Sunday, October 14, 2012

Change in Cammyview...

Well, I'm heading into the downward curve of NEFERET'S CURSE and Cammy asked that I give y'all a Cammyview update.  His view has changed because of the addition of King Kong (who is only 4 month old) to the household.  Because of view one and two below, he decided all of his future views would be from above, where Kong has yet to follow...

Hope to see my Oklahoma and area fans Tues evening at The Book Place in BA!  Yea for the HIDDEN party!  (Yes, there will be little cakes and cookies!)



  1. PC there so cute together and i Bet there getting along while too

  2. i love dogs, they're adorable ^_^ x

  3. Your dogs are super cute how is it having a dog? I love them sooo much and i am wondering if i should get one! i wish i could go to the hidden party :P <3

  4. Hi P.C. Love your books! Quick question about tomorrow. Will the Hidden party be like the Lenobias Vow launch party? With the raffel and the contest for the tattoos? Will the oracle cards be sold there too or not? Thanks so much! Super excited about Hidden! :D

  5. Any news on open calls yet? I have been reading the books nonstop to practice and be prepared for the auditions! I'm also saving money up for wherever the auditions are located at. :)

  6. Courtney Riddle - you can't write a novel that has to do with the House of Night. That's copyright infringement. I wish you the best of luck writing your own book set in your own world with your own characters.


  7. P.C. I got a question? will they be a Hidden book trailer like Awaken?

  8. Marie - I think the video is up on the website!

  9. I always love those Cammy views!! I'm quite fond of him, even if little King Kong is so puppy cute!

    I received my House of Night Oracle Cards: sooo beautiful! And the silver powder on them definitely prooves Nyx's touch! Well done, and the artist is truly amazing!

    Hope to see you soon!


  10. hi its Courtney again i really hope im not annoying lol but is it copyright infringement if you alowed me do so ? its not a series its a novella i meen if u r not interested i understand but im almost done with it and if i cant actually publish it that will be upseting but since you are my inspiration would read it? please let me know if it is a possibility at all because i have spent so much time on it and if you want to read what i have so far please let me know a way to send it to you

  11. Courtney - you're not understanding. No, I do not give my permission for anyone except Kristin to write in the House of Night world. If you're serious about being an author you need to educate yourself about the business of publishing, and that includes understanding about copyright infringement. I have an entire blog post in the archives dedicated to advice for aspiring authors. Beginning there is a good idea. I don't read unpublished work, and I explain why in that post. I wish you the best of luck writing in a world of your own creation.


  12. ok thank you PC im happy i got ahold of you. I just read your advice for authors i feel stupid I didnt read that in the first place but i guess i will start fresh. once again, thank you.
    PS. i cant wait untill i get to read Hidden :). oh and i read Dragons Oath my mom was laughing at me because i was bawling my eyes out at the end!

  13. Courtney, no need to feel stupid at all! You just needed to know where to look for the information. Best of luck to you.
