novel about Kalona and Nyx! Kalona always was my favourite character! (Apart from Stevie Rae, I love Stevie Rae)I can't wait for Neferet's Curse! I've always wondered what happened to her to make her the way she is. and thanks so much for not letting Travis die in the preview!! I would've cried so hard!

  42. That sounds amazing. To have a whole new section of back story for Kalona, Nyx, and Erebus I have been SUPER curious about it all!!!

  43. PC I finally wanted to ask you about Neferet's Curse before I got excited for Hidden lol. The book cover for N's C is that the official or just a simple? cause I hear or I should read it wasn't the official book cover Neferet's Curse

  44. Hey PC,

    I'm so excited about Neferet's curse! I really wanna know more about Neferet's story! But there's one question that I've been itching to ask ever since the US cover for it was released - who is the woman depicting Neferet?? She fits the description perfectly and that's exactly how I imagined her! I'd be so grateful if you responded! :)


  45. Hi Vicky - I love the look of the cover model, too, but I have no idea of her name. Sorry!

